Fresh agenda items for 22nd meeting of SCOVA to be held under the Chairmanship of Hon'ble MOS (PP) on 19th February, 2013

F.No. 42/1/2013-P&PW(G)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions

Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare

3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan, 
Khan Market, New Delhi - 110003 
Date: 6th February, 2013

Subject: Fresh agenda items for 22nd meeting of Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA) to be held under the Chairmanship of Hon'ble MOS (PP) on 19th February, 2013 at 2.30 PM in Vigyan Bhawan Annexe, New Delhi,

Please find enclosed herewith a copy of fresh agenda items for discussion in the 22nd meeting of Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA) to be held under the Chairmanship of Hon'ble MOS (PP) on 19th February, 2013 at 2.30 PM in Vigyan Bhawan Annexe, New Delhi.

2. Representatives from SCOVA member pensioners associations are requested to kindly bring with them a copy of their PPO to decide eligibility relating to TA/DA.

3. You are also requested to kindly reach at Vigyan Bhawan Annexe by 1.45 PM on 19th February, 2013 due to security protocol.

Enclosure : As above.

( Sujasha Choudhury )
Deputy Secretary (P)

Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions 

(Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare)


S.No. Agenda Item
  • Same fitment benefit to Pre-2006 pensioners as recommended and implemented in respect of serving employees by the VI CPC.
  • Parity between Past and Future Pensioners.
  • Stepping up of Pension and Family Pension to 50% and 30% respectively.
  • Extension of new benefits granted to the past pensioner.
  • The implementation of orders dated 01.09.2008 read with the orders dated 14.10.08 is not correct for fixation of pension.

With regard to the issue of same benefit to pre-2006 pensioners as given to serving employees by 6th CPC and parity between past and future pensioners, the members were informed that CAT in its judgement on 1.11.2011 had dismissed the issue. With regard to issue of stepping of pension and family pension to 50% & 30% respectively of the minimum of pay in the pay scale, the members were informed that appropriate action in this regard is being taken by the government. In view of the above, it has been treated as closed.

No specific information about the CAT Judgment/Order has been cited in the above reference cited. It is requested to furnish details of the 0.A.No.; date of filing; details of the CAT jurisdiction; where it was filed and with the names of the Petitioners and Respondents. This information is requested to pursue with the Government and to know whether any appeal has been preferred on this matter by the concerned Department/GOI etc.

As regards stepping up of pension and family pension to 50% and 30% respectively of the minimum of pay in the pay scale, the matter now in the Court and posted to April, 2013, it is not understood how appropriate action in this regard is being taken up by the Government.

( Action: DoP&PW )

Disposal of disciplinary cases against the Retired Officials:

Discontentment brews among the retirees for delay in disposal of Disciplinary cases as their cases remain unattended for years. This adds to their mental agony as a large chunk of dues payable to them are held up. Though they are paid PROVISIONAL PENSION, they are apprehensive of huge deduction from the said amount in case the decision goes against them.

It is submitted that a special mechanism may be carved out, a directive may be issued from the proper authorities to the Investigating authorities including CBI etc., Disciplinary Authorities to ensure time bound disposal of the said cases within the prescribed time frame.

Action: DoP&PW and DoP&T

Prompt response to grievance letters Central Secretariat Manual of office procedure Para 66 & 67 page 39

Prompt response to letters received: Para 66 CSMOP reads:

(1) Each communication received from a Member of Parliament, member of the public, recognized association or a public body will be acknowledged within 15 days, followed by a reply within the next 15 day's of acknowledgement sent.

(2) Where (i) delay is anticipated in sending a final reply, or (ii) information has to be obtained from another Ministry or another office, an interim reply will be sent within a month (from the date of receipt) indicating the possible date by which a final reply can be given.

(3) If any such communication is wrongly addressed to a department, it will be transferred promptly (within a week) to the appropriate department under intimation to the party concerned.
(4) Where the request of a member of the public cannot be acceded to for any reason, reasons for not acceding to such a request should be given courteously.

(5) As far as possible, requests from members of public, should be looked at from the user's point of view and not solely from the point of view of what may be administratively convenient.

