E-mail Hathibarkala , Dehra Dun Mobile 9897213871

Dated:- 7th July, 2014
The Member Secretary,
Seventh Central Pay Commission
Post Box No.4599
Hauz Khas
NEW DELHI – 110016


I have the honour to enclose herewith the Memorandum for the 7th Central Pay Commission from our Organization i.e. the Ministerial Staff Association, Survey of India (CHQs), Dehra Dun for your kind information and favour of necessary active consideration.

The common demands of the Central Govt. employees are contained in the Memorandum of the Staff side of the National Council (JCM) and the Confederation of the Central Govt. Employees & Workers and we subscribe to and endorse to the said Memorandum

It will be appreciated if our organization be allowed in due course to represent in the oral evidence where our representatives will be provided with the required opportunities to explain our demands in details.

Thanking you in anticipation,

Yours faithfully,


Copy to the Surveyor General of India, Dehra Dun together with a copy of Memorandum with reference to their O.M.No.JCM-2221/2158-7th CPC dated 7.7.2014

Copy to the Secretary General, Confederation of C.G. Employees & Workers, New Delhi together with a copy of the Memorandum.

Copy to All COBs & Branches of MSA, Survey of India together with a copy of Memorandum.


Survey of India is the oldest Central Government Department (i.e 247 Years old ) and actively engaged in Production of various types of topographical, geographical and other maps for the Defence and developmental work of the nation. It has also been carrying out Geophysical Surveys for tidal waves, gravity and geomagnetic observations. The Survey of India in addition to its own role as a principal mapping agency renders advice on the specifications of the Surveys and furnishes necessary data and maps to various departments of the Central and State Governments for Defence, development and planning purposes. Thus, Survey of India has played an important role in development of infrastructure and management of resources. And as a part of this Department Ministerial Staff also share responsibility for the upliftment of the activities and work of this important Technical Scientific Department.

Ministerial cadre bears the brunt of administrative, financial and various house-keeping jobs in Survey of India, which is a scientific organization, manned entirely by Engineer Officers at Group ‘A’ level. Introduction of e-payment and e-procurement in the offices need a good mind to handle, in which the Ministerial staff are perfect now a days. They are, however, very inadequately represented in terms of sanctioned strength with reference to the overall organizational strength. Their promotion span is between Group ‘C’ to Group ‘B’ post. This has resulted in considerable stress of work and perpetual resentment due to bleak promotion prospects. There is a perceptible simmering discontent in this cadre on this account and the Commission can, to a great extent, redeem the situation by giving elongated timescale of pay as may be eventually determined.


The present structure of Ministerial Staff and Hindi Staff is given below. Since very long we are reasonably demanding change in nomenclatures of Ministerial Staff and we are again submitting our demands as stated below:-















In the modern era of Scientific development and technological know-how the LDCs of Survey of India cannot be compared with the LDCs of other Central Govt. department. The computer replaced typing machine and in this department LDC must be well equipped with the sound knowledge of computer. Though the entry qualification for LDCs is Intermediate but in the absence of Assistant/UDC, he is capable of doing the additional voluminous job of Assistant/UDC such as preparation of Pension papers, Pay bills, submission of Disposition lists and other routine work in the hour of need and is always made to attend higher nature of jobs in the Department. It is pertinent to mention here that more than 80% LDCs are Graduates, out of whom sizeable numbers are even Post Graduates/Law Graduates. The Grade Pay of LDCs should be raised from Rs. 1900/- to Rs. 2400/- as per the following justification :-

Comparison with Data Entry Operator (DEO) & LDC

In accordance with the recommendation of 6th Pay Commission, Government of India has raised the academic qualification from Matriculation to 12th class pass or equivalent and technical qualification of typing from manual typewriter to sophisticated computer for getting selected to the post of LDC through Staff Selection Commission. It is to be noted that typing on computer is far different from the typing on typewriter because for typing on computer one should have the sound knowledge of the operation of computer or which one required to undergo a computer training programme.

