Minutes of Bhubaneswar C.E.C. Meeting

No.CHQ- 25/MSA/2013
Dated:- 18th March, 2013
All Branch Secretaries/Presidents,
Ministerial Staff Association
All Central Office-bearers,
Ministerial Staff Association



Forwarded herewith please find a copy of Minutes/Proceedings of Central Executive Committee Meeting held at Bhubaneswar on 22nd and 23rd January, 2013 for your information with the desire for the widest possible circulation of the same amongst all members.

With warm greetings,
Yours sincerely,



The CENTRAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING of Ministerial Staff Association commenced on 22ndJanuary,2013 at Bhubaneswar, the Temple City of India. All the delegates from various stations assembled at 10:30 A.M and entered the venue of conference, raising various slogans. Shri K.C. Patra, Director, Orissa GDC, Leaders of COC, Bhubaneswar, Com. T. D. Banerjee, Com. Juliana R. Vincent and Com. Manoj Kumar Sharma were thereafter requested to take their seats at the Dias. Com. Basanti Baral, Chairperson, Reception Committee welcomed all the leaders and delegates and hoped that this meeting at Bhubaneswar convened after a long time will be remembered for a long time. After that Com. S. Sahoo, President, Bhubaneswar Branch welcomed the delegates and presented their viewpoint for holding of this Meeting. Com. T.D. Banerjee, Member, Departmental Council (JCM) inaugurated the C.E.C. by lighting the lamp with the other leaders and Director, Orissa GDC and gave a detailed account of the various important and significant issues over which the Trade Union functionaries of today and the organization as a whole have been concentrating for quite some time in the past. He also pointed out the role of the Government to implement the anti-employees policies as far as concern of the Central Govt. employees & Workers and described a detailed and objective picture of the overall situation and reasonably hoped that this C.E.C. Meeting being held at Bhubaneswar , would guide all of us to such a direction as would be conducive enough not only to discuss and decide everything from objective/realistic angles of vision and practical points of view but also enable the organization, its branches, members and CHQs leaders to rise to the occasion to play their appropriate roles to settle/solve the Ministerial issues and to fight out the anti-employees/anti-National Economic Policies of the UPA Government. Com. Banerjee thereafter remembered those days when he was trying to form the Association with other leaders at Bhubaneswar with a lot of problems faced by them at that time from the side of the then Administration and sketched a picture before the young comrade participating in this C.E.C. Meeting. Com. P.K. Dash. Hony. Secretary of the host branch as well as Deputy Secretary General (CHQs) in his address welcomed all the delegates at this historic Survey station and hoped that this meeting will boost up the enthusiasm of their Branch also and will prove to be inspiring for all the members too.

Leaders of sister Organizations were also present in the inaugural ceremony. They addressed before the gathering by stressing upon the need for total unity. Leaders of COC, Bhubaneswar impressed upon the unity amongst the Survey of India employees on one hand and all Central Govt. employees on the other and categorically described the anti-employees policies adopted by the UPA Govt.

Shri K.C. Patra, Director, Orissa GDC also welcomed the delegates, who came from the different parts of the country and gave his best wishes and extended full administrative support for successful completion of this C.E.C. from the Administration’s side. Thereafter the delegates attending the CEC Meeting from various parts of the country introduced themselves in the House.

The under mentioned Delegates from various Branches of Ministerial Staff Association attended the C.E.C. Meeting :-

1. Com. Sudarshan Sahu
2. Com. P.K. Dash
3. Com. Shanti Lata Mishra
4. Com.Bibimani Devi
5. Com. S.P. Sahoo
6. Com.Minati Panda
7. Com. B.C. Rout
8. Com. Nalini Prava Tripathy
9. Com. Md. Sayed
10. Com. Subrat Dalaei
11. Com. Basanti Baral
12. Com Trilokya Das
13. Com. Latika Mohanty
14. Com. R.C. Tripathy
15. Com. Gita Pradhan
16. Com Manoranjan Panda
17. Com. S.S. Senapati
18. Com. R.N. Rath
19. Com. A. Sobha Rani
20. Com. D. Parida
21. Com. Rani Dei
22. Com. R.R. Patnayak
23. Com. L.D. Nayak
24. Com. P.K. Padhi
25. Com. Mansi Ray
26. Com. Manjur Khan
27. Com. Ranjubala Mohanty
28. Com. K.K. Barik
29. Com. L. Dehury
30. Com. Nigamanda Sadangi
31.  Com. Rekha Bhengra
32. Com. Shakuntala Sahoo
1.     Com. Juliana R. Vincent
2- Com. Kishore Kumar
3.   Com. Kamlakshan K.

