Collection of Important Orders/OM/Notification for Pensioner/ Family Pensioner

Collection of Pensioner Portal’s Order/ Office Memorandum /Notification regarding Pensioner, Family Pensioner of Central Govt, PSU, undertaking etc.
Category No. Date Subject Click Here For Click Here For Click Here For
O.M. SCOVA F.No.42/1/2012-P&PW(G) 06.02.2013 Action Taken Report(ATR) on the minutes of the 21st meeting of Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA). PDF(English)(1227 KB)
O.M. Revision of Pension, Sixth CPC 38/37/08-P&PW(A) 28.01.2013 Revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners - reg. (Revised concordance table) PDF(English)(227 KB)
O.M. Revision of Family Pension 1/33/2012-P&PW (E) 16.01.2013 Eligibility of disabled children for family pension after marriage and Eligibility for two family pensions- clarification regarding. PDF(English)(263 KB)
O.M. SCOVA 42/1/2013-P&PW(G) 14.01.2013 22nd meeting of the SCOVA under the chairmanship of honourable MOS(PP) to be held on 19.02.2013 in New Delhi
PDF(English)(43 KB)
O.M. Miscellaneous 55/40/2012-P&PW(C) 31.12.2012 Introducing a Dedicated Day for Attending Pensioners in Person. PDF(English)(518 KB)
Notification Pension Notification No. G.S.R.938(E) 27.12.2012 Amendment In Rule 54 of CCS(Pensioin) Rules, 1972 PDF(English)(161 KB) PDF(Hindi)(161 KB)
Notification Pension Notification No. G.S.R. 928(E) 21.12.2012 Amendment in Rule 5(2), 29, 29-A, 30 ,31, 32(1), 37, 37(A), 48A(5),48(B) and 48(C) of CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972 PDF(English)(640 KB) PDF(Hindi)(547 KB)
O.M. Revision of Family Pension No.1/16/1996-P&PW(E)(Vol.II) 27.11.2012 Eligibility of children from a void or voidable marriage for family pension - clarification regarding PDF(English)(64 KB) PDF(Hindi)(60 KB)
O.M. Miscellaneous 11013/5/2012 - Admn.I 01.11.2012 Engagement of one Consultant in the D/o Pension & Pensioners Welfare PDF(English)(102 KB)
O.M. Revision of Pension, Family Pension Q/PEN/585/164/2011 30.10.2012 Revision of Pension/Family Pension, of Pre-2006 Pensioners of The Ministry of External Affairs PDF(English)(41 KB)
O.M. Dearness Relief 42/13/2012-P&PW(G) 25.10.2012 Grant of Dearness Relief to Central Government pensioners who are in reciept of provisional pension or pension in the pre-revised scale of 5th CPC w.e.f. 1.7.2012. PDF(English)(61 KB) PDF(Hindi)(63 KB)
O.M. SCOVA 42/25/2012-P&PW(G) 10.10.2012 Minutes of 21st meeting of the SCOVA held on 27/09/2012. PDF(English)(122 KB)
O.M. Dearness Relief 42/13/2012-P&PW(G) 04.10.2012 Grant of Dearness Relief to Central Government pensioners/family pensioners - Revised rate effective from 1.7.2012. PDF(English)(113 KB) PDF(Hindi)(102 KB)
O.M. Revision of Family Pension 1/23/2012-P&PW(E) 27.09.2012 Instructions regarding date of birth/age of family pensioners PDF(English)(57 KB) PDF(Hindi)(53 KB)
O.M. GPF/CPF 13/1/2010-P&PW(F) 25.09.2012 Amendment to GPF (Central Service) Rules 1960 - Notification PDF(English)(135 KB) PDF(Hindi)(101 KB)
O.M. Revision of Family Pension 1/16/2011-P&PW(E) 20.09.2012 Family Pension - List of documents to be submitted by a claimant member of family (other than spouse) along with Form 14, PPO and death certificate in respect of the deceased pensioner/family pensioner PDF(English)(179 KB) PDF(Hindi)(41 KB)
O.M. SCOVA 42/45/2012-P&PW(G) 14.09.2012 Agenda Items for 21st Meeting of SCOVA. PDF(English)(498 KB)
O.M. Revision of Pension 1/23/2012-P&PW(E) 13.09.2012 Change in Date of Birth/Age of Family Pensioners PDF(English)(116 KB) PDF(Hindi)(1097 KB)
O.M. Miscellaneous A-12015/04/2012-Admn/145 11.09.2012 Engagement of Consultants against the posts of Deputy Adviser(PHE), Assistant Adviser(PHE), Section Officer, Private Secretary, Assistant,PA, Accountant, Sr. Hindi Translator, Jr. Hindi Translator PDF(English)(156 KB)
O.M. SCOVA 42/45/2012-P&PW(G) 07.09.2012 21st meeting of SCOVA to be held on 27th September 2012 PDF(English)(3239 KB)
O.M. Miscellaneous 35016/1/2011-Admn.I 30.08.2012 Filling up of one post of Cashier in the Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare from amongst the UDCs working in the Cadre of Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions. PDF(English)(188 KB)
O.M. SCOVA 42/45/2012-P&PW(G) 06.08.2012 21st Meeting of the SCOVA to be held on 27th September, 2012 in New Delhi PDF(English)(128 KB)
O.M. SCOVA 42/50/2010-P&PW(G) 24.07.2012 Inclusion of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare as official member in Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies( SCOVA) constituted vide DOP7PW Resolution No 42/50/2010-P&PW(G) dated 24-06-2011 PDF(English)(48 KB)
Notification Pension Notification S.O. .1964 F.No. 42/23/10-P&PW(G) 08.06.2012 Central Civil Services (Commutation of Pension) Amendment Rules, 2012 (Gazette Notification regarding the amendment in the Central Civil Services (Commutation of Pension) Rules, 1981 PDF(English)(61 KB)
O.M. Revision of Family Pension 1/3/2011-P&PW(E) 25.05.2012 Fixation of enhanced family pension - pre 2006 pensioners/family pensioners - clarification regarding PDF(English)(74 KB) PDF(Hindi)(94 KB)
O.M. Gratuity 38/64/98-p&PW(F) 01.05.2012 Implementation of recommendations contained in Para 61 of 44th Report of Parliamentary Standing Committee on Home Affairs - following a time schedule for disbursement of pension. PDF(English)(140 KB)
O.M. Dearness Relief FN. 42/13/2012 PPW-G 30.04.2012 Grant of Dearness Relief to Central Government pensioners who are in receipt of provisional pension or pension in the pre revised scale of 5th CPC w.e.f 1.1.2012 PDF(English)(509 KB) PDF(Hindi)(47 KB)
O.M. Dearness Relief 42/13/2012-P&PW(G) 04.04.2012 Grant of Dearness Relief to Central Govt. pensioners/family pensioners- Revised rate effective from 01-01-2012 PDF(English)(102 KB) PDF(Hindi)(93 KB)
O.M. Miscellaneous 41/30/2011-P&PW(C) 13.01.2012 To fix the timeline for redressal of grievance PDF(English)(178 KB)
O.M. Revision of Family Pension 1/17/2010-P&PW(E) 02.01.2012 Grant of family pension to next eligible member in the family in the case of missing family pensioner PDF(English)(200 KB) PDF(Hindi)(779 KB)
O.M. Implementation of Pensioners' Portal 41(23)/2011-P&PW(C) 19.12.2011 Web based Pensioners Portal, a Mission Mode Project under the National e-Governance Plan (NeGP). Release of Grant-in Aid to Pensioners Associations for implementation of the Portal. PDF(English)(510 KB)
O.M. Revision of Family Pension 1/16/2011 08.12.2011 Family pension - list of documents to be submitted by a claimant member of family (other than spouse) along with Form 14, PPO and death certificate in respect of the deceased pensioner/family pensioner PDF(English)(142 KB) PDF(Hindi)(1042 KB)
O.M. Revision of Family Pension 1/11/2011-P&PW(E) 30.11.2011 Interpretation of dependency criterion for grant of two family pensions under CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972 PDF(English)(34 KB) PDF(Hindi)(47 KB)
O.M. Revision of Pension 45/86/97-P&PW(A) Part(III) 09.11.2011 Implementation of Government decision on the recommendations of the 5th Central Pay Commission - Revision of Pension of pre and post-1986 pensioners/family pensioners etc. - Consideration of application for revision of pesion/family pension. PDF(English)(37 KB)
O.M. Implementation of Pensioners' Portal 41-23/2011-P&PW(C) 25.10.2011 Web-based PENSIONERS PORTAL a Mission Mode Project under the National e-Governance Plan - Release of Grant-in Aid to Pensioners Associations for implementation of the Portal. PDF(English)(43 KB)
O.M. Dearness Relief 42/15/2011-P&PW(G) 21.10.2011 Grant of Dearness Relief to Central Government pensioners who are in receipt of provisional pension or pension in the pre-revised scale of the 5th CPC w.e.f. 1.7.2011 PDF(English)(32 KB) PDF(Hindi)(44 KB)
O.M. Implementation of Pensioners' Portal 41(23)/2011-P&PW(C) 18.10.2011 Web-based PENSION PORTAL a Mission Mode Project under the National e-Governance Plan - Release of Grant-in Aid to Pensioners Associations for implmentation of the Portal. PDF(English)(115 KB)
O.M. Dearness Relief 42/15/2011-PPW(G) 05.10.2011 Grant of Dearness Relief to Central Government Pensioners Family Pensioners - Revised rate effective from 1.7.2011 PDF(English)(64 KB) PDF(Hindi)(98 KB)
O.M. SCOVA 42/50/2010-PPW(G) 05.10.2011 Minutes of the 20th meeting of Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA)held on 21.9.2011 under the Chairmanship of Secretary (PPW) in Conference Room North Block New Delhi. PDF(English)(391 KB)
O.M. Miscellaneous 41/38/2011-P&PW(C) 21.09.2011 To extend necessary cooperation to the office bearers of idendtified pensioners associations in the matter of redressal of pensioners grievances PDF(English)(75 KB)
O.M. Miscellaneous 41-30-2011-P&PW(C) 21.09.2011 Minutes of the Advisory Committee meeting for web based Pensioners Portal held on 5-9-2011 under the Chairmanship of Secretary(Pension, AR&PG). PDF(English)(127 KB)
