Action Taken Report (ATR) on the minutes of the 21st meeting of Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA).

F. No. 42/1/2013-P&PW(G)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan,
Khan Market, New Delhi – 110003
Date: 6th February, 2013
Subject: Action Taken Report (ATR) on the minutes of the 21st meeting of Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA).
Please find enclosed herewith a copy of Action Taken Report (ATR) on the decisions of the 21st meeting of the Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA) held on 27th September, 2012 in New Delhi under the Chairmanship of Honible MOS(PP) for kind perusal.
( Sujasha Choudhury)
Deputy Secretary (P)
Telefax : 24644637

Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
(Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare)

27th SEPTEMBER, 2012
Sl. No
Issue raised in 21st SCOVA meeting as per minutes
Decision taken in the 21st SCOVA meeting
Follow up Action
Sl. No. 1 and 19 of ATR of Para 5 :
Issue of revised PPO for Pre-2006 retirees and also to communicate the amount of pension as well as Family Pension to be revised consequent to the 6th Central Pay Commission to Pre 1.1.2006 pensioners.
i) Central Pension Accounting Office has indicated that out of 6.67 lakhs cases of pre-2006 pensioners/family pensioners revised PPOs in respect of 3.06 lakhs cases have been issued. CPAO informed that they are sending e-scrolls of Pensioners to all Ministries/Departments, which will solve the problem of non receipt of Annexure-III.
ii) As final figures were not available, Department of Telecommunications and Department of Posts were asked to compile data for the cases of pensioners/family pensioners of pre-2006 and take necessary action for their revision by 31St March, 2013.
iii) Ministry of Railways informed that they have requested pensioners to apply for revision of PPO by making all the data available to them. They informed that they have revised 4.7 lakhs PPOs on receipt of these applications and 6.00 lakhs are pending. The Ministry has been asked to complete the task of issuing revised PPOs by March, 2013 where
applications have been received. Simultaneously they should ascertain a mechanism of getting data of the remaining cases and revising PPOs of those who have not applied for revision of PPOs.
iv) Ministry of Defence informed that they have to cater to the requirement of more than 11 lalch pre-2006 Pensioners. They have revised PPOs of about 5.7 lakh out of them. They also informed that in approximately 8.0 lakh cases, the revision has to be done manually and they have to take additional action for capturing all the data which is available only in physical form. The
Ministry was asked to deploy additional manpower for capturing of data and complete the revision exercise by 30th September, 2013.

Secretary (P&PW) requested all the organizations/Departments/ Ministries to expedite the same without further delay and update the latest status with the Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare.
( Action : CPAO M/o Railways, M/o Defence, D/o Posts, D/o Telecom and DOP&PW)
a) A number of initiatives were taken in the last quarter of 2012 such as allowing change in date of birth of spouse, use of certain documents for revision of PPOs, inclusion of present postal address and mobile and telephone number in the life certificate and use of e-scroll for extracting information from banks database. It has also been decided in January,2013 to revise PPO without the Date of Birth of spouse where it is not readily available and revise the PPO again when Date of Birth becomes available. A reconciliation exercise is underway in the CPAO. The future course of action may be chalked out after receiving further inputs from the CPAO.
b) CPAO has also requested all the pensioners through advertisement published in one leading daily National Hindi, English, Regional newspaper of State/ UT's each, on 21/10/2012 to furnish additional information like present address, Telephone/Mobile Number while appearing for life certificate or submitting it to banks in November every year. Banks Association has also been requested to give it wide publicity through advertisements.
c) Civil Ministries' pre-2006 pendency has been reduced to 23% and pre-1990 pendency has been reduced to 75% as on 31.01.2013. Further, about 18,000 cases are at various stages in the PAOs and CPAO.
Department of Posts
1(a) Revision of pension and PPOs of Pr-2006 Pensioners :- The work regarding revision of Pension and payment of arrear has been completed in respect of almost all pre 2006 pensioners. The progress up to 30.11.2012 in respect of revision of PPOs of pre 2006 pensioners is 45.18%. All the Head of Circles/ Postal Accounts offices have been requested to get the work completed by target date.
1(b) Revision of Pension and PPOs of Post-2006 Pensioners:- The work regarding revision of Pension and PPOs in respect of Post-2006 Pensioners has been completed almost cent percent.
Ministry of Railways :
(i) The position of revision of Pre-2006 and Post- 2006 PPOs to the end of December/2012 is given below :-
Period Total no. of pension cases No. of applications received by pension sanctioning authority for revision No of cases received by Aics Department for issue of PPOs No. of PPOs is issued by the A/cs Departm ent.
Pre- 2006 10,40,278 4,92,528 4,80,000 4,78,482
Post- 2006 1,41,289 1,36,439 1,35,720 1,34,641
Total 11,81,567 6 ,28,967 5,55,460 6,13,123
(ii) Instructions have been issued by Railway Board to chalk out a comprehensive action plan and gear up machinery to complete the work of revision f all remaining pre-2006 cases by the stipulated date of 31/03/2013 (AM/F's letter No. 2010/AC-II/21/4 dtd. 07-11-12 and 07-12-12). Railways have also been asked to complete. the remaining work in the time bound manner by 31-03-2013. Railway have been asked to give wide publicity of revision of pension by issuing advertisements in the newspaper calling for the applications from pensioners and making suitable arrangement in Personnel and Accounts Offices for processing the pension revision cases.
(iii) It is pertinent to mention that Accounts Department issues revised PPO on receipt of sanction of revision of pension from the Pension Sanctioning Authority (Personnel Branch). Personnel Department had been issuing advertisements in the newspapers calling for the details vi. Current residential address, updated bank account no. (post core-banking system) etc. from the pensioners for processing and according sanction the same before being forwarded to the Accounts Department for revision of pension.
(iv) To facilitate receipt of applications from left over pensioners, RBI on request of Railway Board issued instructions to all the pension disbursing bank branches to ask pensioners to fill pension revision applications forms along with Life Certificate. The same would be collected by railways and units for according sanction and to issue revised PPOs to the pensioners.
D/o Telecommunication
The cases for revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners is in progress. Efforts are being made to complete the task of finalization the pre-2006 pension revision cases within the time frame as per the instruction of DOP&PW.