1-    Com. Devendra Kumar
2- Com. Jai Pal Singh

1-    Com. Manoj Kumar Sharma
2-   Com. Sanjay Kumar
3-   Com. D.C.R. Karki
4-   Com. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma
5-   Com. Subodh Kumar Brahamania
6-   Com. H.S. Bisht
7-   Com. Manoj Bisht

1-    Com. Ghanshyam Rathore

1-    Com. Venu Gopal Nair
2-Com. Raj Kumar
3-Com. D. Srinivas
4-Com. M.C. Subbarayudu    
5- Com. K. Praveen Kumar
6- Com. Jacob Thomas
7- Com. A. Devadanam
8- Com. A. David
9- Com. K. Dilip Kumar
10- Com. V. Radhakrishna
11- Com. L.S. Sankara Rao
12- Com. D.V.K. Dinakar
13- Com. A. Srinivas
14- Com. Mohd. Saheb
1-    Com. Bairaj Sahni
2-      Com. K.N. Nagesh
1.    Com. R.G. Bairwa
1.                Com. C.L. Yadav
  1.       Com. T.D. Banerjee
1.               Com. Tapas Nag
2.               Com. Aniruddha Basu
3.               Com. M.S. Barik
4.               Com. Rana Das
5.               Com. Ashutosh  Majumdar
6.               Com. P.K. Nayak
7.               Com. G. Saha
8.               Com. Durgadas   Chatterjee

1-         Com.Mohd. B.I. Khan
2-        Com. M.T. Pendam
3-        Com. Gokul P. Kodape

1-         Com. Suwa Lal
2-        Com. A.K. Biswas
1-         Com.R.P. Mendhe
2-        Com. Jogeshwar Ram
3-         Com. Jyotssna Paul

1-         Com. S.N. Singh
2-       Com. Bhikhu Ram
1-         Com. T.K. Rudra Sarma

1-        Com. R.Dutta
2-           Com. W. Branandro
1-       Com. K. Sreejesh Babu N.T.
2-         Com. Suraj R.

As proposed by Com. D.C.R. Karki, Organizing Secretary General (CHQs) and seconded by the House, the steering Committee of the Presidium to conduct the businesses of the meeting was formed with Com. Juliana R. Vincent, Vice President(CHQs), Com. Sanjay Kumar, Vice President, (CHQs) and Com.V. Rajkumar, Vice President (CHQs). After that Secretary General submitted his report before the Delegates. In the report Com. Manoj Kumar Sharma had worked out in detail on the various aspects causing necessity of the important & significant C.E.C. Meeting in Bhubaneswar and, thereafter, welcomed the delegates, who came from various nooks and corner of the country. He gave an account of the latest scenario covering National situation, Central Government Employees & Worker’s Movement and Survey of India’s situation including latest position on Ministerial issues in a nutshell. He pointed out the negative role played by the present Surveyor General regarding settlement of genuine grievances of the Ministerial Staff members in particular and Survey of India employees in general. In his Secretary General Report he categorically mentioned that the Association has no hope for betterment during the tenure of present Surveyor General and hence need joint movement at CHQs level by all the Associations. He also appreciated the Bhubaneswar Branch to convene this prestigious meeting.

All CHQs office bearers viz. Com. Juliana R. Vincent, Com. Sanjay Kumar, Com. V. Rajkumar, Com. D.C.R. Karki, Com. Balraj Sahni, Com. R. Dutta & Com. Venugopal Nair, Com.P.K. Dash and Com. Sanjeev Sharma delivered their short but delightful speeches, covering the overall functioning and role of the CHQs. Thereafter messages received from Com. Sujit Sinha, President, Ministerial Staff Association were read out. In which he extended his best wishes for the success of this CEC and expressed his inability to attend this meeting due to his family problems.