O.M. Revision of Family Pension F.No.1/17/2011-P&PW(E) 14.09.2011 Grant of family pension to the eligible member of the family of a pensioner - reg. PDF(English)(51 KB)
O.M. SCOVA 42/50/2010-P&PW(G) 09.09.2011 20th meeting of SCOVA to be held on 21.9.2011 PDF(English)(1489 KB)
O.M. Revision of Family Pension 1/2/07-P&PW(E) 02.09.2011 Grant of family pension to dependent parents of a deceased government employee PDF(English)(44 KB) PDF(Hindi)(52 KB)
O.M. Revision of Family Pension 1/19/11-P&PW(E) 03.08.2011 Inclusion of names of members of family in the PPO and proof of age for additional quantum of family pension - requirement of certificate etc. PDF(English)(58 KB)
O.M. Revision of Pension, Family Pension, Sixth CPC 38/37/08-P&PW (A) 22.07.2011 Revision of pension/family pension in respect of the pensioners who were in receipt of compulsory retirement pension and compassionate allowance under Rules 40 and 41 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 PDF(English)(68 KB)
O.M. Life Certificate CPAO/Tech/Grievances/2010-11/531 30.06.2011 Life Certificate - Exemption from Personal Appearance PDF(English)(662 KB)
O.M. SCOVA 42/50/2010-P&PW(G) 24.06.2011 Resolution PDF(English)(87 KB)
O.M. Revision of Pension, Family Pension, Sixth CPC, Gratuity 38/80/2008-P&PW (A) (Part II) 08.06.2011 Amendment to CCS Pension Rules 1972 Notification regarding PDF(English)(502 KB)
O.M. Medical Allowance for Pensioners 4/27/2009-P&PW(D) 24.05.2011 Fixed Medical Allowance to beneficiaries of New Pension Scheme drawing additional relief on death/disability of government servant. PDF(English)(43 KB) PDF(Hindi)(43 KB)
O.M. Revision of Family Pension No. 1/13/09-P&PW(E) 28.04.2011 Extension of scope of Family Pension to widowed/divorced/unmarried daughter and dependent disabled sibilings of Central Government servants /pensioners - Clarifications PDF(English)(78 KB) PDF(Hindi)(110 KB)
O.M. Sixth CPC, Revision of Disablility Pension 33/2/2010-P&PW(F) 20.04.2011 Amendment to Rules of CCS(Extraordinary Pension)(EOP) Rules,1939- Issue of Notification dated 15/02/2011 PDF(English)(1133 KB) PDF(Hindi)(1134 KB)
O.M. Dearness Relief 42/15/2011-PPW(G) 11.04.2011 Grant of Dearness Relief to Central Government pensioners who are in receipt of provisional pension or pension in the prerevised scale of 5th CPC w.e.f. 1.1.2011 PDF(English)(32 KB)
O.M. Revision of Family Pension 1/4/2011-P&PW(E) 01.04.2011 Grant of family pension to childless widow of a deceased Central Government employee after her remarriage - Clarification PDF(English)(42 KB) PDF(Hindi)(39 KB)
O.M. Dearness Relief 42/15/2011-P&PW(G) 29.03.2011 Grant of Dearness Relief to Central Government Pensioners/Family Pensioners - Revised rate effective from 01.01.2011 PDF(English)(65 KB) PDF(Hindi)(60 KB)
O.M. Pension Adalats 44013/2/2010-Coord 25.03.2011 Guidelines for holding of Pension Adalats PDF(English)(218 KB)
O.M. Sixth CPC, Revision of Disablility Pension 33/5/2009-P&PW (F) 10.12.2010 Special benefits in cases of death and disability in service payment of disability pension/family pension relaxation of qualifying service PDF(English) PDF(Hindi)
Notification Pension Notification No. 2806 09.11.2010 Central Civil Services (Commutation of Pension) Amendment Rules,2010. (Gazette Notification regarding the amendments in Central Civil Services (Commutation of Pension) rules,1981.) PDF(English)(160 KB) PDF(Hindi)(160 KB)
O.M. Central Govt. Absorbees in PSU & Pension Entitlement etc. F.No. 38/79/08-P&PW(G) 27.10.2010 Payment of Commutation value of additional amount of pension in resspect of employees who retired on/after 1.1.2006 but before 2.9.2008 and expired before exercising option for commutation of additional amount of pension - Regarding PDF(English)
O.M. Dearness Relief F.No. 42/18/2010-P&PW(G) 27.10.2010 Grant of Dearness Relief to Central Government pensioners who are in receipt of provisional pension or pension in the pre-revised scale of 5th CPC w.e.f 1.7.2010 PDF(English)
O.M. Implementation of Pensioners' Portal 41/15/2010-P&PW(C) 07.10.2010 Web-based 'Pensioners' Portal', a Mission Mode Project under National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) - Release of Grant-in-Aid to Pensioners' Associations for implementation of the Portal. PDF(English)
O.M. SCOVA F.No. 06.10.2010 Minutes of the 19th Meeting of SCOVA held on 20/09/2010 PDF(English)
O.M. SCOVA F.No. 06.10.2010 Agenda Items for the 19th Meeting of SCOVA held on 20/09/2010 PDF(English)
O.M. Implementation of Pensioners' Portal 41(88)/2007-P&PW(E) 04.10.2010 Web-based 'Pensioners' Portal', a Mission Mode Project under National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) - Release of Grant-in-Aid to Pensioners' Associations for implementation of the Portal. PDF(English)
O.M. Implementation of Pensioners' Portal 41/88/07-P&PW(C) 30.09.2010 Web-based Pensioners' Portal, a mission mode project under National e-Goverance furnishing of information. PDF(English)
O.M. Revision of Disability Pension 45/3/2008-P&PW(F) 30.09.2010 Special benefits in cases of death and disability in service payment of Disability Pension/Family pension regarding PDF(English) PDF(Hindi)
O.M. Revision of Pension, Sixth CPC 38/37/08-P&PW(A) 28.09.2010 Implementation of Government's decision on the recommendations of Sixth Central Pay Commission - Revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners/family pensioners etc. (clarification reg. proof of age/date of birth for additional pension/family pension) PDF(English) PDF(Hindi)
O.M. Dearness Relief 42/18/2010-P&PW(G) 27.09.2010 Grant of Dearness Relief to Central Government pensioners/family pensioners - Revised rate effective from 1.7.2010 PDF(English)
O.M. Sixth CPC, Revision of Disablility Pension 45/7/2008-P&PW (F) 12.07.2010 Implementation of the government decision on the recommendation of the Sixth CPC - Revision of provisions regulating special benefits in the cases of Death and Disability in service - payment of ex-gratia lump sum compensation to families of central govt. employees - modification - regarding. PDF(English) PDF(Hindi)
O.M. Revision of Family Pension 1/28/04-P&PW(E) 02.07.2010 Grant of family pension to the dependent family members of a Government servant/Pensioner reported missing - Reg. PDF(English)
O.M. Implementation of Pensioners' Portal 41/88/07-P&PW(C) 29.06.2010 Submission of Utilisation Certificate (UC), Audited Accounts and other related document PDF(English)
O.M. Dearness Relief F.No. 42/18/2010-P&PW(G) 29.06.2010 Grant of Dearness Relief to Central Government pensioners who are in receipt of provisional pension or pension in the pre-revised scale of 5th CPC w.e.f. 1.1.2010 PDF(English)
O.M. Revision of Pension, Sixth CPC No.38/37/08-P&PW(A) 25.06.2010 Implementation of Government's decision on the recommendations of Sixth Central Pay Commission - Revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners/family pensioners etc. PDF(English) PDF(Hindi)
O.M. Revision of Family Pension 1/6/08-P&PW(E) 22.06.2010 Inclusion of names of the widowed or divorced or unmarried daughter/parents/dependent disabled siblings (i.e. brothers ans sisters) in the PPO - Procedure for - Regarding. PDF(English) PDF(Hindi)
O.M. Revision of Pension, Sixth CPC No.38/37/08-P&PW(A) 15.06.2010 Regulation of pension and other retirement benefits of Government servants who were on Extraordinary leave/unauthorised absence/suspension as on 1.1.2006 and retired/died thereafter without joining duty. PDF(English) PDF(Hindi)
O.M. Revision of Pension, Sixth CPC 38/37/08-P&PW(A) 03.06.2010 Corrigendum of Para 6 of O.M. of even no. dated 1-9-2008 - Office Memorandum - Revision of Pension of pre-2006 Pensioners/Family Pensioners (dated 01-09-2008) PDF(Hindi)
O.M. Medical Allowance for Pensioners No.4/25/2008-P&PW(D) 26.05.2010 Grant of Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) to the Central Government Pensioners residing in areas not covered under CGHS. PDF(English) PDF(Hindi)
O.M. Sixth CPC, Gratuity 20/16/1998-P&PW(F) 19.04.2010 Amendment to Rules 64,71,72 and 80 of CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972 - Issue of Notification dated 7th April, 2010 published in the Gazette of India on 12th April, 2010 PDF(English) PDF(Hindi)
O.M. Dearness Relief 42/18/2010-P&PW(G) 31.03.2010 Grant of Dearness Relief to Central Government pensioners/family pensioners - Revised rate effective from 1-1-2010. PDF(English)
O.M. Revision of Pension, Sixth CPC 38/37/08-P&PW(A) 19.03.2010 Representations regarding Revision of Pension of pre-2006 pensioners PDF(English)
O.M. Central Govt. Absorbees in PSU & Pension Entitlement etc. 4-4-2008-P&PW(D) 27.01.2010 Implementation of the law against excess recovery from pension -non-deduction of the non-deductibles-representation - clarification regarding. PDF(English) PDF(Hindi)
