Pay Rules

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Pay Rules

SN O.M. No. Subject Click Here For
O.M. Date
1 No. 1/1/2010-Estt.(Pay-I) Advance Increments granted to Stenographers of Subordinate Offices on qualifying speed test in shorthand at 100/120 w.p.m. regarding. PDF(English)(75 KB)
06-12-2012 PDF(Hindi)(89 KB)
2 No. 16/4/2012-Pay-1 Transfer to lower post under FR 15(a). PDF(English)(92 KB)
3 No.4/6/2008-Estt(Pay-II) Revision of Special Allowance and Cash Handling Allowance as a result of enhancement of Dearness Allowance w.e.f. 1.1.2011. PDF(English)(11 KB)
4 No.3/19/2009-Estt. Pay-II Fixation of pay of re-employed pensioners-Treatment of Military service Pay. PDF(English)
08-11-2010 PDF(Hindi)
5 No. F 3/26/2009-Estt. Pay II Uniform conditions of service in respect of Chairperson and Members of Regulatory Authorities. PDF(English)
6 No.16/2/2009-Estt(Pay-1) Regulation of the Date of Next Increment in case of Extra-ordinary leave(without medical certificate) after implementation of the CCS(RP) Rules, 2008-clarification regarding. PDF(English)
02-07-2010 PDF(Hindi)
7 No.6/2/2009-Pay-1 Participation by Central Government Servants in Sporting events and tournaments of National or International importance. PDF(English)
8 No. 3/19/2009-Estt.(Pay II) Applicability of CCS (RP) Rules, 2008 to persons re-employed in Government Service after retirement and whose pay is debitable to Civil Estimates. PDF(English)
05-04-2010 PDF(Hindi)
9 No. 12/3/2009-Pay-I Guidelines for fixation of pay of candidates working in Public Sector Undertakings etc., recommended for appointment by the Commission by the method of recruitment by selection - regarding. PDF(English)
30-03-2010 PDF(Hindi)
10 No.F.1/4/2009-Estt(Pay-1) Restriction of Officiating pay under FR-Clarification-regarding PDF(English)
08-03-2010 PDF(Hindi)
11 No. 1/3/2008-Estt(Pay-I) Grant of incentive for acquiring higher qualification - Inclusion of additional qualifications/Review of the qualifications listed in the Annexure to this Department's OM No. 1/2/89-Estt.(Pay-I) dated 9.4.99. PDF(English)
12 No. 18/44/88-Estt.(Pay) I Grant of advance increments to Stenographers in Subordinate Offices for acquiring higher speed in short-hand - Acceptance of Award of BoA - regarding PDF(English)
13 No. 2/34/2008-Estt. (Pay II) Calculation of monthly contribution towards cost of Pension payable during foreign service. PDF(English)
19-11-2009 PDF(Hindi)
14 No.6/12/2008-Estt.(Pay.II) Revision of pay of the Chairpersons and Members of the Regulatory Authorities/Bodies consequent to the implementation of the Sixth Central Pay Commission recommendations. PDF(English)
18-11-2009 PDF(Hindi)
15 No. 2/22/2008-Estt. (Pay-II) Restriction on pay plus Deputation (Duty) Allowance - regarding. PDF(English)
03-11-2009 PDF(Hindi)
16 1/3/2008-Estt (Pay-I) Grant of incentive for acquiring higher qualification - Inclusion of additional qualifications/Review of the qualifications listed in the Annexure to this Department's OM No. 1/2/89-Estt (Pay-I) dated 9.4.99. - Reminder - II PDF(English)
17 No.13/9/2009-Estt(Pay-1) Fixation of pay in case of employees who seek transfer to a lower post under FR 15(a)- clarification regarding. PDF(English)
18 No. 1/3/2008-Estt (Pay-I) Grant of incentive for acquiring higher qualification - Inclusion of additional qualifications/Review of the qualifications listed in the Annexure to this Department's OM No. 1/2/89-Estt (Pay-I) dated 9.4.99. PDF(English)
19 No. 1/1/2009-Estt. Pay-1 Grant of Variable Increment to high performers in the Pay Bond 3 - recommendation of the 6th CPC. PDF(English)
20 No. 1/3/2008-Estt (Pay-I) Grant of incentive for acquiring higher qualification - Inclusion of additional qualification/Review of the qualifications listed in the Annexure to this Department's OM No. 1/2/89-Estt (Pay-I) dated 9.4.99. PDF(English)
21 No. 2/23/2008-Estt. (Pay II) Revision of the rates of Deputation (Duty) Allowance/pay fixation on appointment on the personal Staff of Ministers - regarding. PDF(English)