Further, on the directives from the Presidium, the Hony. Secretary/Representatives of all the attending Branches delivered their short speeches, covering all related aspects i.e. Branch activities and objective evaluation on CHQs functioning. All the speakers, on behalf of their respective branches, assured CHQs for full co-operation at any time of necessity in future also.

Points received from various Branches and submitted to CHQs were then thoroughly discussed. Finally the following decisions were arrived at:-

1. One Sided proposal from Secretary, DST for Merger of Survey of India with NATMO and our task.
Com. T.D. Banerjee explained the position to be taken in this important matter. He further informed the house that the DST Secretary’s one-sidedly plan over redesigning a neo modernization of Survey of India is vehemently opposed/countered by us. We are not unaware of the consequences or adverse effects of such proposed merger. He further told that all are well aware of this issue from the CHQ’s correspondence and joint resolutions passed by the all Associations at CHQ level. It was unanimously decided that a suitably strong resolution will be adopted for submission to the Ministry/SG and all other concerned. (The Same was passed and sent to Ministry/SG and all concern).

2.Immediate implementation of Cadre Restructuring in respect of Ministerial Staff as assured/informed by the DST vide latter No. SM/11/01/2008 dated 3rd June, 2008 received under SG’s letter No. J- 7253/612-MSA dated 3rd June,2008.

Com. T.D. Banerjee brought in details all the efforts put on by the CHQs in this matter before the house. All were in the opinion that this matter should be settled at the earliest. After the detailed discussion on the issue in the house both the COBs and delegates of attending branches reached the conclusion unanimously to adopt a suitable strong resolution and submit it to the Ministry/SG and all other concerned. (The same was passed and sent to Ministry/SG and all concern).

3.Grant of Higher Grade Pay to the E&AO & OS keeping in mind the fact that the post of Asstt. & OS cannot merge due to the functional requirement in the Department. &

4.Grant of Higher Grade Pay to the UDCs.

The matter has already been taken up so many times by the association with the higher authorities. In the light of the detailed discussion in the CEC, it is decided that the matter will be vigorously pursued with the Govt. and also again brought to the notice of the leaders of National Council .

5. Holding of DPC for all Ministerial Promotional post. &
6-Filling up of all vacant post of LDCs/UDC/Asstt./OSs/E&AOs/ Hindi Translators/Assistant Director for smooth functioning

The Association is very much committed, for holding regular DPCs which has already been completed for 2012 and filling up all vacant posts for smooth functioning in all the GDCs/offices.

7-Immediate withdrawal of Technical Officer from Ministerial/Adm./Account Jobs & permanent posting of E&AO in each GDCs

The CHQ has already taken up this matter with the higher authorities so many times but due to non sanctioning of sufficient number of E&AOs posts some of the GDCs are running without E&AOs . The matter will again be taken up with the higher authorities.

8- Immediate settlement of all pending repatriation cases.
Almost all the cases have been settled already. However remaining cases which are not settled till date will be given due cognizance.

9- Holding of LDCE from LDC to UDC well in time
Every effort will be made by the CHQs for holding of LCE in time.

10-Construction of Office Building and Residential accommodation in all the stations.
The matter was already taken up with the authorities in the past. It will be again pursued jointly by all the CHQs organization and all possibilities in this matter will be explored.

11- Immediate settlement of all disciplinary cases.
It was decided that CHQs will take immediate possible care as and when any matter by any Branch brought to the notice of the CHQs.

12- Arrangement of computers and common computerized programme for accounts work
After a long discussion, It was decided to request SG with copy to all Directors to provide sufficient number of Computer/printers for the Ministerial Section and also provide common programme for pay bills , Budget, actual etc. to facilitate the work.

13.APR Xerox copy handed over timely to all staff.
The matters related to the local administration, should always be tried to settle down by the branch first and non-settlement of the issue should be brought to the notice of the CHQs.

14. Honorarium for working vacant post of LDCs to E&AO/Grant of Honorarium for ICZM work
It was decided to request the Project Director for grant of honorarium to the employees assigned for the additional work of ICZM Project.