The academic qualification required for both LDC & DEO are the same i.e., 12th class pass or equivalent. As regards the technical qualification, the candidate appearing for the post of LDC requires 10500 KDPH/ 9000 KDPH English and Hindi typing respectively on computer whereas the candidate appearing the Data Entry Operator requires only 8000 KDPGH on computer. But the grade pay granted/fixed for the post of LDC is only Rs. 1900/- and for the post of Data Entry Operator is Rs. 2400/-. Moreover, the DEO has only to enter the ready made data given to them, whereas the LDCs have to create data/draft letters and then type it on computer, putting up the matter through file note with justification with the support of rules and procedures. Thus the LDC practically does more work in qualitatively and quantitatively with less grade pay than that of DEO.

Several posts with unskilled work in various Ministries have been granted more pay than the pay of L.D.C. A man working as Dhobi, Nai, Mochi, Sweeper of Railway Protection Force get Rs. 2000/- Grade Pay whereas LDC who joins the department through Staff Selection Commission (All India Level Competition) gets a minimum Grade Pay of Rs.1900/- only, a Dak runner of Income Tax Department also gets more pay/benefit than LDCs. Instances of several other posts are also available.

COMPARISON OF LDC & MTS (Erstwhile Group ‘D’ Staff)

Even though the raising of academic qualification of MTS to Matriculation, duties prescribed for the earlier Group ‘D’ and the present MTS are the same. Whereas the academic and technical qualification of the LDC have been upgraded and assigned heavy responsibilities on them by the office concerned. The job profile of the post has undergone significant changes after introduction of modernization in Government offices.

During the 5th Pay Commission, pay scale S-1 to S-4 were granted to the Group D posts and pay scale S-5 was granted to LDC, i.e., one step above than the pay scale of the senior most Group D, which never crossed over the pay scale of LDC. But in the 6th Pay Commission all the MTS who have completed 10 years service will get the grade pay of LDC and those who have completed 20 years will get a grade pay which is more than that of LDC.


The main work force of this Department is UDCs. In other departments UDCs may not be doing so much work as these cadres of Survey of India do. UDCs of Survey of India is liable to be posted in any section viz. Confidential, Administration, Correspondence, Accounts and Budget Section. It is the expectation of the department that he will be well aware of all types of work as entrusted /assigned to him. UDCs of this department have been dealing with preparation of Pension Cases, Pay bills, Maintenance of Service Books, TA Bills, Contingent bills (both field and Hqs), Medical bills, Reconciliation of accounts with the concerned CP&AO/RP&AO, Internal audit, all correspondences related to Audit objection, Confidential cases, Estate work, Capital work, Plan and Non-Plan Budget of the department and related correspondences with the Ministry.

Assignment of a UDC depends upon his actual posting but he should be well aware of the Rules/Regulations and all related matters. They are also assisting in adopting the information Technology in the department. In view of the above, we seek for getting a favorable decision to revise the Grade Pay at Rs. 4200/- to UDC and accordingly fix the new pay scale in 7th Pay Commission.

It is also pertinent to mention here that recently Rajasthan Government had set up Shri Govind Sharma Committee to study the upgradation of the grade pay of LDC & UDC. Following a very positive recommendation from the Committee the Rajasthan Government has raised the grade pay of LDC and UDC from Rs. 1900 & 2400 to 2400 band 2800 respectively. Also the names of posts ‘Lower Division Clerk’ and ‘Upper Division Clerk’ have been changed as “Clerk Grade II’ and ‘Clerk Gde. I’ respectively. Similarly, the Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and Haryana Government have reportedly upgraded the grade pay of LDC & UDC.

As per the promotion policy one LDC can be eligible for promotion to the post of UDC only after completion of 8 years and having vacancies in the grade . Hence the Grade Pay of the UDC should be Rs. 4200/-.


The post of Assistant is very important post in the department and all Establishment, Administrative and Financial matters are basically examined and processed at this level. In Survey of India, Assistant generally deal with mostly various complex/complicated nature of duties in HQ, Zonal and GDCs with an independent and higher sense of responsibility. An Assistant has to have thorough and extensive knowledge with requirement to make a complete study over the cases and has to correctly interpret rules/instructions/regulations intended for making these applicable in the department. An Assistant has to be very effective/efficient in dealing with the following vital issues concerning Establishment/Administrative & Financial matters after basic examination and thorough process at their level. The duties and responsibilities of Assistant are given below:-

