CEC, Bhubaneshwar Meeting: Resolution-1

Hathibarkala, DEHRA. Dun-248001(Uttarakhand)
No. CHQ-21/MSA/2013
Dated:- 23rd January, 2013

Resolution adopted at the Central Executive Committee Meeting of Ministerial Staff Association Survey of India held on 22" and 23rd January 2013 at Bhubaneswar.
This Central Executive Committee Meeting (CEC) notes with grave concern that the Ministry/ Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India in general and Hon'ble Secretary Dr. T. Ramasami in particular appear to have gradually been advancing towards Merger of this oldest Central Govt. Department like Survey of India with another Union Govt. Department NATMO in the name of so called "Re-designing & Neo-Modernization in Survey of India —Some Plausible Directions" with the aim of operation for corporatizing the new formation intended to make the newly-emerged shape as an autonomous body. All these things appear to be taking place quite unilaterally by the Hon'ble Secretary himself without having any consultation with the duly- recognized Associations/Union of Survey of India and NATMO thus utterly violating the DoPT Guidelines issued by the Hon'ble Cabinet Secretary for consulting over any important policy matter with the staff-sides prior to its conception, what to speak of its materialization.

2. The meeting not only strongly opposes such drastic and one-sided move of the Secretary, DST but also equally denounces such drive and urges him not to proceed further in this direction so as to keep the entire conception and decisions in abeyance in no time.
3. The Meeting forewarns that the Association as a whole combined with other organizations of Survey of India are not at all ready to accept such unilateral moves/ decisions of the Secretary, DST in protest of which suitably strong joint resolutions have already been passed unanimously by the Central Headquarters at Dehra Dun as well as at the Branches like Bangalore, Shillong, Shilchar, Guwahati, Raipur and Kolkata. The meeting also urges upon the Surveyor General of India not to accept or support such one- sided drive/move of a retired Secretary and is surprised to learn that in his Annual Report submitted to DST the Surveyor General appeared to have either advocated for the one- sided move of the Secretary or mentioned about the merger of the Departments of Union Govt, like Survey of India and NATMO aimed at making the new formation as an autonomous body in the so called name of converting Survey of India into a center of excellence. The Meeting, therefore, urges both the Administrations of DST and SOI to stop such anti-employee one-sided steps immediately and before it is too late.
Resolved that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to:-
I. Shri S. Jaipal Reddy, Hon'ble Minister of Science & Technology for kind information with the prayer for immediate active intervention
2. Hon'ble Cabinet Secretary to the Govt. of India, New Delhi for kind information with the request for similar action in the way as considered fit by him.
3. Hon'ble Secretary, Ministry/Department of Science & Technology for kind information with the urge not to proceed further for his ill-motived move for Merger & Autonomous Body.
4. Surveyor General of India for kind information with the request to ensure that the SOI is not merged with any other Department so as to maintain its independent character.
5. All Additional Surveyor Generals and Directors for kind information with the request to oppose this move at their own levels.
6. The Director, NATMO Dr.(Prof.) V. C. Jha for kind information with the request to do the needful in the way as felt appropriate at the earliest.
7. The Leaders of Confederation of Central Govt. Employees and Workers, New Delhi for kind information with the request for immediate action in the way as felt proper at this crucial juncture.
8. The Central Headquarters of all organizations of Survey of India for information with the request for action as deemed proper to build up joint movement aimed at combating such dangerous anti-employee move by the Secretary DST in the overall interest of the Department on one hand and that of the employees/ workers on the other.
9. All COBs/Branches of Ministerial Staff Association of Survey of India for information with the request for widest possible circulation of this resolution to the members.
10 The Chairman & the Secretary of the NATMO Employees' Association, Kolkata for information with request for necessary action.

(T.D. Banerjee)
Member, DC (JCM)
(Juliana R. Vincent)
Vice-President, MSA(CHQ)
Chairperson of the CEC Meeting
(Manoj Kumar Sharma)
Secretary General, MSA

(V. Raj Kumar)

(Sanjay Kumar)
Vice-President, MSA(CHQ)

(Balraj Saini)
Jt. Secretary General
(V. Niar)
Dy. Secy. General
(R. Dutta)
Dy. Secy. General
(P.K. Dash)
Dy. Secy. General
(D.C.R. Karki)
Org. Secy. General

(Sanjeev Sharma)
Secretary Finance,


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