Common Grade pay of Rs. 5400 from the level of Sr Auditor (MACP-III) to ACDA (JTS Gp.A Post) in DAD

Controller General of Defence Accounts
Ulan Batar Road,  Palam, Delhi Cantt-10
No. AN/XIV/14162/6th CPC/Corr/Vol-VIII
Dated: 22/03/2013

Sub: Common Grade pay of Rs. 5400 from the level of Sr Auditor (MACP-III) to ACDA (JTS Gp.A Post) in DAD.

A number of representations from serving/retired officers are being received in this HQr's Office for granting higher Grade Pay of Rs. 6600/- to SAOs and Rs. 7600/- to ACDA (Group-A entry level) on their promotion from feeder grade.

2. The matter was referred to Ministry of Defence (Finance) for taking up the matter with the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure. Consequent to examination, the Ministry has conveyed that "as per Part B of CCS (RP) Rules-2008, the Grade Pay of Audit/Accounts Officer is Rs. 5400/- in PB-2 whereas the Grade Pay of Senior Audit/Accounts Officer is Rs. 5400/- in PB-3. This insinuates there are differences in various entitlements and allowances in the Pay Band to these two posts. Grant of Grade Pay of Rs. 5400/- in different Pay Band to these posts is a conscious decision of the Govt. Further, Grade Pay of ACDA is Rs. 5400/- in PB-3 and this is a Group 'A' post. As per Para 7.56.9 of the 6" CPC Report, the existing parity between posts in various organized cadres shall be maintained. Accordingly, the recommended structure in IA&AD has been extended in case of other organized accounts cadres like Controller General of Accounts, Controller General of Defence Accounts, Railway Accounts, Postal Accounts, Telecom Accounts. Acceptance of the instant proposal will disturb the existing relativities in all the Organized Accounts cadres. Hence, the request to up-grade the Grade Pay of SAO and ACDA to Rs. 6600/- and Rs. 7600/- is not agreed to."

3. This is for information please.


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