Sl. No. 6, 7 and 8 of ATR of Para 5:
(a) Revision of ex-gratia amount to CPF/SRPF retirees,
(b)Uniform rates of DR &
(e) Ex-gratia should not be less than minimum pension and the same should be effective from 01/01/06.
(d) Ex- gratia to those who voluntarily retired after 20 years of service in respect ofpre-1986 CPF/ SRPFretirees

(a), (b) and (e) : It was informed that the proposal for increasing the ex-gratia for CPF pensioners so as to bring them at par with SRPF beneficiaries is under consideration
(d) : As regards ex-gratia to those who took voluntary retirement, it was agreed to re-examine the matter in the light of various court judgements
( Action : Ministry of Railways and DOP&PW)

DOP&PW: (a), (b) and (e): No change in the information.
(d): Ministry of Railways had been requested on 22.11.12 and reminded on 07.01.13. (d) Ministry of Railways' comments have since been received and the matter is to be reconsidered in consultation with the Department of Expenditure

Sl. No. 13 and 16 of ATR of Para 5:
(13) - The Orders of Ministry of Health reiterating that all the pensioners are at liberty to opt themselves with any of the nearest CGHS hospital/dispensary may be widely circulated. Arbitrary orders dated 01/08/1996 and 01/09/1996 issued by Ministry of Health and Director of CGHS may be withdrawn and the benefit of CGHS facilities be allowed to the pensioners of Department of Post and Department of Telecom as specially provided in the order of the Department of Personnel and Pension.
(16)-(i The existing Pensioners of Department of Posts and Telecom covered by P&T Dispensaries are neither considered for treatment of hospitalization facilities nor for Fixed Medical Allowance & (ii)Pensioners falling within the limit of P&T Dispensaries /CGHS Hospitals may be allowed to opt for P&T Dispensaries or drawl of FMA.