1. Recruitment Rules of Group ‘A’,’B’,’C’ & ‘D’

2. Dealing with Audit Objection/Queries

3. Maintenance of Reservation Roster for Recruitment and Promotion

4. Preparation of DPC papers of various categories of officers & staff

5. Disciplinary cases, Preparation of Charge sheet/Memorandums

6. Control of Department’s Budget expenditure and compilation of budget of various GDCs

7. Dealing with VIP cases and Parliament questions (Starred & Unstarred)

8. To execute the fieldwork, drawals of money before start of the field and ensure payments to the field hand well in time before and during the field season


Extracts from Sixth Central Pay Commission Report

1.2.18 Parity between field offices and secretariat has been proposed as, in Commission’s view, equal emphasis has to be given to the field offices in order to ensure better delivery.

2.2.19. Scales of 5000-8000, Rs. 5500-9000 and Rs. 6500-10500 has been merged to bring parity between field offices; the secretariat; the technical posts; and to work shop staff. This was necessary to ensure that due importance is given to the levels concerned with actual delivery. It is also noted that a large number of anomalies were created due to the placement of Inspectors/equivalent post in CBDT/CBEC and Assistants/Personal Assistants of Central Secretariat/CSSS in the scale of Rs. 6500-200-10500. The scales of Rs. 5500-175-9000 and Rs. 6500-200-10500, in any case had to be merged to resolve these anomalies.

3.1.1 The various Secretariats of the Ministries and Departments of Government of India together constitute the headquarters organization. The Secretariats are chiefly involved in matters relating to formulation of policy and ensuring that these policies are executed in a coordinated and effective manner. Actual execution of these policies, however, is left to field agencies outside the Secretariat, which may be either attached or subordinate offices or quasi-Government/autonomous/public Section undertakings.


3.1.2 Historically, various services in the Secretariat have been given an edge over analogous posts in the field offices. This was done on the ground that office staff in their counter parts in field offices perform routine work relating to routine matters concerning personnel and general administration, etc. Another argument that is used to justify the edge for various posts in Secretariat is that in Secretariat, level jumping occurs and personnel in the grade of Assistant etc., submit files directly to decision making levels of Under Secretary, Deputy Secretary, etc.

3.1.3 Higher pay scales in the Secretariat offices may have been justified in the past when formulation of proper policies was of paramount importance. The present position is different. Today, the weakest link in respect of any Government policy is at the delivery stage. The field offices are at the cutting edge of administration and may, in most cases, determine whether a particular policy turns out to be a success or a failure in terms of actual benefit to the consumer. Accordingly, the time has come to grant parity between similarly placed personnel employed in field offices and in the Secretariat. This parity will need to be absolute till the grade of Assistant. Beyond this, it may not be possible or even justified to grant complete parity because the hierarchy and career progression will need to be different taking in view of the functional considerations and relativities across the board.

3.1.4 A parity has long been established between the posts of Lower Division Clerk (LDC) and Upper Division Clerk (UDC) in Secretariat and field offices. The position becomes different for post above UDC level; with the Assistant in Secretariat offices being placed in higher pay scale vis-à-vis those working in field offices. Earlier, the respective pay scales of Rs. 5500-9000 and 5000-8000 existed for Assistant in Secretariat and in field offices. This disparity was aggravated in 2006 when the Government further upgraded the pay scales of Assistants belonging to Central Secretariat Service to Rs. 6500-10500.

3.1.6 Assistants working in other Secretariat organizations like AFHQ, MEA and various other non-participating Ministries/Organizations etc. have been denied this and are stridently demanding similar higher pay scales from the Government.

3.1.7 The Government, however, did not concede this parity and have referred the issue to this Commission for taking a final view thereon.

