Need to stop the proposed shifting of office of Geo-Spatial Centre of Survey of India from Silchar, Assam to Shillong: Lok Sabha Debate

Title: Need to stop the proposed shifting of office of Geo-Spatial Centre of Survey of India from Silchar, Assam to Shillong.
SHRI KABINDRA PURKAYASTHA (SILCHAR): An attempt has been started to shift the office of TMMz GDC Silchar to Shillong depriving not only the employees of the said office but also the people of Barak Valley, Manipur, Mizoram and Tripura, the area covered by this office.

This office has been performing it duties to its best and rendering necessary services to the Government and people.

I as the Member of Parliament from Silchar strongly demand that the TMMz GDC office in no case should be shifted elsewhere and Silchar office in all cases should be retained.



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