It was informed that the issue was taken up with the concerned ministries and the decision to merge 19 dispensaries in 12 cities have been taken in principle. The concerned ministries will inform the exact timelines. In this regard Hon'ble MOS(PP) will take up the issue with the Health Minister. He will also take up the matter with the Health Minister regarding opening of one new CGHS dispensary at Mohali/Panchkula/ Chandigarh.
(Action: Ministry of Health & FW, Department of Posts, Department of Telecom, DoP&PW)
Department of Posts :
Merger of 19 postal Dispensary located in 12 cities with CCHS
As per recommendations of VI Pay Commission, the matter of merger of 19 Portal Dispensaries in 12 cities, where CGHS is in operation, is in active consideration.
Fixed Medical Allowance to Pensioners of Department of Posts & Telecommunication (FMA):
The Issue of withdrawal of OM dated 1.8.1996 has been taken up with Ministry of Heath & Family Welfare. The matter is under consideration in that Ministry.
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare :
With the approval of competent authority, the proposal has been referred to M/O Finance, D/O Expenditure for providing budgetary support to implement the decision of merger/takeover of 19 dispensaries of Department of Posts in 12 Cities by CGHS. So far as opening of dispensary at Mohali/Panchkula/ Chandigarh is concerned, it would not be possible to accede to this in view of severe resource crunch faced by CGHS. It may be stated that currently, there are a number of States and UTs without any CGHS dispensary.

Sl. No. 17 of ATR of Para 5:
Inclusion of Representatives of A.I.R.R.F and SCOVA in Railway Hospital Advisory Committees.
The matter is under examination in consultation with Zonal Railways.
 (Action : Ministry of Railways)

Ministry of Railways
Members/representatives in Hospital Advisory Committee are appointed by Chief Personnel Officers of each Zonal Railway with the approval of General Manager of the respective Railway as a welfare measure
Sl. No. 23(ii) of ATR of Para 5
Fixed Medical Allowance.
(ii): to pensioner residing beyond 2.5 kms from dispensary.

It was informed that jurisdiction of a dispensary is decided by its admn. Authorities. Department of Pension and Pensioners' Welfare instructions allow Fixed Medical Allowance to pensioners residing outside the jurisdiction of dispensary. Ministry of Railways explained 2.5 Km. limit is laid down by the decision of courts.
The position regarding entitlement of FMA to non- railway civil pensioners was explained in the last meeting. It was explained that those residing within the jurisdiction of CGHS dispensary were not entitled to FMA.
Ministry of Railways: As regards territorial jurisdiction for the grant of FMA in respect of Railway pensioners, there was some dispute and this issue was decided by High Court of Kerala vide their order dt.22-11-2002 in 0.P No.17280/2002 prescribing for criterion of 2.5 Kms. This order of Kerala High Court has been upheld by Hon'ble Supreme Court. Once the issue has been settled by the Apex Court no further action in the matter is feasible. It is relevant to point out that in respect of Non-Railway civil pensioners FMA is not admissible if residing in area covered by CGHS dispensary/Hospital. Thus, the criterion of residing beyond 2.5 luns of Railway Hospital/Dispensary is analogous to the position existing with reference to Non-Railway civil pensioners. As such, this Ministry cannot take any unilateral decision on this issue.

The members thereafter raised specific issue of RELHS. It was decided that the Ministry of Railways may discuss the issue with the members.
(Action : Ministry of Railways)
Regarding issues relating to RELHS, the position has been explained against Sl. No. 4 & Sl.No. 14 of the ATR by Ministry of Railways
Sl. No. 26 of ATR of Para 5:
Anomaly in fixation of pension to DoT employees absorbed in BSNL, who retired between 1.10.2000 and 31.7.2001.
Department of Telecom may re-examine the issue.
 (Action : Department of Telecommunication)
Deptt. of Telecom:
The proposal for rectification of anomaly in pension of BSNL employees retired within ten months of their absorption in BSNL w.e.f. 1.10.2000 , was examined in consultation with the Internal Finance Wing and referred to Department of Pension and Pensioners' Welfare as well as Department of Expenditure. While Department of Pension and Pensioners' Welfare agreed with our proposal, Department of Expenditure did not agree to the same. However, DOP&PW opined that "since the Govt. had decided and implemented the formula for full minimum pension of all pensioners irrespective of their date of retirement as not to be less than 50 of the minimum pay in the revised scale. Therefore, the absorbees who are entitled for combined service pension as per Rule 37A are also entitled for minimum of pension, irrespective of their date of retirement at the rate not less than 50 of the minimum pay in the scale of pay held by them at the time of their retirement. This being the rule position, the pensioners of this class retiring even after 1.8.2001 are entitled far minimum pension at the rate not less than 50% of the minimum pay in the scale of pay held by them at the time of retirement. Accordingly, the issue was examined and it has been decided that the absorbees in BSNL who are entitled for combined service pension as per Rule 37 A are also entitled for minimum of pension, irrespective of their date of retirement, at the rate not less than 50% of the minimum pay in the scale of pay held by them at the time of retirement. This decision was conveyed to BSNL vide letter No. 40-10/2005- Pen(T) dated 27th September, 2011. (copy enclosed) However, since the grievance has not been settled in most of the cases, several representations were received from the pensioners/ Pensioners Associations of BSNL etc. The case is under examination in Department of Telecommunication.
DoP&PW will examine the matter as and when any proposal is referred by Department of Telecommunication to us.