VIth Pay Commission Recommendations

Designation Pre-revised scale (upgraded) New Pay Scale
Assistant Rs. 6500-10500 (all scales of Assistants in subordinate offices have upgraded to this scale) PB-2 of Rs. 8700-34800 with grade pay of Rs. 4200 (which has been improved and modified to Rs. 9300-34800 with grade pay of Rs. 4200)
Section Officer Rs. 7500-12000 PB-2 of Rs. 8700-34800 with grade pay of Rs. 4800 (which has been improved and modified to Rs. 9300-34800 with grade pay of Rs. 4800)
Rs. 8000-13500 * PB-2 of Rs. 8700-34800 with grade pay of Rs. 5400* (which has been improved and modified to Rs. 9300-34800 with grade pay of Rs. 5400)
* (On completion of four years)

The Sixty Pay Commission had recommended parity in terms of hierarchical structure of Office Staff in field offices and Secretariat upto the level of Assistants/Personal Assistants and the Government had accepted this recommendation. But, contrary to this, the Government of India, Ministry of Finance, Depart of Expenditure vide O.M. No. 1/1/2008-IC dated 16.11.2009 has extended the pay structure of Grade pay of Rs. 4600/- in the Pay Band PB2 to Assistants and Personal Assistants belonging to Central Secretariat Service, Armed Forces Head Quarter Service, Indian Foreign Service B and Railway Board Secretariat service and their counterpart Stenographer Services with effect from 01.01.2006, which will cover, SSC, CVC, UPSC, etc. and like-wise extended the pay structure of Grade Pay of Rs. 4800/- to the Section Officers.

One of the tricky reasons they attribute to this is that there is an element of direct recruitment to the post of Assistants/Personal Assistants of the Central Secretariat, and that too through an All India Competitive Examination. It is pertinent to mention here that the Staff Selection Commission, through an All India Competitive examination, selected all staff including those who are on the pay Band of PB2 in the so called field offices all over India to the service on direct recruitment. 

Therefore, there cannot be any differentiation between the Section Officers/Assistants/Personal Assistants in the Central Secretariat Service and their counter parts in the field offices, which are constituted by the Central Government itself. Besides, the aforesaid O.M. says that with the issue of their own O.M. of even number dated 13.11.2009 l;the grade pay of Rs. 4600/- has already been introduced in the case of office staff in field offices also. The office staff in field offices mentioned therein refers to the Inspectors of the Customs & Central Excise and the Income Tax, whereas, the section officers and Assistants/personal Assistants working in the field offices who are in the pay band PB2 continue to receive grade of of Rs. 4200/- 4600/- respectively. But in Survey of India the Section Officer (Office Superintendent) and Assistants/HC are getting the same grade pay of Rs. 4200/- which is very pathetic. 

It is very important to mention here that the Sixth Central Pay Commission, headed by Hon’ble B.N. Srikrishna, was highly just by recommending merger of the three different pay scales of Rs. 5000-8000, Rs. 5500-9000 and Rs. 6500-10500 to bring parity between field offices, the secretariat, the technical posts and the work shop staff, and fixing it at the Pay Bank Rs. 9300-34800 along with grade pay of Rs. 4200/-. The fact that the Officers and Staff in Field Offices often have more work load due to limited manpower in their respective organizations on one hand and their all India transfer liability on the other, also need to be considered. Hence it is only just and proper to bring parity with the Secretariat and Field Offices, as justified and recommended by the Commission and as accepted and approved by the Government.

In judicial side, I would like to point out following decision which are in line with observations above :-

The Hon’ble Central Administrative Tribunal, Chennai in its decision dated 18.12.2007 in its decision dated 18.12.2007 in Winston Samuel v. Union of India, Secretary, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and Others (OA No. 711/2006) had held that jobs with identical functions should have identical pay scales. The Central Administrative Tribunal, vide its order, has extended the grade of Rs. 4600/- to its employees in pay band PB2 corresponding to pre-revised scale of Rs. 5500-175-9000.

It is held by the Hon’ble Central Administrative Tribunal, Guwahati in its decision dated 05.12.2007 in the matter of Alok Acharjee and others v. Union of India, Secretary, Home Affairs and others (OA No. 323/2006) that an order of court in a case of pay fixation will equally apply to all those similarly placed even if they are not party to the case.

The Hon’ble Supreme Court in Union of India and others v. Hirannmony Sen and others (reported in SCC (L&S) 271) has held that equal pay for equal posts can be applied if there is complete and wholesale identity between two groups (posts).

It was also held by the Hon’ble Supreme Court in Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan v. Rajesh Mohan Sukhla and others (reported in SCC (L& S) 286) that equal pay for equal work will be applicable irrespective of the sources of recruitment.