28-05-2009 PDF(Hindi)
22 No. 1/1/2008-IC Clarification regarding pay fixation of existing Group `D' employees in the revised pay structure. PDF(English)
23 No.6/12/2008-Estt. (Pay II) Revision of Pay of the Chairpersons and Members of the Regulatory Authorities/Bodies consequent to the implementation of the Sixth Central Pay Commission recommendations. PDF(English)
14-11-2008 PDF(Hindi)
24 No.3/13/2008-Estt. (Pay II) Applicability of CCS (RP) Rules, 2008 to persons re-employed in Government Service after retirement and whose pay is debitable to Civil Estimates. PDF(English)
11-11-2008 PDF(Hindi)
25 4/6/2008-Estt. (Pay II) Revision of Special Allowance and Cash Handling Allowance - Recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission. PDF(English)
01-10-2008 PDF(Hindi)
26 F.No. 17-5/2008-Pay.I References regarding pay fixation etc-Streamlining in procedure-regarding. PDF(English)
20-06-2008 PDF(Hindi)
27 No. 1/1/2007-Pay-I Incentive for acquiring fresh higher qualification after induction into Government Service - reg. PDF(English)
28 No. 49014_4_2007-Estt.(C) Fixation of pay of Casual Labourers (Temporary Status) on their regularisation. PDF(English)
29 No.6/2/2004-Estt(Pay-I) Participation by Central Govt. Employees in sporting events and tournaments of national/Internation importance. PDF(English)
18-03-2008 PDF(Hindi)
30 No.6/7/2003-Estt.(Pay-II) Deputation of Central Government Employees to ex-cadre posts under Central/State Government and on Foreign Service to Central/State PSUs/Autonomous Bodies. PDF(English)
07-01-2008 PDF(Hindi)
31 No.16/6/2001-Estt. Pay I Fixation of pay in case of employees who seek transfer to a lower post under FR 15(a) - clarification regarding. PDF(English)
32 No.2/29/91-Estt.(Pay-II) Deputation of Central Government Employees to ex-cadre posts under Central/State Government and on Foreign Service to Central/State PSUs/Autonomous Bodies. PDF(English)
33 No.16/6/2001-Estt. Pay I Fixation of pay in case of employees who seek transfer to a lower post under FR 15(a) - clarification regarding. PDF(English)
34 No.2/2/2004-Estt.(Pay-II) Review of Policy of NBR to Officers appointed under Central Staffing Scheme. PDF(English)
35 No. 1/3/2002-Estt.(Pay-I) Incentive for acquiring fresh higher qualification HTML
36 No. 6/7/2003-Estt.(Pay-II) Extension of deputation/foreign service. HTML
37 No. 2/8/97-Estt.(Pay-II) Recommendation of the Fifth Central Pay Commission - Regulation of pay of Officers of Group `A' on their appointment to posts in the Central Secretariat under the Central Staffing Scheme - Government decision thereon. HTML
38 No. 1/2/89-Estt.(Pay-I) Incentive for acquiring fresh higher qualification. HTML
39 No. 2/8/97-Estt.(Pay-II) Revision of rules relating to payment of Central Secretariat (Deputation of Tenure) Allowance (CDTA) to officers of Group `A' Services on their appointment as Director in the Central Secretariat under the Central Staffing Scheme - Regarding. HTML
40 No. 16/8/2000-Estt.(Pay-I) Option for fixation of pay on promotion - regarding. HTML
41 No. 1/2/89-Estt. (Pay-I) Incentive for acquiring fresh higher qualification. PDF(English)
42 No. 13/26/92-Estt(Pay-I) Participation by Central Government servants in sporting events And tournaments of national or international importance. HTML
43 No. 6/1/97-Estt(Pay-I) Participation by Central Government Servants in sporting events and tournaments of national or inter-national importance. HTML
44 No. 13/2/99-Estt.(Pay-I) Fixation of pay of State Government employees of their appointment in the Central Government. HTML
45 No. 2/8/97-Estt.(Pay-II) Recommendation of the Fifth Central Pay Commission - Regulation of pay of Officers Group `A' Services of their appointment to posts in the Central Secretariat under the Central Staffing Schemes - Government decision thereon. HTML