Sl. No. 28 of ATR of Para 5:
Payment of pension to postal retirees through banks.
Department of Posts informed that proposal has been sent to the Reserve Bank of India for final clearance. The Department was asked to finalize the issue by 31.12.2012.
(Action : Department of Posts)
Department of Posts:
Department of Post has finalised and issued an scheme for Payment of Pension to postal retirees through Banks. Hence, the task has been completed.
6.1 of Para 6
Time bound grievance redressal & real time dissemination of information are the two main ingredients of this novel venture for the welfare of pensioners
The Department of Pensioners and Pensioners Welfare informed that all the Ministries have been issued instructions to redress the grievance as per the timeline prescribed by Department of Administrative Reforms (ARPG). In cases it was not possible to give immediate reply, an interim reply should be given to the applicant. DOP&PW will reiterate these instructions to all Ministries/ Departments. The Railway association pointed out that direct cases which goes to Ministry of Railways should give acknowledgement on the same lines as in respect of cases coming through DoP&PW. This facility is available in the software CPENGRAMS which can be made use by all Ministries/Departments.
(Action: Ministry of Railways, DOP&PW and other Ministries)
The Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare have been writing to Nodal Officers of all Ministries/Departments to fix and observe time line for redressal of grievances. These instructions were again reiterated to all Nodal Officers of all Ministries/Departments vide Department letter No. 41/36/2011-P&PW(C) dt. 15.10.2012 (Annexure —A)
Further the review meetings at Secretary (Pension) level are also held with Ministries/Departments having high pendency in redressal of grievances 5 such meeting have already been held on 19.06.2012, 14.08.2012, 18.09.2012, 18.12.2012 and 28.01.2013 during the current financial year.
Ministry of Railways :
All Railway Units have been advised vide letter No. CPENGRAMS/1/2011 dated 14-11-2012 to make efforts to dispose of the Pension Grievances within two months time period as per the time line prescribed by Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare letter No. F.No. 41/36/2011-P&PW(C), dated 15-10-2012. As regards the issue of interim reply and acknowledgement on the lines of DOP&PW, the matter is under examination and outcome would soon be conveyed.
Grievances are watched and replied regularly received through CPENGRAMS website. The same is also monitored on weekly basis by Chief Controller (Pensions). CPAO has also its own grievances cell where grievances are received/ registered through mail, e-mail telephone, in person etc. The Cell was started with 5 experience retired persons and Telephone lines. The same has been strengthened with 10 telephone lines with 10 dedicated persons to attend and resolve the grievances.

6.2 of Para 6 Dissemination of information in real time :
All the Ministries were requested to update the information available in the website and provide necessary linkage to the websites of Department of Pensioners and Pensioners' Welfare. Ministry of Railway have been asked to regularly update all the instructions for information of Pensioners association.
Representative of the Posts & Telecom Pensioner Association stated that when the circular about enhancement of Dearness relief (DR) for pensioners/family pensioners is issued by Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare (DoP&PW) and subsequently pasted on the Pensioner portal .Website, the post offices don't take cognizance of it, until a separate circular is issued by the Department of Post on the basis of DoP&PW Dearness Relief circular. This double exercise tantamounts to delay in getting the dearness relief by the pensioners/family pensioners through post offices. During the discussions, Hon'ble MOS(PP) mentioned that, circular on enhancement of Dearness Relief (DR) issued by DoP&PW should be applicable to all offices of the Government of India. In this regard Secretary (P&PW) will take up the issue with Department of Post and Department of Telecommunication (Action: M/o Railways M/o Health & Family Welfare M/o Defence/ D/o Personnel & Training/ D/o Expenditure/ D/o Financial Services/ D/o Telecom. D/o Posts/CGA/CPAO/DoPPW)