It is now well settled that a decision given by a court or Tribunal should be applicable to all persons similarly situated as held by the Hon’ble Central Administrative Tribunal, Calcutta in its decision dated 27.06.2003 in A. Gowri Sankara Rao v. Union of India and other (O.A. No. 328/2001).

The Hon’ble Central Administrative Tribunal, Jodhpur in its decision in January 2004 ;in Nem Singh v. Union of India and others has held that Government should give the benefit of a final decision to all similarly placed persons and should not unnecessarily send people to Court (OA No. 273/2002 and M.A. No. 127/2002).

The law has already been laid down by the Hon’ble Supreme Court in Indra Pal Yadav and Anr. V. Union of India and Others (reported in 1985 (2) SCC 648) that those who could not come to the Court need not be at a comparative disadvantage to those who rushed in the Court. If they are otherwise similarly situated, they are entitled to similar treatment, if not by anyone else at the hands of the Court.

Similar view was taken by the Hon’ble Supreme Court in Gopal Krishna Sharma and Others v. state of Rajasthan and Anr. (reported in 1999 (3) SCC (L&S) 544) wherein also it was held that the benefit of the Hon’ble Supreme Court judgement is to be extended to all even those who did not join as a part before the Court.

The Full Bench of the Central Administrative Tribunal in Abraham Titus and Ors. V. Union of India and Ors. Etc. (reported in 1992 (19) ATC 722) has also held that when a court after analysis of rival plea enunciated a proposition of law and based on those propositions, allows certain relief to some civil servants who are applicants before it, normally, it behoves the Administration to extend the benefit without any discrimination.

Several guidelines/strictures/directions derived from the judgments, including the few cited above, could have been considered by the various Administrative Authorities in the respective Departments/Ministries. The Government cannot merely deviate from the findings of Hon’ble Mr. Justice B.N. Srikrishna by bringing feeble justification such as the posts in the Secretariat are filled through All India Competitive Examinations and more merit is involved there.

As per the pay commission recommendation 2.2.19 “Scales of Rs. 5000-8000, Rs. 5500-9000 and Rs. 6500-10500 have been merged to bring parity between field offices, the secretariat, the technical posts and the work shop staff. This was necessary to ensure that due importance is given to the levels concerned with actual delivery. IT is also noted that a large number of anomalies were created due to the placement of Inspectors/Equivalent posts in CBDT/CBEC and Assistants/Personal Assistants of CSS/CSSS in the scale of Rs. 6500-2000-10500.

As the pre-revised pay scales of Assistants/HC in field offices have been upgraded to Rs. 6500-10500 as per the VI pay commission recommendation. The benefit of Grade pay of Rs. 4600/- which was not given to Assistants/HC of subordinate office should also be given to accord parity between field offices and secretariat staff.

Concluding, it is our request, as well as of many others in the field offices throughout India who are deprived of the Grade Pay of Rs. 4600/- on the parity aspect of Sixth CPC recommendation, to bring the Grade Pay of Section Officers and Assistants/Personal Assistants in the field offices at par with that of the Secretariat. Justice may neither be delayed nor denied.

As per the above justification it is clear that the Grade Pay of Assistants should be fixed @ Rs. 4600/- as par with the grade pay of the Assistants of Central Secretariat.
Office Superintendent of Survey of India exercise the same functions as Section Officers/Desk Officers in the Ministries/Departments/Secretariates of Govt. of India. The organizational structure of administrative/executive functions for control over Zones/GDCs of all over India is distributed amongst various sections in Surveyor General’s Office (HQs) ranging 12-15 ministerial staff in a section in an average and each section is headed by an Office Superintendent. These section deals upward with various Ministries and downward with the Zones/GDCs on Transfer/Posting, Recruitment/Deputation, Legal Matters/Clarification on Rules and Regulations/Financial Sanction/Plan and Non-plan Budget/Disciplinary and vigilance matters/Union and Associations and other related matters for all over India. In Zonal/GDCs level the Office Superintendent are primarily responsible to act as Principle Executive who are also practically responsible for all the ministerial functions having the budgetary volume upto Rs.80-90 crore or more. Office Superintendent has having higher responsibilities than Assistant on one hand and it cannot be merged with the lower post of Assistants in Survey of India on functional basis on the other. Other thing which is an important to mention here that the post of Assistant is the feeder cadre post for promotion to the post of Office Superintendent. Recruitment Rules of Office Superintendents and Assistants are different hence it is necessary to provide separate pay scale for Office Superintendent