O.M. Central Govt. Absorbees in PSU & Pension Entitlement etc. 4-38-2008-P&PW(D) 19-1-2010 19.01.2010 Revision of 1/3rd commuted portion of pension in respect of Government servants who had drawn lumpsum payment on absorption in Public Sector Undertakings/Autonomous Bodies - Implementation of Governments's decision on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission - Regarding. PDF(English)
O.M. GPF/CPF 13/1/2006-P&PW(F) 14.12.2009 Amendent to Rule 12 of GPF(CS) Rules, 1960 - Issue of Notification dated 22nd September 2009, published in the Gazette of India on 3rd October 2009. PDF(English) PDF(Hindi)
O.M. Sixth CPC 38/37/08-P&PW(A) 10.12.2009 Implementation of Governments decision on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission regarding revision of pension of pensioners/family pensioners etc. Grant of full pension to Government servants who retired on or after 1.1.2006 PDF(English) PDF(Hindi)
O.M. Sixth CPC, Revision of Disablility Pension 45/6/2008-P&PW(F) 07.12.2009 Implementation of Governments decision on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission - Revision of CCS (Extraordinary Pension) Rules, 1939 - Constant Attendant Allowance PDF(English) PDF(Hindi)
O.M. Revision of Pension F.No.38/37/08-P&PW(A) 18.11.2009 Revision of Pension on the recommendations of the Pay Commission - Applicability of the judgement of Hon'ble Supreme Court in CA No. 5566 of 2008 in the case of Civil Pensioners PDF(English)
O.M. Dearness Relief F.No. 42/12/2009-P&PW(G) 17.11.2009 Grant of Dearness Relief to the Central Government pensioners who are in receipt of provisional pension or pension in the pre revised scales of 5th CPC w.e.f 1.7.2009 PDF(English)
O.M. Revision of Family Pension No.1/4/06-P&PW(E) 17.11.2009 Grant of Family pension to persons with disabilities - acknowledgement of Legal Guardianship Certificate issued by Local Level Committee constituted under the National Trust Act,1999 (No. 44 of 1999). PDF(English) PDF(Hindi)
O.M. Miscellaneous 28020/2/2008-Admn.I 05.11.2009 Constitution of a Committee for deling with cases of sexual harassment of working women in the working place in the Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare - regarding PDF(English)
O.M. Counting of past services for pensionery benefits 28/30/2004-P&PW(B) 28.10.2009 Mobility of personnel amongst Central/State & Autonomous Bodies while working under Pensionable establishments - regarding PDF(English) PDF(Hindi) HTML
O.M. Dearness Relief 42/12/2009-P&PW(G) 22.10.2009 Grant of Dearness Relief to Central Government pensioners who are in receipt of Provisional Pension or Pension in the pre revised scales of 5th CPC - w.e.f. 1.7.2008 and 1.1.2009 PDF(English) PDF(Hindi)
O.M. Dearness Relief 42/12/2009-P&PW(G) 23.09.2009 Grant of Dearness Relief to Central Government pensioners/family pensioners - Revised rate effective from 1-7-2009. PDF(English) PDF(Hindi) HTML
O.M. Central Govt. Absorbees in PSU & Pension Entitlement etc., Sixth CPC 4/38/2008-P&PW(D) 17.09.2009 Representations on method of revision of restorable 1/3 commuted portion of pension consequent to the 6th Pay Commission recommendations in respect of Govt. Servants who had drawn lump-sum payment on absorption in public sector undertaking/autonomous bodies PDF(English)
O.M. Revision of Pension, Sixth CPC 38/48/09-P&PW(A) 27.08.2009 OA No.504 of 2009 filed in the Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT), Ernakulam Bench - Grant of additional pension on attaining the age of 80 years regarding. PDF(English) HTML
O.M. Sixth CPC 38/37/08-P&PW(A) 25.08.2009 Payment of second instalment of arrears of pension on account of Implementation of Government's decision on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commisssion. PDF(English) PDF(Hindi)
O.M. Revision of Pension, Sixth CPC 387/37/08-P&PW(A).pt.1 20.08.2009 Implementation of Government's decision on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission - Revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners/family pensioners. (reg. Revision of Pension of Pensioners of Additional Secretary & Equivalent Level) PDF(English)
O.M. Revision of Disability Pension, Family Pension 1/15/2008-P&PW(E) 17.08.2009 Family Pension - Extension of the Scope of Family Pension to the dependent disabled siblings (i.e. brothers/sisters) of Central Government Servants/Pensioners. PDF(English) PDF(Hindi)
O.M. Revision of Pension, Sixth CPC 38/37/08-P&PW(A) 11.08.2009 Implementation of Government's decision on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission - Revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners.  Clarification regarding Payment of Additional Pension/Family Pension PDF(English) PDF(Hindi)
O.M. Sixth CPC, GPF/CPF No.45/4/2008-P&PW(F) 07.08.2009 Amendment to Rule 33-B of GPF (C) Rules, 1960- Iuuse of Notification dated 27th May, 2009, published in the Gazette of India on 6th June, 2009 PDF(English) PDF(Hindi)
O.M. Revision of Pension, Sixth CPC 38/37/08-P&PW(A) 14.07.2009 Implementation of Government's decision on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission - Revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners. Clarification regarding NPA PDF(English) PDF(Hindi)
O.M. Sixth CPC, Dearness Relief F.No. 38/88/2008-P&PW(G) 09.07.2009 Payment of Dearness Relief to re-employed pensioners and employed family pensioners. PDF(English) PDF(Hindi)
O.M. SCOVA 41/22/2008-P&PW(G) 29.05.2009 Resolution PDF(English)
O.M. ex-Burma/Pakistan Civilian Pensioners 23/1/2008-P&PW(B) 28.05.2009 Payment of family pension in the case of Burma pensioners- reg. PDF(English) PDF(Hindi)
O.M. Central Govt. Absorbees in PSU & Pension Entitlement etc., Sixth CPC 4/38/2008-P&PW(D) 27.05.2009 Revision of 1/3rd commuted portion of pension in respect of government servants who had drawn lumpsum payment on absorbtion in Central PSU/Central Autonomous bodies - amount of the revised 1/3rd restored pension plus dearness pay (DP) & Dearness Relief (DR) on implementation of Government's Decision on the recommendations of the Sixth CPC to be not less than 1/3rd pre revised restored pension plus admissible DP & DR as already drawn up to 01.09.2008. PDF(English) PDF(Hindi)
O.M. Revision of Pension, Sixth CPC 38/37/08-P&PW(A) 21.05.2009 Implementation of Government Decision on the Recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission - Revision of Pension of pre-2006 Pensioners/Family Pensioners PDF(English) PDF(Hindi)
O.M. Revision of Pension, Sixth CPC 38/37/08-P&PW(A) 18.05.2009 Implementation of Government Decision on the Recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission Revision of Pension of Pensioners/Family Pensioners PDF(English) PDF(Hindi)
O.M. Sixth CPC 38/37/08-P&PW(A) 12.05.2009 REpresentations regarding. PDF(English) PDF(Hindi)
O.M. Revision of Disability Pension 38/41/06/P&PW(A) 05.05.2009 Additional Relief on death/disability of Government servants covered by the New Defined Contribution Pension System (NPS) PDF(English) PDF(Hindi)
O.M. Sixth CPC 45/6/2008-P&PW(F) 16.04.2009 Implementation of the Government's decision on the recommendation of the VIth CPC - revision of CCS (Extraordinary Pension) Rules, 1939 - Constant Attendant Allowance. (dated 16/4/2009) PDF(English) PDF(Hindi) HTML
O.M. Revision of Family Pension F.No.1/28/04-P&PW(E) 31.03.2009 Grant of family pension to the families of Government servants kidnapped by insurgents/terrorists. PDF(English)
O.M. Sixth CPC, Dearness Relief 42/12/2009-P&PW(G) 27.03.2009 Grant of dearness relief to Central Government pensioners/family pensioners - Revised rate effective from 1-1-2009. PDF(English)
O.M. Sixth CPC 38/37/08-P&PW(A) 23.03.2009 Setting up of Anomaly Committee to settle the anomalies arising out of the implementation of the Sixth Pay Commission's recommendations. (dated 23/3/2009) PDF(English) PDF(Hindi)
O.M. Implementation of Pensioners' Portal 41/88/07-P&PW(E) 18.03.2009 Web-based 'Pensioners' Portal', a Mission Mode Project under National e-Governance Plan - Identification of Pensioners' Association and release of Grant-in-Aid in connection with implementation of - regarding. PDF(English)
O.M. Sixth CPC 45/7/2008-P&PW(F) 16.03.2009 Implementation of the Government's decision on the recommendation of the Sixth CPC- Revision of provisions regulating special benefits in the cases of Death and Disability in service - payment of ex-gratia lumpsum compensation to families of central Govt. employees - modification regarding - (dated 16/3/2009) PDF(English) PDF(Hindi) HTML
O.M. Revision of Family Pension No.1/16/08-P&PW(E) 09.03.2009 Simplification of procedures outlined in Rule 54(6) of CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972 regarding Family Pension to Handicapped/Disabled son/daughter of Government Servants/Pensioners -Reg. PDF(English)
O.M. Central Govt. Absorbees in PSU & Pension Entitlement etc., Sixth CPC 38/79/2008-P&PW(G) 16.02.2009 Clarification regarding commutation of pension after the implementations of 6th CPC (dated 16/2/2009) PDF(English)