Department of Posts
Department of Post has issued instructions to their offices to release the dearness relief on the basis of DR orders issued by DoP&PW on website. .
Ministry of Railways : Instructions have already been issued to all concerned Directorates to such as Establishment, Pay Commission, Health, Finance, Accounts - etc to have their policy guidelines and circulars uploaded on the Railway website.
information related to pensioners issued by CPAO are posted immediately on CPAO website. Linkage to the websites of Department of Pensioners and Pensioners' Welfare is also available on CPAO website.
Department of Telecom : Necessary instructions have already 'been issued to the concerned offices to release the dearness relief on the basis of DR orders issued by DOP&PW on website.
Department of Expenditure: Necessary instructions have been issued to all concerned vide O.M. No. B-11015/2/2012-Ad.I dt. 23.01.2013 (Annexure- B)
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare : M/O H&FW has requested NIC to examine the proposal for providing the linkage for the website of D/o Pension & Pensioners Welfare with this Ministry's website.

6.3 of Para 6
Simplification submission of Life Certificate
The issue of submission of of life certificate in any branch Bank in which the pensioners had their accounts has not been found feasible. However, CPAO was asked to look into the feasibility of submission of life certificate in any of the branches of the same Bank.
(Action CPAO/ Department of Post/ Department of Telecommunication)
Proposal for simplification for submission of Life'. Certificate has already been sent to Director D/o P & PW vide UO No. 1(7) (4)/2011/SOPP/TA/ 668-689 dated 30/10/2012 by the Dy. Controller General of Accounts
The matter is under examination in consultation with Department of Expenditure
Department of Telecom :
The issue will be taken up with the bank after consolidation of Single Window system which was introduced w.e.f. October, 2012 for disbursement of pension through the banks by simplifying the procedure for submission of life certificate.

6.5 of Para 6
Nomination facility for Family Pensioners drawing Life Time Arrears:
The Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare agreed to further examine the proposal.
( Action : Department of Expenditure/ Department of Financial Services/ CGA/CPAO and DOP&PW)
The matter is under examination in consultation with D/o Legal Affairs.
6.7 of Para 6
Medical Insurance coverage to Pensioners
The Representatives of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare informed that the proposal has been sent to Planning Commission in 12th Plan and the scheme will be started for obtaining the requisite information.
(Action: Ministry of Health & Family Welfare)
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare :
Department will initiate further process in the matter after finalization of the 12 Five Year Plan which is in its final stages.
6.8 of Para 6
a) Grievances Committees at the Additional Director (CGHS) Level at Delhi :
Advisory Committees have been constituted at Wellness Centre level which meets regularly to settle the issues at local level itself. Claim day once in a month and Claim Adalat from time to time are held in each zone to settle outstanding reimbursement claims. Detailed instructions to streamline and expedite disposal of Medical Reimbursement Claims have also been issued and the position is being monitored at all levels regularly. As a result of the initiatives taken by the Ministry in this regard, the pendency has been brought down drastically. MOHFW intends to further bring it down through computerization and administrative actions. It was decided that a fix date and time may be prescribed for meeting the pensioners and the same should be put on the website.
(Action: Ministry of Health & Family Welfare)
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare: Instructions have been issued to all Additional Directors of CGHS cities/zones to fix a time slot of 11.00 AM to 01.00 PM on every Wednesday for hearing and redressal of grievances of CGHS beneficiaries including pensioners.

b) A similar grievance committee at national level may also be constituted
c) Central Government Health Scheme: Issues at Wellness Centers Bangalore
d)CGHS Dispensary/ Wellness Centre at Jammu
e) Opening of three more CGHS Dispensaries, one at Mohali, second at Panchkula and "one more at Chandigarh

Hon'ble MOS (PP) directed Ministry of Health & Family Welfare to take appropriate action and he will take the matter with Minister of Health & Family Welfare also for empanelment of hospitals to be made better.
(Action: Ministry of Health & Family Welfare)
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare:
b) There is no need to constitute a separate grievance committee at national level. The relevant issues can be brought to the notice of the Ministry by the staff members of National Council (JCM)
c) The process of empanelment of quality hospitals/diagnostic centres across the country including Bangalore is under process in this Ministry. Efforts are being made to empanel adequate .number of private hospitals/diagnostic laboratories and imaging centres for the purpose of providing quality healthcare to the CGHS beneficiaries.
d) CGHS dispensary in Jammu has since become operational
e) CGHS is already overstretched and currently facing acute resource constraints. It would therefore not be possible to accede to the demand at this point of time.