46 No. 1/3/95-Estt.(Pay-II) Deputation of Central Government servants on Foreign Service with UN Bodies - Participation in the UN Pension Fund Scheme. HTML
47 No. 1/9/98-Estt.(Pay-I) Grant of advance increments to Stenographers in Subordinate offices for acquiring higher speed in short-hand. HTML
48 No. 1/9/99-Estt. (Pay.I) Fixation of pay of Principal Private Secretaries of Central Secretariat Stenographers Service promoted to the post of Senior Principal Private Secretary. PDF(English)
49 No. 2/3/2000-Estt.(Pay-II) Calculation of monthly contribution towards cost of Pension payable during foreign service. - HTML
50 No. 1/12/97-Estt. (Pay-I) Minimum benefit on promotion - Recommendation of the Vth Central Pay Commission - regarding. PDF(English)
51 No. 3/15/99-Estt.(Pay-II) Terms and Conditions appointment of the Chairperson and Members of the Regulatory Authorities - Extension to Statutory Bodies/Tribunals - Policy regarding HTML
52 No. 1/12/97-Estt. (Pay-I) Option of date for fixation of pay on promotion - regarding. PDF(English)
53 I/6/97-Establishment(Pay-I) Minimum benefit on promotion HTML
54 I/5/97- Establishment( Pay-I ) Fixation of pay of Grade I Officers of the Central Secretariat Service promoted to the Selection Grade. HTML
55 I/12/97-Establishment(Pay-I) Option of date for fixation of pay on promotion Corrigendum HTML
56 I/2/89-Establishment(Pay-I) Incentive for acquiring fresh higher qualifications. Corrigendum HTML
57 No.1/2/89-Estt.(Pay-1) Incentive for Acquiring Fresh Higher Qualifications. PDF(English)
58 No. 1/2/89-Estt.(Pay.I) Incentive for acquiring fresh higher qualifications. PDF(English)(218 KB)
59 18/7/98-Establishment(Pay-I) Restriction of officiating pay under F.R.35 - Clarification HTML
60 2/8/97 Establishment( Pay-II) Deputation (Duty) Allowance recommendation of the VCPC HTML
61 No. 2/11/97-Estt.(Pay-II) Accommodation for Regulatory Authorities - HTML
62 No. 12/1/96-Estt.(Pay-I) Guidelines for fixing of pay of candidates working in Public Sector Undertaking etc. recommended for appointment by the UPSC by the method of Recruitment by selection - regarding. PDF(English)(96 KB)
10-07-1998 HTML
63 4/4/97 Establishment( Pay-II) Decisions relating to grant of special pay HTML
64 2/8//97 Establishment( Pay-II) Revision of Central Sectt. (Deputation on Tenure) Allowance (CDTA) HTML
65 No. 3/8/97-Estt.(Pay-II) Perquisites and some important terms and conditions for the Chairperson and Members of the Regulatory Authorities and allied matters - Policy regarding - HTML
66 3/6/97 Establishment( Pay-II) Terms and conditions for the Chairperson and Members of the Regulatory Authorities HTML
67 No. 13/2/97-Estt.(Pay-I) Option of date for fixationof pay on promotion - regarding HTML
68 3/12/97 Establishment( Pay-II) Applicability of Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules to persons re-employed in Government service after retirement and whose pay is debitable to Civil Estimates. HTML
69 No. 3/19/97-Estt.(Pay-II) Applicability of Civil Services (Revised pay) Rules, 1997 to person re-employed in Government service after retirement and whose pay is debitable to Civil Estimates. HTML
70 No. 3/12/97-Estt.(Pay-II) Applicability of Civil Services (Revised pay) Rules, 1997 to person re-employed in Government service after retirement and whose pay is debitable to Civil Estimates. HTML
71 No. 3/4/97-Estt.(Pay-II) Fixation of pay of re-employed pensioners - Raising of ceiling of Rs. 8000/-. HTML
72 No. 3/4/97-Estt.(Pay-II) Fixation of pay of re-employed pensioners - Raising of ceiling of Rs. 8000/-. HTML
73 No. 3/15/94-Estt.(Pay-II) Applicability of COS (RP) Rules, 1986 and CCS (RP) Amendment Rules, 1987 to persons reemployed in Government service after retirement whose pay is debitable to Civil Estimates. HTML
74 No. 16/7/90-Estt.(Pay-I) Time limit for relieving an official consequent upon his promotion to the higher grade. HTML
75 No. 16/16/88-Estt(Pay-I) Counting of training period of drawing increment - Clarification regarding. HTML