O.M. Sixth CPC, Gratuity 7/7/2008-P&PW(F) 13.02.2009 Implementation of Government's decision on the recommendation of the Sixth CPC - Revision of provisions regulating gratuity - (dated 13/2/2009) PDF(English) PDF(Hindi) HTML
O.M. Revision of Pension, Sixth CPC 38/37/2008-P&PW(A) 12.02.2009 Representations regarding revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners. (dated 12/02/2009) PDF(English) PDF(Hindi)
O.M. Revision of Pension, Sixth CPC 38/38/2008-P&PW(A) 11.02.2009 Representations regarding revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners. (dated 11/02/2009) PDF(English) PDF(Hindi)
O.M. Sixth CPC 38/37/08-P&PW(A) 11.12.2008 Implementation of Government's decision on the recommendation of the Sixth Central Pay Commission (Calculation of Pension of Government Servants, who retired during 1.1.2006 to 1.9.2008) (dated 11/12/2008) PDF(English) PDF(Hindi)
O.M. Implementation of Pensioners' Portal F.No.41/88/07-P&PW(E) 20.11.2008 Web-based 'Pensioners' Portal', a Mission Mode Project under National e-Governance Plan - Release of Grant-in-Aid to Pensioners' Associations for implementation of the Portal. PDF(English)
O.M. Revision of Disability Pension, Sixth CPC 45/3/2008-P&PW(F) 18.11.2008 Special benefits in cases of death and disability in service - payment of Disability Pension/Family pension - regarding PDF(English) PDF(Hindi) HTML
O.M. Sixth CPC 17(4)/2008(1)/D(Pen/Policy) 11.11.2008 Revision of pension for pre 2006 armed forces pensioners/Family pensioners - Ministry of Defence O.M. dated 11/11/2008 PDF(English)
O.M. Revision of Pension 38/86/03-P&PW(A) 05.11.2008 Pay Scales for the staff belonging to the organized Accounts Department with effect from 01.01.1996 - Fixation of pension. PDF(English) PDF(Hindi)
O.M. Sixth CPC D.O. No: CPAO/Tech/6th CPC/Misc/2008 17.10.2008 Instructions issued to Banks for payment of revised pension/arrears dated 17/10/2008 PDF(English)
O.M. Revision of Pension, Sixth CPC 38/37/08-P&PW(A).pt.1 14.10.2008 Implementation of Government's decision on the recommendation of the Sixth Central Pay Commission Revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners/family pensioners etc.(dated 14.10.2008) PDF(English)
O.M. Sixth CPC DO No: CPAO/Tech/6th CPC/Misc/1265 14.10.2008 Instructions issued to Banks for payment of revised pension/arrears dated 14/10/2008 PDF(English)
O.M. Revision of Pension, Sixth CPC 38/37/08-P&PW(A) 03.10.2008 Implementation of Government's decision on the recommendation of the Sixth Central Pay Commission Revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners/family pensioners etc.(dated 3.10.2008) PDF(English) PDF(Hindi)
O.M. Revision of Pension, Sixth CPC 38/37/08-P&PW(A)-pt.ii 03.10.2008 Implementation of Government's decision on the recommendation of the Sixth Central Pay Commission Revision of provisions regulating pension/gratuity/commutation of pension/family pension/disability pension and ex-gratia lump-sum compensation.(dated 3/10/2008) PDF(English) PDF(Hindi)
O.M. Revision of Pension, Sixth CPC 38/37/08-P&PW(A) 01.10.2008 Corrigendum - Revision of Pension of pre-2006 Pensioners/Family Pensioners (dated 01/10/2008) PDF(English) PDF(Hindi)
O.M. Sixth CPC 14021-7-2008-AIS(II) 26.09.2008 Implementation of Government's decision on the recommendation of the Sixth Central Pay Commission Revision of provisions regulating pension/gratuity/commutation of pension/family pension/disability pension and ex-gratia lump-sum compensation (Applicable to All India Service)(dated 26/09/2008) ) PDF(English)
O.M. Sixth CPC D.O. No: CPAO/Tech/6th CPC/Misc/1265 26.09.2008 Instructions issued to Banks for payment of revised pension/arrears dated 26/09/2008 PDF(English)
O.M. Dearness Relief 42/2/2008 P&PW(G) 25.09.2008 Corrigendum - Recommendation of 6th Central Pay Commission - Decision of Government relating to grant of Dearness Relief to Central Government Pensioners/family pensioners - revised rate effective from 1-1-2006,1-7-2006,1-1-2007,1-7-2007,1-1-2008 and 1-7-2008 PDF(English)
O.M. Sixth CPC, Dearness Relief 42/2/2008-P&PW(G) 25.09.2008 Grant of Dearness Relief to pensioners/family pensioners-Corrigendum (dated 25/09/2008) PDF(English)
O.M. Sixth CPC, Exemption from Rule of Immediate Absorption in Central PSU and Central Autonomous Bodies 4/38/2008- P&PW(D) 15.09.2008 Revision of 1/3rd commuted portion of pension in respect of government servants who had drawn lumpsum payment on absorbtion in Central PSU/Central Autonomous bodies (dated 15/09/2008) PDF(English)
O.M. ex-Burma/Pakistan Civilian Pensioners F.No.23/3/2008 -P&PW(B) 15.09.2008 Enhancement of ad-hoc ex-gratia allowance to (i)Burma/Pakistan Civilian Pensioners/ Family Pensions; (ii) Retired Central Government employees covered under Indo- Pakistan Agreement - 1949: (iii) Dependents of victim of Quetta Earthquake: and (iv) Dependents of Government servants covered under Press Note of 1954 -sanction for the. PDF(English)
O.M. Sixth CPC, Dearness Relief 42/2/2008-P&PW(G) 12.09.2008 Grant of Dearness Relief to pensioners/family pensioners (dated 12/09/2008) PDF(English)
Notification Pension notification 09.09.2008 Civilian Defence Services(Revised Pay) Rules 2008 - notification dated 9th September, 2008 PDF(English)
O.M. Revision of Pension, Sixth CPC 38/37/08-P&PW(A) 02.09.2008 Office Memorandum - Revision of Pension of post-2006 Pensioners/Family Pensioners (dated 02/09/2008) PDF(English) PDF(Hindi)
O.M. Revision of Pension, Sixth CPC 38/37/08-P&PW(A) 01.09.2008 Office Memorandum - Revision of Pension of pre-2006 Pensioners/Family Pensioners (dated 01/09/2008) PDF(English) PDF(Hindi)
O.M. Sixth CPC 5/2/2006-E III(A) 30.08.2008 Sixth CPC - Pay Revision - Ministry of Defence Resolution dated 30th August, 2008 (ENGLISH VERSION) PDF(English) PDF(Hindi)
O.M. Revision of Pension, Sixth CPC 38/37/08-P&PW(A) 29.08.2008 Resolution - Sixth Central Pay Commission PDF(English) PDF(Hindi)
O.M. Central Govt. Absorbees in PSU & Pension Entitlement etc. No.4/79/2006-P&PW(D) 13.05.2008 Restoration of one-third commuted portion of pension in respect of Government servants who had drawn lumpsum payment on absorption in public sector undertakings/autonomous bodies - implementation of Andhra Pradesh High Court judgement dated 24.12.03 in Writ Petition No.8532 of 2003 followed by the Supreme Court Judgement dated 29.11.06 in Civil Appeal No.5269 of 2006 arising out of SLP Nos. 21647-648 of 2005 and the Supreme Court Judgement dated 24.7.07 in Review Petition No. 643 of 07- OM dated PDF(English)
Notification Pension Notification No. 571 28.04.2008 Gazette Notifications regarding the amendment in Central Civil Services(Pension)Rules,1972 . PDF(English)
O.M. Dearness Relief No.42/2/2008-P&PW(G) 19.03.2008 Grant of dearness relief to Central Government pensioners/family pensioners - Revised rate effective from 01.01.2008 PDF(English)
O.M. Revision of Pension No.38/58/06-P&PW(A) 05.03.2008 Applicability of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 in respect of those put on induction training prior to 1.1.04 and were in receipt of stipend. HTML
O.M. Central Govt. Absorbees in PSU & Pension Entitlement etc. No.4/4/2008-P&PW(D) 20.02.2008 Demand of Govt. Servants who opted for lump sum on their absorption in PSUs/CABs for release of balance pension and DR and during pre-restoration period and beyond - clarification regarding. PDF(English)
O.M. Dearness Relief No.8/3/2007-FF(P) 13.11.2007 Grant of Dearness Relief to the freedom fighters and their eligible dependents under the Swatantrata Sanik Samman Pension (SSSP) Scheme, 1980. PDF(English)
O.M. Dearness Relief No.42/2/2007-P&PW(G) 05.11.2007 CORRIGENDUM - Grant of dearness relief to Central Government pensioners/family pensioners - Revised rate w.e.f 1.1.2007 & 1.7.2007. PDF(English)
O.M. Exemption from Rule of Immediate Absorption in Central PSU and Central Autonomous Bodies No.4/78/2006-P&PW (D) 31.10.2007 Deputation of Central Government Servants to posts in Central Autonomous Bodies - Review of Policy. PDF(English)
O.M. Condition for Payment of Pension on absorption consequent upon conversion. No.4/66/2005-P&PW (D) 25.10.2007 Amendment to Rule 37A of CCS (Pension) Rules,1972 PDF(English)
O.M. Dearness Relief No.42/2/2007-P&PW(G) 18.09.2007 Grant of dearness relief to Central Government pensioners/family pensioners - Revised rate effective from 01.07.2007. PDF(English) PDF(Hindi) HTML
O.M. Revision of Family Pension No.1/19/03-P&PW(E) 06.09.2007 Extension of scope of family Pension to unmarried daughters of Central Government servants/pensioners PDF(English)(76 KB) HTML
O.M. Central Govt. Absorbees in PSU & Pension Entitlement etc. No.4/79/2006-P&PW(D) 06.09.2007 Restoration of one-third commuted portion of pension in respect of Government servants who had drawn lumpsum payment on absorption in public sector undertakings/autonomous bodies - implementation of Andhra Pradesh High Court judgement dated 24.12.03 in Writ Petition No.8532 of 2003 followed by the Supreme Court Judgement dated 29.11.06 in Civil Appeal No.5269 of 2006 arising out of SLP Nos. 21647-648 of 2005 and the Supreme Court Judgement dated 24.7.07 in Review Petition No. 643 of 07. PDF(English) PDF(Hindi) HTML