6.12 & 6.13 of Para 6:
6.12: i) RELHS facilities to dependent parents ;
Ministry of Railways agreed to examine issues on merit in consultation with pensioners associations. In case they have any other grievance they may approach railway
authorities. (Action : Ministry of Railways)
Ministry of Railways :
(i) A Committee had been constituted by Railway Board to make recommendations with respect to modalities for implementation of the scheme for extension of medical facilities to both dependent father and mother of railway employees. The Committee has submitted its report which is under consideration of the Board.

ii) On 24th February 2010 during the budget speech Minister for Railways

(ii) A memorandum of Understanding was signed between Ministry of Railways and Ministry of Health & Family Welfare on 05.02.2010, regarding opening of OPD cum Diagnostic Centres, Secondary Railways Level General Speciality Hospitals and Tertiary Level Multi-specialities Hospital on land, which is not immediately operationally required, to provide quality healthcare to Railway passengers, General public and Railway beneficiaries. It is planned to set up 381 OPD & Diagnostic Centres (200 sq.m.), 101 Secondary Level General Speciality Hospital (5acres) and 40 Tertiary Level Multi-specialities Hospital (20 acre). To translate the MoU into action, a High Power Working Group under the Chairmanship of Minister of State for Health and Family Welfare has been formed with senior officials of both the Ministries as members thereof. Three meetings of of the Working Group have so far been held in which about 91 locations have been identified for developing the healthcare facilities as pilot project. Out of these 91 locations, 50 locations have been identified for development of Diagnostics/OPD facilities, 25 locations/stations have been identified for setting up of Secondary Level General Speciality Hospitals and another 16 locations have been identified for development of Tertiary care hospitals. OPD & Diagnostic Centres have been decided to be developed on priority basis as it will have a shorter gestation period and also it will require lesser amount of investment. Therefore, to test the model, the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare has identified 11 locations viz. Kathua, Udhampur, Dhakuria, Bongaon, Barrckpore, Naihati, Bagnan, Khardah, Hasnabad, Erode and Tanuku for setting up of OPD & Diagnostic Centres. Ministry of Health & Family Welfare is in the process of finalizing the financial model for establishment and operation of the proposed OPD & Diagnostic Centre. Ministry of Railways is regularly following up the matter with Ministry of Health & Family Welfare.

iii) Separate nominated days for Pensioners/family pensioners for specialist consultation in Rly hospital.

(iii) Instructions in this regard have been issued.

iv) Inclusion of representatives of identified Associations & SCOVA members in Rly Hospital grievance committees

(iv) There is provision of Hospital Advisory Committees in Railway Hospitals to assist patient and their family members. The committee shall consist entirely of ladies. As far as possible, the members of the Committee should be wives or other dependents of the Railway employees. The Medical Officer in charge of the hospital may in addition invite ladies not connected with the Railways but interested in social and voluntary hospital work to serve on these Committees.

v) Smart Card Facility for RELHS beneficiaries

(v) Instructions in this regard have been issued.

vi) RELHS to be open ended scheme

(vi) Instructions in this regard have been issued.

VII) Streamlining of functioning of Railway Hospitals

(vii) Indian Railway Medical Services have a well defined system of referral. Zonal Hospitals being the referral hospitals for each Zone. Improvement in healthcare services is an on-going process. Every effort is being made to provide our beneficiaries with best of comprehensive healthcare in our hospitals within available resources.

6.13-Welfare Measure for Railway Pensioners:
(ii)Provision of office accomrnod to Pensioner Asso. .

6.13 (ii)
Provision exists in para 1963 of Indian Railway Engg. Code for allotment of spare building to House Welfare Organizations at a nominal fee. Zonal Railways can be approached accordingly in the matter.

iv)Allow dependents in Widow passes :

6.13 (iv) and (v)
(iv) In terms of Schedule-V (Widow Pass) of Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986 (Revised Edition-1993), dependent relatives are not entitled to be included in Widow Passes. However, as regards dependent children, there is no bar. They are to be included in the widow pass.

v)Provision of passes to family pensioners other than the widow

(v) After implementation of 6th CPC recommendation, travel entitlements on Privilege Pass have been revised recently, which has benefited a large number of employees retired or serving. Keeping in view this large scale liberalization, further relaxation of rules to include provision of passes to family pensioners other than the widow on the pass is not considered feasible due to financial and other repercussions.



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