Sixth Pay commission recommended merger of the three pre-revised scales of Rs. 5000-8000, Rs. 5500-9000 and Rs. 6500-10500 and replaced them by the revised pay structure of grade pay of Rs. 4200 in the pay band PB-2. Vide para 2.2.21 (v) of the Report, the Commission recommended that an account of the merger of these 3 scales, some posts which constituted feeder and promotion grades would come to lie in an identical grade. The Commission gave specific recommendations in the Report granting Higher grade pay of Rs. 4600 to some categories of these posts. As regards the other posts, the commission recommended that it should first see if the posts in these 3 scales can be merged without any functional disturbance and if possible, the same should be done. The above recommendation of the Sixth Pay commission were notified vide para (ii), Section I in Parts B and C of the First Schedule to the CCS (RP) Rules, 2008.

Other Recommendations of 6th Central Pay Commission :-

3.1.9 Accordingly, the Commission recommends upgradation of the entry scale of Section Officers in all Secretariat Services (including CSS as well as non participating ministries/departments/organizations) to Rs. 7500-12000 corresponding to the revised pay band PB 2 of Rs. 8700-34800 along with grade pay of Rs. 4800.

The pay scales of Section Officers of Central Secretariat is upgraded to Rs. 4800/- and on completion of four years their grade pay will be increased to Rs. 5400/-

Grant of Grade pay of Rs. 4800/- to all Supervisory Cadres, there should be a uniform policy as supervisory cadre should have uniform pay scale or GP, at present they have different pay scales in different departments.

For the same post which include similar duties and responsibility there are different grade pays/pay scales in different departments, for example in the case of an Office Suptd., or Administrative Officers, there are different pay scales existing for same nature of duties and Recruitment Rules.


The post of Establishment & Accounts Officer in the Department is the highest post on the administrative side. Important administrative questions are to be tackled in HQ with the advices of Establishment & Accounts Officer and decisions taken, which have far-reaching repercussions consequences throughout the Department unless bases on sound knowledge.

E&AO posted at HQ have to deal directly with the state Administrative Ministry of the Govt. of India and other Ministries including Ministry of Defence. The E&AO in our Department have superior caliber, varied experience and considerable knowledge of all kinds of administrative matters to give correct advice to the higher officers. It may not be out of place to mention here that E&AOs of Survey of India have been declared “Head of Office” and are also acting as Controlling Officer for Group ‘C’ & Erstwhile Group ‘D’ employees and Drawing and Disbursing Officers for all employees. They are responsible for all administrative/accounts matters involving control on payment and control over Plan and Non-Plan expenditure of the Department. They also act as advisor to the Surveyor General of India (Head of Department)/Additional Surveyor General on their overall administrative functioning and Director (Finance) on financial matters.


In the VIth Pay Commission, the pay scale of Rs.7450-11500 of Establishment & Accounts Officers of Survey of India downgraded and merged with the pay scale of Rs.6500-10500 of other Group ‘B’ Officers but this post can not be compared with the other Group ‘B’ posts within the Department and outside the Department.

Till implementation of 6th Pay Commission, the comparative scale of E&AO and other Group ‘B’ posts are give below:-

As per recommendation Of Pay Commission Scale of Estt. & Accounts Officers Other Group ‘B’ Officers
4th CPC (1986) 2375-3500 2000-3200
5th CPC  (1996) 7450-11500 6500-10500
6th CPC(2006) 9300-34800+4600 9300-34800+4600

From the above, it is crystal clear that the pay of Estt. & Accounts Officer was Rs.375/- in 1986 and Rs.950/- in 1996 more but 6th Pay Commission granted lesser pay to this post having higher duties in comparison with other Group ‘B’ Officers in or outside the Department.

Apart from above, since the Grade Pay of Assistants should be revised and fixed as par with CCS @ Rs. 4600/- and the Grade Pay of Office Superintendents should be fixed @ Rs. 4800/- (as par with the Section Officers), there is all justification to fix the Grade Pay of Estt. & Accounts Offers, who is the in charge of the whole GDC should be fixed @ Rs. 5400/-.