O.M. Revision of Family Pension No.41/88/07-P&PW(E) 06.09.2007 Web based Pensioners Portal, a Mission Mode Project under National e-Governance Plan(NeGP) - Identification of Pensioners Association reg. HTML
O.M. Revision of Pension No.38/86/03-P&PW(A) pt 05.09.2007 Amendment of O.M. dated 26th April,2004 relating to pay scales for the staff belonging to the Organised Accounts Department - fixation of pension. HTML
O.M. SCOVA No.41/3/2005 - P&PW(G) 08.08.2007 Resolution Reconstituting SCOVA PDF(English)
O.M. Condition for Payment of Pension on absorption consequent upon conversion. No.4/10/2006-P&PW (D) 14.05.2007 Grant of Family Pension under the Employess Pension Scheme, 1995 and Family Pension Scheme, 1971 in addition to Family Pension under Rule 54 of the CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972. PDF(English)
O.M. Dearness Relief No.42/2/2007-P&PW(G) 29.03.2007 Grant of dearness relief to Central Government pensioners/family pensioners - Revised rate effective from 01.01.2007. PDF(English)
O.M. Revision of Pension No.45/86/97-P&PW(A) Part-III 21.12.2006 Implementation of government decisions on recommendations of the 5th CPC -Revision of Pension of pre and post-1986 pensioners/family pensioners etc. - Extension of date of submission of application for revision of pension/family pension. HTML
O.M. Seeking commercial employment after retirement No.27012/5/2000-Estt(A) 05.12.2006 Procedure for grant of permission to the Pensioners for Commercial Employment after retirement. PDF(English)
O.M. Revision of Pension No.9/17/2006-FF(P) 04.12.2006 Enhancement of Basic Pension under the Swatantrata Sainik Saman Pension Scheme, 1980 in respect of freedom fighters and spouses (windows/widowers) of deceased freedom fighters. PDF(English)
O.M. GPF/CPF No. 13/1/06-P&PW(F) 20.11.2006 Advance from the General Provident Fund (GPF) for pilgrimage and visiting places of eminence of all religions. PDF(English) PDF(Hindi)
O.M. Counting of past services for pensionery benefits- Applicability of Old Pension Scheme under CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972 after 1-1-2004 No.38/58/06-P&PW(A) 11.10.2006 Applicability of CCS (Pension) Rules, respect of those appointed prior to 1.4.04 and put on induction training. HTML
O.M. Dearness Relief No.42/2/2006-P&PW(G) 15.09.2006 Grant of dearness relief to Central Government pensioners/family pensioners - Revised rate effective from 01.07.2006. PDF(English) HTML
O.M. Revision of Family Pension 1/4/06-P&PW(E) 31.07.2006 Family Pension-Appointment/ Nomination of Guardians in respect of persons suffering with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple Disabilities. PDF(English) PDF(Hindi) HTML
O.M. Central Govt. Absorbees in PSU & Pension Entitlement etc. No.34/3/2006-P&PW(G) 29.06.2006 Commutation of Pension on voluntary retirement HTML
O.M. Dearness Relief No.42/2/2006-P&PW(G) 05.04.2006 Grant of dearness relief to Central Government pensioners/family pensioners - Revised rate effective from 01.01.2006. PDF(English) PDF(Hindi) HTML
O.M. Dearness Relief No.41/13/2005-P&PW(G) 01.02.2006 Merger of 50% Dearness Relief with pension to Central government pensioners/family pensioners w.e.f. 1.4.2004 - clarification regarding PDF(English) HTML
O.M. Gratuity No.38/29/2001-P&PW(F) 05.12.2005 Merger of certain percentage of DA as DP for reckoning emoluments for the purpose of DCRG and raising the ceiling on the maximum amount of DCRG from Rs.1.00 lakh to Rs.2.50 lakhs--DP&PW OM No. No.7/1/1995-P&PW (F) dated 14.7.1995--Honble Supreme Court judgement dated 11.08.2005 in CA No.129 of 2003 (State of Punjab & Ors Vs. Amar Nath Goyal & Ors) and other connected cases-- regarding PDF(English) HTML
O.M. Exemption from Rule of Immediate Absorption in Central PSU and Central Autonomous Bodies No.4/10/2005-P&PW (D) 05.12.2005 Deputation of Central Government Officers to Central Autonomous Bodies and Central Public Enterprises PDF(English)
O.M. Gratuity No.38/189/2005-P&PW(F) 27.10.2005 Payment of difference of Gratuity by adding DA prevailing at the time of retirement to pre-1996 Central Government Pensioners - representation citing Supreme Court Judgements - clarification regarding PDF(English) HTML
O.M. Dearness Relief No.45/1/2004-P&PW(G) 26.10.2005 Implementation of the recommendation of the Vth CPC regarding conversion of 50% Dearness Relief into Dearness Pension - clarification regarding PDF(English) HTML
O.M. SCOVA No.41/3/2005 - P&PW(G) 18.10.2005 Resolution Reconstituting SCOVA HTML
O.M. Dearness Relief No.42/2/2005-P&PW(G) 14.10.2005 Grant of dearness relief to Central Government pensioners/family pensioners - Revised rate effective from 01.07.2005. PDF(English) PDF(Hindi) HTML
O.M. Counting of past services for pensionery benefits - Applicability of Old Pension Scheme under CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972 after 1-1-2005 No.28/30/2004-P&PW(B) 26.07.2005 Counting of past service on submission of technical resignation on or after 1-1-2004 by employees governed by Central Civil Service (Pension) Rules, 1972. PDF(English)(81 KB) PDF(Hindi)(72 KB) HTML
O.M. Revision of Family Pension No.45/1/2001-P&PW(E) 30.06.2005 Ceiling on two family pensions admissible to child/ children of deceased Government servants under Rule 54 (11) of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972... HTML
O.M. Credit of pension to Joint bank account operated by a pensioner with his/her spouse. No.CPAO / Tech / Amendments / Sch.Book / 2005-06/6 09.06.2005 Payment of Pension through Authorized Banks-Credit of pension to Joint bank account operated by a pensioner with his/her spouse. PDF(English) HTML
O.M. Revision of Pension No.45/86/97-P&PW(A) Part-III 07.06.2005 Implementation of government decisions on recommendations of the 5th CPC -Revision of Pension of pre and post-1986 pensioners/family pensioners etc. - Extension of date of submission of application for revision of pension/family pension. HTML
O.M. Central Govt. Absorbees in PSU & Pension Entitlement etc. No.4/10/2005-P&PW(D) 25.04.2005 Deputation of Central Government officers to Central Public Enterprises HTML
O.M. Dearness Relief No.42/2/2005-P&PW(G) 04.04.2005 Grant of dearness relief to Central Government pensioners/family pensioners - Revised rate effective from 01.01.2005. HTML
O.M. Gratuity No.38/42/2005-P&PW(F) 17.02.2005 Payment of difference of Gratuity to pre-1996 Central Government Pensioners - clarification regarding. HTML
O.M. Revision of Pension No.38/86/03-P&PW (A) 08.02.2005 Pay scales for the staff belonging to the Organised Accounts Department. Fixation of pension HTML
O.M. Dearness Relief No.45/1/2004-P&PW(G) 27.01.2005 Implementation of the recommendation of the Vth CPC regarding conversion of 50% Dearness Relief into Dearness Pension - clarification regarding. PDF(English) HTML
O.M. Dearness Relief No.42/2/2004-P&PW(G) 24.09.2004 Grant of dearness relief to Central Government pensioners/family pensioners - Revised rate effective from 01.07.2004 PDF(English) HTML
O.M. Revision of Family Pension No.1/19/03-P&PW(E) 30.08.2004 Eligibility of divorced/widowed daughter for grant of family pension. HTML
O.M. Revision of Pension No.38/86/03-P&PW (A)-Part-III 26.04.2004 Pay scales for the staff belonging to the Organised Accounts Department. Fixation of pension HTML
O.M. Revision of Pension No.45/86/97-P&PW (A)-Part-III 25.03.2004 Implementation of recommendations of the Vth CPC pertaining to pensioners and family pensioners - revision of pension in respect of persons retired on compulsory retirement (Rule 40) and in receipt of Compassionate allowance (Rule 41). HTML
O.M. Revision of Family Pension No.45/52/97-P&PW(E)-Vol.II 22.03.2004 Grant of Ex-gratia payment to CPF retirees. HTML
O.M. Dearness Relief No.42/2/2004-P&PW(G) 15.03.2004 Grant of dearness relief to Central Government pensioners/family pensioners - Revised rate effective from 01.01.2004. PDF(English) HTML
O.M. Revision of Pension No.45/86/97-P&PW (A)-Part-III 15.03.2004 Implementation of Government's decision on the recommendations of the 5th Central Pay Commission - Revision of Pension of pre and post-1986 pensioners/family pensioners etc. - Extension of date of submission of application for revision of pension/family pension. HTML
O.M. Counting of Military Service for Civil Pension. No.28/19/2001-P&PW (B) 11.11.2003 Counting of "Boy Service" rendered before the age of 18 years in Armed Forces, for civil pension. HTML
O.M. Revision of Family Pension 5/1/03-P&PW(E) 08.10.2003 Grant of ex-gratia payment to disabled children of CPF/SRPF retirees PDF(English)(37 KB) PDF(Hindi)(58 KB)