15. Same station posting in Promotion when post are available.
It was intimated that in the recent past some orders have been issued by the SG outside present posting station despite clear-cut vacancies. This decision was strongly objected by the CHQs and issued a letter to SG. It was further intimated that such type of one-sided decision of the Administration will be brought to the notice of the DST.

16. Increasing Grade Pay of LDC & UDC after completion of 3 years each
As the point is not covered under any rules, hence it was decided to drop this point.

17. To raise Grade Pay from Rs2800 to Rs.4200/- on grant of MACP to UDC
This point comes under the purview of the National Council (JCM) and the leaders of the JCM rightly submitted their logical demand to grant MACP in the promotional hierarchy. This matter is not settled till date.

18. As promotion to the post of OS involves no financial benefit, one should not be debarred from MACP
As per rule position, promotion from the post of Assistant to OS involves no financial benefit. So refusal in this promotion should not be considered for grant of MACP for Rs.4600.The matter will be taken up with SG if any branch feels any problem in this regard.

19. To give promotion upto the post of OS at the same station
The matter will be taken up with the SG according to its feasibility.

20. To take up to the issue of upgradation of merged scales with SG in the light of DOPT’s O.M.No.AB-14017/61/2008-Estt(RR)
This O.M. is merely a O.M. for determining minimum residency period from one grade pay to another and is not related regarding merger of scale etc.

21. Which officer has to act as reporting officer in case of Ministerial Staff
The matter has been discussed with the Addl.S.G. (HR)(SGO) and it was intimated to the CHQs that E&AO will be the Reporting officer for the Ministerial Staff members.

22. Merging of wings with the GDC’s existing in the same station
It was intimated that wings, at present are existing for the benefit of the employees as far as the concern of their posting at their home station. The matter will be taken up in future as and when it becomes necessary.

23. Nomenclature must be changed to LDC, UDC and Assistant
In view of DoPT orders which is clear, it has been decided to drop this point at present.

24 Revision rules/rate of OTA.
This item comes under the purview of the National Council (JCM) and the same is included in the agenda of the confederation for discussion with the Govt.

25. Unnecessary transfer/posting in the same post should be avoided
It was decided that the matter will be duly taken up with the higher authorities

26. Ad-hoc promotion of Ministerial Staff
It was intimated that as per Govt. guideline ad-hoc promotion will only be given when regular DPC cannot be convened. As the DPC for the Ministerial Staff are regularly convened, so the matter of ad-hoc promotion does not arise.

27. Present status of Court case regarding Asstt/HC
Com. P.K. Dash informed the house regarding progress/present status of the Court case of Asstt./HC and house was satisfied on the efforts put on by the Bhubaneswar Branch.
The other branches were approached for holding the next meeting in which Bangalore Branch came forward and proposed their station for the next meeting if CHQs decides and gives them the responsibilities for the same.

On 23-01-2013, the concluding day of the C.E.C., the discussions on the remaining points were over and the Secretary General’s Report was unanimously passed by the house.

Com. T.D. Banerjee, Member, Departmental Council (JCM) stressed upon the needs for strengthening hands of the Association, in order to help build massive movement against the various anti-employees and anti-people policies of the Govt. Com. Banerjee also gave some of his ideas over the menace of awful downsizing policies of the Govt. in various Offices/Departments.

Com. (Smt) Juliana R. Vincent, Vice President, M.S.A. (CHQs), stressed upon maintaining the decorum and discipline in the Organization and further told that all branches as well as members should strengthen the hands of the CHQs as and when needed. She also described the real and dangerous situations which are coming in near future before the Central Govt. employees due to the economic policies adopted by the Union Govt. She also stressed upon the crying need for the United Movement of Working Class throughout the Country and requirement of organizing time to time workshop to educate the members and the leaders of the Branches.

The Secretary General thanked the Bhubaneswar Branch for organizing this meeting very delightfully. He further told that all Comrades were of the opinion that Bhubaneswar Branch and all members did marvelous work,that would be remembered for a long time.

The Central Executive Committee Meeting came to an end at about 4:00 PM on the 23rd January, 2013 peacefully by raising slogans and the song we shall overcome (hum honge kamyab) . Thereafter, National Anthem was also sung by all the Delegates.




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