Merger of SOI with Natmo: Rosolution adopted at Kolkata

Resolution adopted at the emergent extraordinary general meeting of the Ministerial Staff Association, Survey of India, Kolkata branch held in presence of six (6) Sister Organizations on Friday, the 21st December, 2012 at the ground-floor (portico) of No. 13, Wood Street premises, Kolkata — 700016 with Shri A.K. Pradhan, Hony. Secretary of Draughtsmen's (Cartographic) Association, Kolkata Branch & Jt. Secy. Gent. of the CHQs in the chair.
This emergent extraordinary general meeting of workers, employees and officials of Survey of India, Kolkata notes with a degree of concern that the Ministry /Deptt. Of Science & Technology, Govt. Of India in general and the Hon'ble Secretary. Dr. T. Ramasami in particular have been desperately and quite one- sidedly stepping ahead towards his planned Merger of SOI with NATMO and converting the new shape or form to be emerged out of unilaterally-proposed merger/amalgamatioii in a center of excellence in the so-called name of Re-designing & Neo­Modernization. The meeting in one voice strongly objects to and vehemently protests against such completely one-sided move on part of the Secretariat Supremo who happens to be a person since retired in 2009 but still remaining under third extension period to expire on 31st March, 2013 which is not only unconstitutional and unethical but illegal too obviously challengeable in the Court of Law.
2. This meeting takes a serious note to the effect that prior to his moving ahead towards 'Merger & Autonomous Body'neither the Hon'ble Secretary himself nor the Surveyor General of India had felt any least necessity to either consult the recognized Staff sides or take duly- functioning Staff Sides into confidence thereby utterly violating the mandatory Guidelines issued by the Hon'ble Cabinet Secretary to the Govt. of India to all Ministries/Departments vide No. 03/03/2001- JCM (pt.) dated 21-05-2002 for consultation with Staff Sides before taking Administrative decisions on important policy matters.

3. The meeting further notes that the employees/workers/officials belonging to Survey of India on one hand and NATMO on the other do not at all want Merger/Amalgamation of these two age-old traditional departments under the Union Govt. & Autonomous Body/Corporation and, as such, demands of the competent higher-ups not to proceed any further towards their motivated & vested goals of sitting on the top of the projected Autonomous Body as the Chairman just after or before expiry of the extended term of his tenure. It is noted that all the CHQ Organizations of SO! at Dehra Dun as well as a good number of branches at different Survey stations have adopted suitable protest resolutions from their meetings countering the ongoing moves/decisions of the Hon'ble Secretary and urging upon the Authorities not to proceed further towards their ill-motived & dangerous moves. This meeting also feels surprised to learn as to how the Surveyor General is known to have either advocated or atleast mentioned about Merger/Amalgamation of Survey with NATMO thus making us believe that the SG has been openly acting as the veil/ faithful agent of Dr. T. Ramasami towards his unilateral & anti- SO! Moves Moves for Merger & Autonomous Body to help cherish his personal gains & vested interests.
4. This meeting,, after discussing the entire issue threadbare, considers all such things totally deplorable and, therefore, seriously urges that such ill-directed attempts for MERGER & AUTONOMOUS BODY be stopped in no time. Simultaneously, the meeting hopes with reasons and justifications that the HQ Organizations i.e. the Co-ordination Committee of Survey Organizations at Debra. Dun will play immediate and more active/effective roles in the shape of agitational moves/able persuasions/strongest protests/challenging such one-sided drives in the Court of Law as will be required to meet the growing needs of the situation.
Resolved that a copy of this important Resolution be forward : The Hon'ble Cabinet Secretary to GOI, New Delhi/Hon'ble Secretary to GOI, Min. & Dej3tt. Of Sc. & Tech., New Delhi/Surveyor General of India, Dehra Dun together with a copy of the joint Resolution adopted by seven (7) CHQs at Dehra Dun on
12-11-2012 not-simply for their kind information but also mainly for their earliest positive actions-cum-decisions to keep such one-sided, dangerous & vested move on part of the Head of the DST-Secretariat in abeyance in order to avert any precipitation of the peaceful situation and normalcy in Survey of India. A Secretary since retired on superannuation more than long three years back and presently under third-cum-final extension to expire on 31st March, 2013 cannot and should not at all be allowed to unilaterally take any such important & sensitive policy decision out of his own whims and vested personal  interests.
View Signed Resolution: Click here:


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