O.M. Central Govt. Absorbees in PSU & Pension Entitlement etc. No.4/14/2001-P&PW(D) 19.09.2003 Revision of pension and other attendant benefits of Central Government employees retired/retiring on IDA pay scales and opting for pensionary benefits of combined service in Government and public sector undertakings (PSU). HTML
O.M. Dearness Relief No.42/2/2003-P&PW(G) 10.09.2003 Grant of dearness relief to Central Government pensioners/family pensioners - Revised rate effective from 01.07.2003. PDF(English) HTML
O.M. SCOVA No.41/19/2003 - P&PW(G) 20.06.2003 Resolution Reconstituting SCOVA HTML
O.M. Counting of Military Service for Civil Pension. No.38/38/02-P&PW (A) 23.04.2003 Re-employed military pensioners - removal of floor ceiling of minimum pension HTML
O.M. Revision of Pension No.38/38/02-P&PW(A) 23.04.2003 Re-employed military pensioners - removal of floor ceiling of minimum pension. HTML
O.M. Dearness Relief No.42/2/2003-P&PW(G) 10.04.2003 Grant of dearness relief to Central Government pensioners/family pensioners - Revised rate effective from 01.01.2003. PDF(English) HTML
O.M. Revision of Pension No.45/86/97-P&PW (A)-Part-III 26.03.2003 Implementation of Government's decision on the recommendations of the 5th Central Pay Commission - Revision of Pension of pre and post-1986 pensioners/family pensioners etc. --Extension of date of submission of application for revision of pension/ family pension. HTML
O.M. Counting of past services for pensionery benefits No. 28/19/2002-P&PW(B) 19.02.2003 Mobility of personnel between Central Government Departments and Autonomous Bodies- Discharging of DCRG liability by autonomous bodies where pension scheme is not in operation HTML
O.M. Condition for Payment of Pension on absorption consequent upon conversion. No.4/61/99-P&PW (D) 28.12.2002 NA PDF(English)
O.M. Central Govt. Absorbees in PSU & Pension Entitlement etc. No.4/61/99-P&PW(D) 20.12.2002 Terms and conditions of payment of pensionary benefits in respect of Central Government employees transferred to autonomous bodies/public sector undertakings consequent upon conversion of Govt. Dept./Office into autonomous body/public sector undertaking. HTML
O.M. Dearness Relief No.42/2/2002-P&PW(G) 31.10.2002 Grant of dearness relief to Central Government pensioners/family pensioners- Revised rate effective from 01.07.2002. PDF(English) HTML
O.M. Central Govt. Absorbees in PSU & Pension Entitlement etc. No.4/18/99-P&PW(D) 14.08.2002 Permanent transfer of Govt. servants to Govt. Companies/Corporations - grant of retirement benefits to permanent Govt. servants on absorption prior to 16.6.67. HTML
O.M. Revision of Family Pension No.1/19/96-P&PW(E) 19.07.2002 Grant of Family Pension under the Employees Pension Scheme, 1995 and the Family Pension Scheme, 1971 in addition to Family Pension under Rule 54 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972. HTML
O.M. Gratuity No.38/34/2001-P&PW(F) 29.04.2002 Rate of interest payable on delayed payment of DCRG and rate of interest chargeable on refund of pensionary benefits already drawn, in connection with counting of past service under CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 and Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare OM No. 28/10/84-PU dated 29.8.1984 as amended from time to time - reg. PDF(English) HTML
O.M. Revision of Family Pension No.45/51/97-P&PW(E)-Vol.II 19.04.2002 Recommendation of the Fifth Central Pay Commission - Grant of Family Pension to Parents - clarification Regarding. HTML
O.M. Dearness Relief No.42/2/2002-P&PW(G) 22.03.2002 Grant of dearness relief to Central Government pensioners/family pensioners- Revised rate effective from 01.01.2002. PDF(English) HTML
O.M. Revision of Pension, Central Govt. Absorbees in PSU & Pension Entitlement etc. No.45/86/97-P&PW(A) Pt.I 04.12.2001 Implementation of government decisions on recommendations of the Vth CPC - Revision of provisions regulating pension/commutation of pension. HTML
O.M. Dearness Relief No.42/2/2001-P&PW(G) 25.09.2001 Grant of dearness relief to Central Government pensioners/family pensioners- Revised rate effective from 01.07.2001. PDF(English) HTML
O.M. Revision of Disability Pension 45/22/97-P&PW(C) 11.09.2001 Special Benefits in cases of death and disability in service - payment of disability pension/family pension - recommendations of the Fifth Central Pay Commission. PDF(English) PDF(Hindi)
O.M. Revision of Pension No.45/86/97-P&PW(A) 07.08.2001 Implementation of government decision on the recommendations of the Vth CPC - Revision of Pension of pre-96 pensioners/family pensioners etc. HTML
O.M. Revision of Family Pension No.45/51/97-P&PW(E)-Vol.II 25.07.2001 Eligibility of disabled divorced/widowed daughter for grant of family pension. HTML
O.M. Counting of Military Service for Civil Pension. No.28/7/99-P&PW (B)(Vol.II) 11.04.2001 Re-employed military pensioners - drawal of separate military pension -removal of limitation on Civil pension. HTML
O.M. Dearness Relief No.42/2/2001-P&PW(G) 11.04.2001 Grant of dearness relief to Central Government pensioners/family pensioners- Revised rate effective from 01.01.2001. PDF(English) HTML
O.M. Miscellaneous 41/21/2000-P&PW(D) 16.11.2000 Issue of Identity Cards to Central Government Pensioners PDF(English)(131 KB)
O.M. Revision of Pension No.45/86/97-P&PW(A)-III 04.10.2000 Implementation of government decision on the recommendations of the fifth Central Pay Commission-Revision of Pension of Pre and POST-1986 pensioners/family pensioners etc. - Extension of date of submission of application for revision of pension/family pension. HTML
O.M. Condition for Payment of Pension on absorption consequent upon conversion. No.4/61/99-P&PW (D) 30.09.2000 (Introduction of Rule 37A in CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972) PDF(English)
O.M. Dearness Relief No.42/3/2000-P&PW(G) 28.09.2000 Grant of dearness relief to Central Government pensioners/family pensioners- Revised rate effective from 01.07.2000. PDF(English) HTML
O.M. Revision of Pension No.45/86/97-P&PW(A)(pt.IV) 21.09.2000 Implementation of government decision on the recommendations of the Fifth Central Pay Commission relating to retirement benefits to pre-1986 pensioners - clarifications regarding personal pension. HTML
O.M. Central Govt. Absorbees in PSU & Pension Entitlement etc. No.4/29/99-P&PW(D) 12.07.2000 Restoration of 1/3rd commuted portion of pension after 15 years from the date of commutation or 1.4.85, whichever is later in respect of Government servants who had drawn lumpsum payment on absorption in Public Sector Undertaking/Autonomous Body - Implementation of Supreme Court Judgement dated 26.4.2000. HTML
O.M. Central Govt. Absorbees in PSU & Pension Entitlement etc. No.4/14/2000-P&PW(D) 01.06.2000 Settlement of pensionary terms in respect of Government employees transferred to autonomous Organisations/public undertakings consequent on the conversion of Government Department/Office into an Autonomous Body or Public Undertaking. HTML
O.M. Medical Allowance for Pensioners No.38/99/99-P&PW(C) 17.04.2000 Implementation of Government's decision on the recommendations of 5th Central Pay Commission - Grant of fixed medical allowance @ Rs.100/- p.m. to Central Government pensioners residing in areas not covered under CGHS. HTML
O.M. Dearness Relief No.42/3/2000-P&PW(G) 06.04.2000 Grant of dearness relief to Central Government pensioners/family pensioners- Revised rate effective from 01.01.2000. PDF(English) HTML
O.M. Revision of Disability Pension 45/22/97-P&PW(C) 03.02.2000 Special benefits in cases of death and disability in service - payment of Disability Pension/Family pension - recommendations of Fifth Central Pay Commission PDF(English) PDF(Hindi)
O.M. Revision of Family Pension No.45/52/97-P&PW(E)-Vol.II 14.01.2000 Grant of Ex-Gratia payment in respect of CPF retirees and their family members. HTML
O.M. Revision of Pension No. 45/86/97-P&PW(A)-Part-I 18.10.1999 Implementation of Governments decisions on the recommendations of the Vth Central Pay Commission - Revision relating to pension/ commutation of pension. HTML
O.M. Gratuity, Pension Payment Procedures No.38/64/98-P&PW(F) 05.10.1999 Implementation of recommendations contained in para 61 of 44th Report of Parliamentary Standing Committee on Ministry of Home Affairs - Time Schedule for disbursement of Pension - regarding PDF(English) HTML
O.M. Revision of Pension No.45/86/97-P&PW(A)-III 24.09.1999 Implementation of Governments decision on the recommendations of the fifth Central Pay Commission-Revision of Pension of Pre and Post-1986 pensioners / family pensioners etc. - Extension of date of submission of application for revision of pension / family pension. HTML
O.M. Dearness Relief No.42/2/99-P&PW(G) 15.09.1999 Grant of dearness relief to Central Government pensioners/family pensioners - Revised rates effective from 01.07.1999. PDF(English) HTML
O.M. Medical Allowance for Pensioners No.45/57/97-P&PW(C) 18.08.1999 Implementation of Government's decision on the recommendations of the 5th Central Pay Commission - Grant of fixed medical allowance @ Rs.100/- p.m. to Central Government pensioners residing in areas not covered under CGHS - clarifications in respect of existing pensioners. HTML
