Confederation publishes outcome of SCOVA meeting held on 19.2.2013

Confederation publishes outcome of SCOVA meeting held on 19.2.2013

NEW DELHI-110027

Dear Comrades,
The 22nd meeting of SCOVA was held at New Delhi on 19th February, 2013. On behalf of the JCM. Staff Side, the Secretary, Com. Umraomal Purohit accompanied by Com. S.K. Vyas, President, Confederation of CGE and workers attended the meeting. The outcome of discussion at the meeting is briefly as under:-

(1) Revised PPO for pre and post 2006 retirees. As per the action taken statement circulated at the meeting, certain progress has been made. In the Postal Department, 45% of the pensioners cases have been cleared. In the Ministry of Railways, 555460 PPO have been issued. However, cases of 613123 are still to be cleared. In Telecommunication and the Ministry of Defence, the work is yet to begin, whereas all Ministries including Postal and Railways have been asked to complete the work latest by 31.3.2013. The Ministry of Telecommunication and Defence have been given time upto 30th September, 2013.

(2) Revision of Ex gratia amount to CPF retirees. The Cabinet Note has been prepared and sent to the Cabinet Sectt. Orders are expected soon.

(3) Ex-gratia to those who voluntarily retired or retired on medical grounds. The matter is being reconsidered.

(4) Merger of 19 Postal Dispensaries with CGHS. They are awaiting the sanction or allotment of funds from the Department of Expenditure.

(5) Fixed medical allowance to P & T pensioners. This is under consideration of Ministry of Health.

(6) Opening of new dispensaries at Panchkula and Mohali and three more dispensaries in Bangalore. Rejected.

(7) Fixed Medical allowance to Pensioners residing beyond 2.5 kms away from the Dispensaries as permitted to the Railway pensioners. Not agreed.

(8) Anomaly in Pension to DOT employees absorbed in BSNL and retired between 1.10.2000 and 31.7.2001. Assured to be reconsidered.

(9) Payment of pension to Postal employees through Banks. Agreed and orders issued.

(10)Nomination facility for family pensioners for drawing life time arrears. Not agreed.

(11)Medical Insurance. After finalisation of the 12th Five year Plan the matter will be considered by the Planning Commission.

(12)Grievance committee at the Additional Director CGHS level. Not agreed.

(13)Operationalisation of Jammu Dispensary. This has been done.

(14)RELHS facilities to dependent parents. A committee to examine this issue has submitted its report. This is being considered by the Railway Board.

(15)Smart Card facilities for RELHS beneficiaries and RELHS to be an open ended scheme. Instruction has been issued for providing this facility.

(16)Office accommodation to Pensioners Association in Railways. AgreedNew Items:
(a) Same fitment benefit to pre 2006 Pensioners as given to future pensioners.. Parity between past and future pensioners. Modified parity to Pre 2006 pensioners as recommended by the 6th CPC and accepted by the Government.
Items 1 & 2 have not been accepted by the Central Administrative Tribunal, Principal Bench, Delhi. Item No.3 is pending before Delhi High Court. However, the Government have implemented it with effect from 24.9.2012 whereas the Tribunal had directed it to be implemented with effect from 1.1.2006 in respect of all pre 2006 retirees. The Group C & B officers are however not going to get any hoike in the pension as the revised pension given to them is higher than what they would be getting by way of modified parity.

(b) Disposal of disciplinary cases against retired officials. Fresh guidelines have been issued by DOPT vide O.M. No. 425/04/2013-AVD-IV(A) dated 25.11.2012. Further orders are also expected as certain recommendations of Hota committee are being considered.

(c) Prompt response to grievance letters. Para 66 and 67 of Secretariat Manual. Time frame of 2 months has been prescribed to be followed by all departments to give response to grievance letter.

(d) Merger of 78.2%IDA with basic pension to the absorbed BSNL pensioners. The serving BSNL employees have been given the merger of 78.2.% IDA with effect from. 7.1.2007 whereas pensioners have been given the benefit of merger of 68.8% IDA. Subject to approval by the Cabinet this benefit will be granted after receipt of the proposal from BSNL authorities.

With greetings,
Yours fraternally.
K.K.N. Kutty
Secretary General.



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