Even the section officers of Central Secretariat is getting the pay of Rs. 4800/- and on completion of four years 5400/-. The grade pay of Estt. & Accounts Officer who is the incharge of the office should be fixed at Rs. 5400/-.
Assistant Director(OL) in the Department is responsible for monitoring implementation of Official Language Policy in the Department, dealing with Hindi Advisory Committee of the Ministry, assist Committee of Parliament on Official Language on their visit to various offices of Survey of India. In addition to that Assistant Director (OL) prepare training programme for untrained employees in Hindi, Implementation of Annual Programme for the use of Hindia, making availability of precise subjects/lectures in Hindi in IISM (Specialized Zone of the Department).Assistant Director with the help of Hindi Translators (Senior/Junior) organize Hindi Day/Week/Functions and arrange various competitions in Hindi and also con ducts seminars on Hindi.

The entry qualification of Junior Hindi Translators in Survey of India is the Post Graduate as that of Junior Hindi Translator working in Central Secretariat Official Language Cadre. Senior and Junior Hindi Translators of Survey of India being the only Hindi staff in GDCs as well as the HQs and the Zones who are responsible to translate various departmental publications, books, forms, circulars, manuals, articles etc into Hindi or vise-versa, to prepare surveying terminology, to translate day-to-day official letters, office orders, departmental orders etc. In addition to usual translation work they perform various sorts of duties such as implementation of OL Policy, Organizing Workshops for the staff, holding meeting of official language implementation committee, editing/proofreading of magazines/departmental publications, prepare training programmes for Hindi teaching scheme, preparatio9n of various reports/returns regarding progressive use of Hindi and to assist the Assistant Director (OL) in various official matters and at all points of exigencies. The mode of selection of Junior/Senior Hindi Translator both in Survey of India and CSOL cadre has been one and the same viz. Staff Selection Commission and Translators for both the services/organizations are selected on the basis of the same written exam.

Since long the staff side of the National Council (JCM) has been very reasonably demanding parity of wages. Many State Govts. of the country have been giving not only better Pay structure to their employees and workers but also keen to give better service conditions, facilities and amenities to them. It is the need of the hour that Central Govt. employees in general and Ministerial Staff of Survey of India in particular get the better Pay structure and service condition for their livelihood. The obvious backlogs which are already vogue in respect of the worst suffering ministerial cadres should at least now be removed by the 7th CPC

Truly speaking the entire Central Govt. employees and workers also are not only sad but also worriedly deprived off not only of the Principles of natural justice and equity but also denial of their most genuine and long pending demands since a long.


1. At present DCRG is paid maximum 16.5 time of last pay drawn if the employee complete 33 years of qualifying service. This formula was made applicable since the Pension scheme came into effect. This need to be modified on the basis of present market value and taking into consideration the span of service period i.e. wihtout restricting 33 years of qualifying service. The present rate for calculating pension @ 50% of pay may also please be revised to atleast 60% of last pay and period of restoration should be revised to 10 years instead of 15 years.

2.There should be a change in grade pay in each promotion.

3.Discrimination between railways and other Central Govt. employees should be removed, remove ceiling of 5% on compassionate appointment and assure Govt. jobs in all deceased cases.

4.Provide additional increment w.e.f. 1.1.2006 to staff working in old pay scale Rs. 7450-11500 ( E & AO). As the pay scales of Rs. 6500-10500 & 7450-11500 have been merged into single grade pay of Rs. 4600/- respectively w.e.f. 1.1.2006. They should be provided with additional increment to compensate their case. It has resulted severe dissatisfaction amongst the employees of this category 

5.There should be 12 C.Ls. in place of 8.

6.CCL should be given to male employees also with an option to avail either mother or father of the child.

7.Tution fees should be enhanced @ Rs.2,000/- per child per month and the facility may be extended for graduate courses also.

8.The Benefit of Deposit Link Insurance Scheme should be increase upto Rs.1,20,000/- instead of Rs.60,000/- for the family of a deceased Govt. servant.

9. The Encashment of Earned Leave should be increased upto 360 days at the time of retirement.

10.CGEGIS subscription to be increased to minimum Rs.100/- per month and benefit from the insurance fund for the family of a deceased Govt. servant may be granted Rs.1,00,000/-(minimum).



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