O.M. Revision of Family Pension No.45/2/99-P&PW(E) 22.07.1999 Revision of Family Pension of pre-1996 deceased Government servants/pensioners - instructions regarding prompt revision. HTML
O.M. Revision of Family Pension No.45/51/97-P&PW(E) 21.07.1999 Recommendations of 5th Central Pay Commission - Grant of Family Pension to Parents, Sons and Daughters - Clarifications Regarding. HTML
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O.M. Revision of Family Pension No.45/8/98-P&PW(E) 22.06.1999 Implementation of Government's decision on the Recommendations of the Fifth Central Pay Commission - Revision of enhanced family pension in case of pre-1996 pensioners/family pensioners. HTML
O.M. Revision of Family Pension No.33/4/98-P&PW(C) 21.06.1999 Revision of Family pension equal to last pay drawn by the deceased Government granted under liberalised Pensionery Awards-Clarification. HTML
O.M. Dearness Relief No. 42/2/99-P&PW(G) 23.04.1999 Grant of Dearness relief to Central Government pensioners/Family pensioners. Revised rates effective from 01.01.1999. PDF(English) HTML
O.M. Counting of past services for pensionery benefits No. 28/10/99-P&PW 19.04.1999 Counting of past service on mobility of employees from Central /State Government Departments to Central/State Autonomous Bodies -acceptance of belated options for counting of past service. HTML
O.M. Revision of Pension No. 45/86/97-P&PW(A) Part-III 19.03.1999 Implementation of Governments decisions on the recommendations of the Fifth Central Pay Commission-Revision of Pension of pre-1986 pensioners/family pensioners- Clarification regarding. HTML
O.M. Central Govt. Absorbees in PSU & Pension Entitlement etc. No.4/59/98-P&PW(D) 05.02.1999 Implementation of Government's decision on the Recommendations of the Fifth Central Pay Commission relating to retirement benefits - extension of the provisions of the O.M.No.45/10/98-P&PW(A) dated 17th December, 1998 to absorbed employees in PSUs/Autonomous bodies. HTML
O.M. Revision of Family Pension No.45/8/97-P&PW(E) 02.02.1999 Implementation of Government's decision on the Recommendations of the Vth Central Pay Commission - period for payment of family pension at enhanced rates. HTML
O.M. Revision of Disability Pension No.1/9/96-P&PW(E) 21.01.1999 Amendment the Central Civil Services (pension) Rules, 1972, for persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department HTML
O.M. Revision of Family Pension No.1/21/91-P&PW(E) (Pt.) 15.01.1999 Payment of family pension to handicapped children - Procedure for. HTML
O.M. Central Govt. Absorbees in PSU & Pension Entitlement etc. No.4/59/98-P&PW(D) 12.01.1999 Implementation of Government's decisions on the recommendations of the Fifth Central Pay Commission relating to retirement benefits - extension of the provisions of the O.M.No.45/10/98-P&PW(A) dated 17th December, 1998 to absorbed employees in PSUs/Autonomous Bodies. HTML
O.M. Medical Allowance for Pensioners No.45/57/97-P&PW(C) 30.12.1998 Implementation of Government's decision on the recommendations of the 5th Central Pay Commission - Grant of fixed medical allowance @ Rs.100/- p.m. to Central Government pensioners residing in areas not covered under CGHS - clarifications in respect of grant of medical allowance. PDF(English)
O.M. Central Govt. Absorbees in PSU & Pension Entitlement etc. No.4/56/98-P&PW(D) 28.12.1998 Restoration of one-third commuted portion of pension after 15 years from the date of commutation or 1.4.85, whichever is later in respect of Government servants who had drawn lumpsum payment on absorption in Public Sector Undertaking/Autonomous Body - Implementation of Supreme Court Judgement dated 15.12.1995 in Writ Petition (C) No.11855/85 as well as Supreme Court order dated 1.5.1998 in Contempt Petition No. 530/97 in Writ Petition (C) No.11855/85. HTML
O.M. Revision of Pension No. 45/10/98-P&PW(A) 17.12.1998 Implementation of Governments decisions on the recommendations of the Fifth Central Pay Commission relating to retirement benefits. HTML
O.M. Revision of Family Pension No.45/8/98-P&PW(E) 15.12.1998 Implementation of Government's decision on the recommendations of the 5th Central Pay Commission - Revision of enhanced family pension in case of pre-1996 pensioners/family pensioners. HTML
O.M. Dearness Relief No.42/3/98 - P&PW(G) 15.09.1998 Grant of Dearness relief to Central Government pensioners/Family pensioners. Revised rates effective from 1.7.1998. PDF(English) HTML
O.M. Revision of Disability Pension 45/55/97-P&PW(C) 11.09.1998 Special Benefits in cases of Death and Disability in Service - Payment of Ex Gratia lumpsum compensation to families of Central Government Civilian Employees who die in harness - Recommendations of the Fifth Central Pay Commission. PDF(English) PDF(Hindi)
O.M. Medical Allowance for Pensioners No.45/57/97-P&PW(C) 24.08.1998 Implementation of Government's decision on the recommendations of the 5th Central Pay Commission - Grant of fixed medical allowance @ Rs.100/- p.m. to Central Government pensioners residing in areas not covered under CGHS - clarifications in respect of existing pensioners. HTML
O.M. Central Govt. Absorbees in PSU & Pension Entitlement etc. No.4/59/97-P&PW(D) 14.07.1998 Restoration of one-third commuted portion of pension after 15 years from the date of commutation or 1.4.85, whichever is later in respect of Government servants who had drawn lumpsum payment on absorption in Public Sector Undertaking/Autonomous Body - Implementation of Supreme Court Judgement dated 15.12.1995 in Writ Petition (C) No.11855/85 as well as Supreme Court order dated 1.5.1998 in Contempt Petition No. 530/97 in Writ Petition (C) No.11855/85. HTML
O.M. Revision of Pension No.45/86/97-P&PW(A)-Part IV 08.05.1998 Implementation of government decision on the recommendations of the Fifth Central Pay Commission- Revision/updation of family pension in respect of Government servants who retired/died on or after 1.1.1986 but before 1.1.1996. HTML
O.M. Dearness Relief No. 42/3/98 - P&PW(G) 15.04.1998 Grant of Dearness relief to Central Government pensioners/Family pensioners. Revised rates effective from 1.1.1998. PDF(English)
O.M. Revision of Family Pension No.45/52/97-P&PW(E) 03.04.1998 Grant of ex-gratia payment in respect of CPF retirees and their family members. HTML
O.M. Revision of Family Pension No. 45/51/97-P&PW(E) 05.03.1998 Recommendation of 5th Central Pay Commission - Grant of Family Pension to Parents, sons and daughters. HTML
O.M. ex-Burma/Pakistan Civilian Pensioners No.23/1/97- P&PW(B) 23.02.1998 Enhancement/Sanction of ex-gratia ad-hoc allowance to Burma Civilian Pensioners/ Family Pensioners and Pensioners/families of displaced Govt. pensioners from Pakistan who are Indian national but receiving pension on behalf of Govt. of Pakistan. PDF(English)
O.M. Revision of Pension No.45/86/97-P&PW(A)-Part III 10.02.1998 Implementation of government decision on the recommendations of the Fifth Central Pay Commission-Revision of pension of pre-1986 pensioners/ family pensioners etc. HTML
O.M. Medical Allowance for Pensioners 45/57/97-P&PW(C) 19.12.1997 Implementation of Government decision on the recommendations of the 5th CPC. Grant of Fixed Medical Allowance Rs. 100 p.m. to Central Government Pensioners residing in area not covered under CGHS PDF(English)(156 KB) PDF(Hindi)(159 KB)
O.M. Revision of Family Pension No.45/52/97-P&PW (E) 16.12.1997 Grant of Ex-gratia payment in respect of CPF retirees and their family members. HTML
O.M. Revision of Family Pension No.45/52/97-P&PW(E) 08.12.1997 Grant of Ex-gratia payment in respect of CPF retirees and their family members. HTML
O.M. Revision of Pension, Central Govt. Absorbees in PSU & Pension Entitlement etc. No. 45/86/97-P&PW(A)-Part I 27.10.1997 Implementation of government decision on the recommendation of the Fifth Central Pay Commission. Revision of provisions regulating pension/ commutation of pension. HTML
O.M. Dearness Relief No.42/2/97 - P&PW(G) 27.10.1997 Grant of Dearness Relief to pensioners in Implementation of government decisions on the recommendations of the Fifth Central Pay Commission. PDF(English) HTML
O.M. Revision of Pension No.45/86/97-P&PW(A)-Part II 27.10.1997 Implementation of Government's decision on the recommendations of the Fifth Central Pay Commission Revision of pension of pre-1996 pensioners/family pensioners etc. HTML
O.M. Central Govt. Absorbees in PSU & Pension Entitlement etc. No.4/3/86-P&PW (D) 03.07.1997 Restoration of one-third commuted portion of pension after 15 years from the date of commutation in respect of the Government servants who had drawn lumpsum amount on their absorption in a Public Sector Undertaking/Autonomous Body - implementation of the Judgement of the Supreme Court - HTML