76 No. 16/16/89-Estt(Pay-I) Counting of training period for the purpose of drawing increment - clarification regarding. HTML
77 No. 18/26/89-Estt.(Pay-I) Counting of training period for the purpose of drawing increment - clarification regarding. HTML
78 No. 13/26/92-Estt.(Pay-I) Participation Central Govt. servants in sporting events and Tournaments of National-Inter-national importance. PDF(English)(155 KB)
11-08-1994 HTML
79 No. 18/16/94-Estt.(Pay-I) Fixation of pay on promotion by taking into account stagnation increment. HTML
80 2/29/91 Establishment( Pay-II) Regulation of pay tenure of deputation/foreign service and other terms and conditions PDF(English)
81 No. 4/7/92-Estt. (Pay-I) Stepping up of pay. PDF(English)(163 KB)
82 No. 2/13/93-Estt.(Pay-II) Review of policy of NOR to officers appointed under Central Staffing Scheme - reg. HTML
83 No. 12/1/88-Estt.(Pay-I) Guidelines for fixing pay of candidates working in Public Sector undertakings etc. recommended for appointment by the commission period of requirment by selection. HTML
84 No. 16/16/89-Estt.(Pay-I) Counting of training period for the purpose of drawing increments. - clarification regarding. HTML
85 No. 13/24/92-Estt.(Pay-I) Condonation of resignation for purpose of pay fixation. PDF(English)(166 KB)
22-01-1993 HTML
86 No. 16/7/90-Estt.(Pay-I) Time limit for relieving an official consequent upon his promotion to the higher grade. PDF(English)(113 KB)
09-09-1992 HTML
87 No. 12/1/90-Estt.(Pay-I) Guidelines for fixing pay of candidates working in Public Sector undertaking, etc. recommended for appointment by commission by the method of recuirtment by selection - inclusion of State Government Undertaking - regarding. HTML
88 No.1/10/89-Estt.(Pay-I) NA HTML
89 No. 16/26/89-Estt.(Pay-I) Counting of training period for the purpose of drawing increments - Clarification regarding. HTML
90 No. 16/16/89-Estt.(Pay-I) Counting of training period for the purpose of drawing increments - Clarification regarding. HTML
91 No. 2/1/88-Estt.(Pay-I) Guidelines for fixing pay of candidate working in Public Sector undertaking, etc. recommended for appointment by the commission by the method of recuitment by selection - regarding. HTML
92 No. 16/13/88-Estt.(Pay-I) Grant of benefit of increment falling due during leave period in the case of Govt. servant who dies while on leave. HTML
93 No. 6/2/85-Estt.(Pay-I) Participation by Central Government Employees in sporting events and tournaments of national-inter-national importance - applicability of provialens of this Departments O.M. No. 6-1-85-Estt. (Pay.I)dt. 16.7.85. PDF(English)(221 KB)
30-01-1989 HTML
94 No. 4/7/92-Estt.(Pay-I) Stepping up of pay. HTML
95 No. 2/8/97-Estt.(Pay-II) Deputation (Duty) Allowance - Recommendation of the Fifth Central Pay Commission - HTML
96 No. 6/1/85-Estt.(Pay-I) Participation of Central Government servants in sporting events and tournaments of national or inter-national importance. PDF(English)(304 KB)
07-11-1988 HTML
97 No. 2/8/97-Estt.(Pay-II) NA HTML
98 No. 1/2/86-Estt. (Pay-I) Recommendation of the Fourth Central Pay Commission - Decisions relating to fixation of pay on promotion/appointment from one post to another carrying duties and responsibilities of greater importance. PDF(English)
99 3/1/85 Establishment( Pay-II) Fixation of pay of re-employment pensioners. HTML
100 NA Central Civil Services ( Fixation of Pay of Re-Employed Pensioners ) HTML
101 No. 6/1/85-Estt.(Pay-I) Participation by Central Government Servants in sporting events and tournaments national or international importance. PDF(English)(361 KB)
16-07-1985 HTML
102 No. F.13/14/83-Estt.(Pay-I) Fixation of pay under FR 22 (a) (ii) read with Audit Instruction (1) below FR 22 - data of next increment - Regarding. PDF(English)
103 No.F.7/1/80-Estt.(Pay-I) Option of date for fixation of pay on promotion - regarding. HTML


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