Target date for replies, Para 67 CSMOP reads:- In all important matters in which State Governments, departments of the Central Government, or other offices, public bodies or individuals are consulted, time limit for replies may ordinarily be specified. On expiry of the specified date, orders of the appropriate authority may be obtained on whether the offices, whose replies have not been received, may be allowed an extension of time or whether the matter may be processed, without waiting for their replies. Ministries of Defence, Railways, Finance &Health & FW may be advised to comply with above paras, while dealing with the correspondence of Pensioners' Associations identified by DOP & PW.

(Action: DoP&PW, M/o Railway, M/o Health & FW, M/o Defence, D/O Expenditure, D/O Financial Services, D/o Telecommunication, D/o Posts, CGA, CPAO)

Merger of 78.2% IDA with basic pension benefit to the absorbed BSNL Pensioners:

Merger of 78.2% IDA with basic pension benefit to the absorbed BSNL Pensioners w.e.f. 01-01-2007. Revision of Pension of the absorbed BSNL Pensioners was done with 68.8% IDA merger w.e.f. 01-01-2007. But in the light of DPE order No. 2(70)108- DPE(WC)-GL-VIII/09 dated 2/4/2009, the benefit of IDA merger of 78.2% should be extended to the above mentioned pensioners. The same has already been extended to the all PSU Pensioners. Even BSNL Board has also approved the same to its staff.

( Action: DoP&PW / Department of Telecommunication )

Delay in appointment on COMPASSIONATE ground:

Instances are not rare in the past years when one of the eligible family members of a deceased officer had been issued APPOINTMENT LETTERS (during the obsequies period of the deceased) to join in the department where his/her late father/husband had been working.
Fixation of quota of 5 % for such compassionate appointments not only creates a vacuum in the Department, but deprives a bereaved family (mostly in Group D and C cadre) of its rightful consideration.

It is requested that the Govt. may kindly reconsider the issue to do away with the quota system, and consider issue of a directive to all the Heads of the Departments to provide a job to the members of the bereaved family within three months of death of the deceased officer.

( Action: Department of Personnel & Training (DOP&T)

Extension of life CGHS membership to P&T Pensioners:

Extension of life CGHS membership to P&T Pensioners who has paid subscription for ten years. Some of P&T Pensioners have been extended the CGHS cover on court orders on yearly basis, and they have paid the required contribution for over TEN years, but have not been granted the 'Whole Life' status, which is due to all CGHS beneficiaries who have paid subscription for 10 years. This amounts to grave injustice to the elderly P&T Pensioners, some of whom are over 80 years old, requiring immediate attention for remedial measures.

(Action: M/o Health & FW, D/o Telecommunication, D/o Posts)

Nomination for reimbursement in CGHS:,

Provision for Nomination for reimbursement in C.G.H.S. Nomination facility exists for all Govt. transactions like Pension, DCRG, GPF, CGEGIS etc., but not to CGHS. CGHS is not willing to extend this facility.

(Action: M/o Health & FW)

Extension of duty hours of CGHS Dispensaries:

Extension of duty hours to the CGHS States/Centres (Orders issued for extension of duty hours in Delhi on 1.1.2013.)

(Action: M/o Health & FW)

CGHS Plastic Smart Cards:

Issue of CGHS Smart Cards for other Metro Cities including Chennai and Jammu (Already implemented at Delhi and recently in Bangalore)
(Action: M/ o Health & FW)

CGHS sites on the netnot updating info on the net regularly.

For ex. (i) The latest let no. 11012/3/2011-CGHS(P) dt 29 Dec 2011 is still not posted. The old info as of 2009 is the latest on the site. (ii) O.M. S.14025/10/2002/MS dt. 21 Mar 2012 has not found a place yet. There are innumerable findings of this sort.
(Action: M/o Health & FW)

Defence Civilian Pensioners :
While in service defence civil employees play as important a role as the uniformed section and they get facilities at par with uniformed section as such after retirement also defence civil pensioners be accorded the status of ex servicemen.

(Action: M/o Defence)



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