O.M. Central Govt. Absorbees in PSU & Pension Entitlement etc. No.4/3/86-P&PW (D) 30.09.1996 Restoration of one-third commuted portion of pension after 15 years from the date of commutation in respect of the Government servants who had drawn lumpsum amount on their absorption in a Public Sector Undertaking/Autonomous Body - implementation of the Judgement of the Supreme Court - HTML
O.M. Counting of past services for pensionery benefits No.28/24/94-P&PW(B) 13.09.1996 Clarification that service rendered in PSUs and Financial Institutions like Nationalised Banks including RBI/SBI,Life Insurance Corporation & its subsidiaries and General Insurance Corporation & its subsidiaries can not be counted for pension purpose under Government/Autonomous Bodies. HTML
O.M. ex-Burma/Pakistan Civilian Pensioners No.42/18/95-P&PW(G)-VOLL.II 06.09.1996 Grant of Interim Relief to Central Government pensioners/family pensioners. PDF(English)
O.M. GPF/CPF 4/1/87-P&PW(PIC-II) 23.07.1996 Change over of the Central Government Employees from the CPF Scheme to the Pension Scheme-Formulation of uniform policy for Scientific & Technical Personnel-regarding- PDF(English) PDF(Hindi)
O.M. ex-Burma/Pakistan Civilian Pensioners No.42/18/95-P&PW(G) 16.10.1995 Grant of Interim Relief to persons in receipt of ex-gratia payment. PDF(English)
O.M. Counting of past services for pensionery benefits No.28/10/95-P&PW(B) 30.05.1995 Mobility of Personnel between Central Government Departments and Autonomous Bodies - Clarification regarding transfer of Pensionary/terminal liabilities, where employee has rendered less than Five Years Service HTML
O.M. Counting of past services for pensionery benefits No.28/24/94-P&PW (B) 30.05.1995 Clarification Regarding (i) Grant of Pro-rata retirement benefits to the permanent Central Government employees who are absorbed in the Financial Institutions like Nationalised Banks including RBI/SBI,Life Insurance Corporation & its subsidiaries and General Insurance Corporation & its subsidiaries (ii) Non counting of past service rendered in above Financial Institutions. HTML
O.M. ex-Burma/Pakistan Civilian Pensioners No.F.5/14/91-P&PW(B) 24.11.1993 Grant of ad-hoc ex-gratia allowance to the Burma Civilian Pensioners/family pensioners and widows who are Indian nationals and receiving payment from the Government of Burma. PDF(English)
O.M. Central Govt. Absorbees in PSU & Pension Entitlement etc. No.29/4/91-P&PW (F) 13.01.1993 Settlement of pensionary entitlement in respect of Central Government employees absorbed in Central Public Sector Undertakings / Autonomous Bodies in individual basis - Entitlement of family pension- HTML
O.M. GPF/CPF 4/1/97-P&PW(PIC-II) 12.10.1992 Change over of the Central Government Employees from the CPF Scheme to the Pension Scheme-Formulation of uniform policy for Scientific & Technical Personnel-regarding- PDF(English) PDF(Hindi)
O.M. ex-Burma/Pakistan Civilian Pensioners No.5/14/91-P&PW(B) 09.03.1992 Grant of ad-hoc ex-gratia allowance to the Burma Civilian pensioners/family pensioners and widows who are Indian nationals and receiving payment from the Government of Burma. PDF(English)
O.M. Exemption from Rule of Immediate Absorption in Central PSU and Central Autonomous Bodies No.4/42/87-P&PW (D) 29.01.1991 Parity in the matter of payment of pro-rata retirement benefits to the Government servants permanently absorbed in the Central public Sector Undertakings and Central Autonomous Bodies -Guidelines for exceptions to the immediate absorption principle - HTML
O.M. Gratuity No.7/20/89-P&PW(F) 22.01.1991 Payment of interest on account of delayed payment of retirement/ death gratuity - regarding. PDF(English) HTML
O.M. Condition for Payment of Pension on absorption consequent upon conversion. 4/15/89-P&PW(D) 30.03.1990 Permanent absorbtion of Permanent central govt. employees in the Central Public Sector Undertakings/Central Autonomous bodies - Payment of pro-rata retirement benefits, format to be used for sanction of pro-rata retirement benefits PDF(English)
O.M. Counting of past services for pensionery benefits 28/10/84-PPW/Vol. II(D) 20.07.1989 Counting of service for purposes of pension of employees of Central Government and Central Autonomous Bodies seeking absorption in Autonomous Bodies under the State Government and vice-versa PDF(English)
O.M. Condition for Payment of Pension on absorption consequent upon conversion. No.4/18/87-P&PW (D) 05.07.1989 Settlement of pensionary terms etc., in respect of Government employees transferred en masse to Central Public Sector Undertakings/Central Autonomous bodies HTML
O.M. Exemption from Rule of Immediate Absorption in Central PSU and Central Autonomous Bodies No.4/42/87-P&PW 19.04.1988 Parity in the matter of payment of pro-rata retirement benefits to the Government servants permanently absorbed in the Central Public Sector Undertakings and Central Autonomous Bodies -Guidelines for exceptions to the immediate absorption principle - HTML
O.M. Counting of past services for pensionery benefits No.28/2/85-P&PW(B) 22.02.1988 Mobility of Personnel between Central Government Departments and Autonomous Bodies - Extension of benefit of counting of past service to the pensioners, who retired prior to issue O.M. dated 29/08/1984. HTML
O.M. ex-Burma/Pakistan Civilian Pensioners No.5/1/85-P&PW 17.07.1987 Enhancement/Sanction of ad-hoc ex-gratia allowance to Burma Civilian Pensioners/ Family Pensioners and Pensioners/families of displaced Government pensioners from Pakistan who are Indian nationals but receiving pension on behalf of Government of Pakistan. PDF(English)
O.M. GPF/CPF 4/1/87-PIC-I 01.05.1987 Change over of the Central Government employees from the CPF Scheme to Pension Scheme- Implementation of the recommendations of the Fourth Central Pay Commission. PDF(English) PDF(Hindi)
O.M. GPF/CPF 4/1/87-PIC-II 01.05.1987 Extension of benefits of Retirement Gratuity and Death Gratuity to Central Government employees governed by CPF Scheme- Implementation of the recommendations of the Fourth Central Pay Commission. PDF(English) PDF(Hindi)
O.M. Counting of past services for pensionery benefits No.4(12)/85-P&PW 31.03.1987 Parity in the matter of payment of pro-rata retirement benefits to the Government servants permanently absorbed in the Central Public Sector Undertakings and Central Autonomous Bodies. HTML
O.M. Counting of past services for pensionery benefits 28/10/84-PPW Vol.II 20.03.1987 Counting of service for purposes of pension of employees of Central Government and Central Autonomous Bodies seeking absorption in Autonomous Bodies under the State Government and vice-versa PDF(English)
O.M. Counting of past services for pensionery benefits 28/10/84-PPW. Vol. II 30.10.1986 Counting of service for purposes of pension of employees of Central Government and Central Autonomous Bodies seeking absorption in Autonomous Bodies under the State Government and vice-versa PDF(English)
O.M. Counting of past services for pensionery benefits 28/10/84-PPW Vol. II 17.06.1986 Counting of service for purposes of pension of employees of Central Government and Central Autonomous Bodies seeking absorption in Autonomous Bodies under the State Government and vice-versa PDF(English)
O.M. Counting of past services for pensionery benefits No. 28(10)/84-P&PW.Vol.II 07.02.1986 Counting of service for purpose of Pension of employees of Central Government and Central Autonomous Bodies seeking absorption in Autonomous Bodies under the state Governments and vice-versa. HTML
O.M. Condition for Payment of Pension on absorption consequent upon conversion. 28016/5/85/ESTT(C) 31.01.1986 Appointment of Central Government servants in the Central Public Enterprises on Immediate Absorption basis, terms and conditions of PDF(English)
O.M. Counting of past services for pensionery benefits No.28/10/84-PU-Volume-I 12.09.1985 Mobility of personnel between Central Government Departments and Central Autonomous Bodies - Refund of Pensionary/terminal benefits by Employee or Transfer of Pensionary/terminal liabilities by previous Department/Autonomous Body HTML
O.M. GPF/CPF 3(1)-Pension Unit/85 06.06.1985 Exercising of fresh option by Central Government employees subscribing to Contributory Provident Fund to come over to pensionable service. PDF(English) PDF(Hindi)
O.M. Counting of past services for pensionery benefits No.28/10/84-Pension Unit 29.08.1984 Mobility of personnel between Central Government Departments and Central Autonomous Bodies - Counting of service for pension HTML
O.M. Pension Payment Procedures F11(3)-EV(A)/76 06.05.1976 Simplification of procedure with a view to eliminating delays in the payment of pension and gratuity PDF(English)(312 KB)
O.M. Condition for Payment of Pension on absorption consequent upon conversion. 26(18)-EV(B)/75 08.04.1976 Permanent Transfer of Government servants to autonomous bodies for grant of retirement benefits regarding. PDF(English)


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