Transfer Policy 2012 for Group 'A' Officers of Survey of India

As on 20.12.2012 
Government of India 
Ministry of Science & Technology 
Department of Science & Technology 
(SMP Division) 

Transfer Policy 2012 for Group ‘A’ Officers of Survey of India 

1. Introduction

At present transfer/ posting of Group A officers is governed by the Transfer/ Placement Policy 2009.  Subsequently, vide instructions of DST, the transfer/ posting of officers of Director/ DSG and above rank are ordered with the prior approval of DST.  With a view to develop a completely transparent and well reasoned transfer and posting policy which ensures fairness and neutrality, avoiding transfer and posting based on personal discretions, it has been decided to modify the existing transfer policy.  Accordingly, the committee was constituted by Surveyor General vide SG’s order no. E.I-5190/1466-Rules dated 8th June 2012.  The Committee submitted its recommendations/ draft Transfer/ Placement Policy, which was circulated to all zonal offices, Directorates, Service Associations.    This draft has been further deliberated and accordingly Transfer Policy 2012 for Group A officers of Survey of India has been finalized. 

2. Definitions

Family: Wife, Children including legally adopted children, step children and children taken as wards, Parents.  This also includes the family as defined vide Min. of Health and FW OM No.S-14025/29/89-MS dated 5.6.1990 and OM No.4-24/96-C&P-CGHS(P) dated 31.5.2007. 

Employee spouse: This means spouse who is a paid employee in any Govt./ Public organization and not a self employed spouse. 

Zone: A group of stations in the states coming under the area of responsibility of the zone in the zonal set up of Survey of India. 

Station: It means any place where Survey of India Office is located. 

Home Station: A station, nearest to his declared Home Town as mentioned in the service book or a station in his state, where SoI office is located. 

Tenure: A continuous stay on a station for a specific period as defined for different 
categories of employees for different stations after which an officer becomes liable to be 

Service: Means the period for which a person has been holding charge of a post on a regular basis in the department. 

Choice Station: The place where an employee desires to be posted, not necessarily his home 

3. Applicability:
This policy will be applicable to Group A officers of Survey of India (including those working in Military Survey Headquarter or its field units. 

4. Categories of Transfers 

4.1.Transfer on Administrative Grounds. 

4.2.Transfer on Completion of Tenure/ Repatriation. 

4.3.Transfer on Compassionate Grounds. 

4.4.Transfer on Request. 

5. Competent Authorities for Transfers 

5.1.Transfer/ posting of officers of Director/ DSG and above rank 

5.1.1.  All transfers/ postings of officers of Director/ DSG and above rank shall be done by  Government (Department  of  Science  &  Technology)  after  considering proposals submitted by the Surveyor General. 

5.1.2.  Proposals for transfers under this category will be sent to DST by Surveyor General along with recommendations of a committee (Placement Committee I) headed by Surveyor General and having 2 members of the rank of ASG, one of them should be from defence stream and one from the civil stream.  Out of the 2 members one should be preferably from one of the field offices.  Further, officers whose own cases of transfer are under consideration may not be part of the committee. 

5.1.3.  Government can also, for reasons to be recorded in writing, order suo moto transfers under this category. 

5.2.Transfers/ postings of other Group A officers (below Director/ DSG rank) 

5.2.1.  Transfers/ postings of other Group A (below Director/ DSG rank) officers may be done by Surveyor General. 

5.2.2.  Transfer/ postings under this category by Surveyor General shall be made based on the recommendations of a committee (Placement Committee II) headed by the senior most Additional Surveyor General posted at SoI Headquarters with 2 more members of and above rank of Director/ DSG, one of them should be from  defence stream and one from civil stream.  Out of the 2 members, one should be preferably from one of the field offices.  Officers whose own cases of transfer are under consideration, may not be made part of the committee. 

5.2.3.  Government, for the reasons to be recorded in writing, shall have the right to cancel/ modify any transfer/ posting order issued by Surveyor General under this category. 

6. Norms/ criteria for transfers/ postings 

6.1.Except for transfers/ postings on administrative grounds due to vacancies arising during the course of the year or transfer on account of extreme medical grounds, or serious disciplinary ground cases or such other extra ordinary reasons in public interest, the general transfers would be undertaken normally once in a year during the month of April, for which the process would be initiated during the month of December of the preceding year, during which the officers desirous of seeking transfers on request/ compassionate grounds/ medical grounds etc. can file their applications for transfer to station of their choice, indicating 3 stations only in the order of preference.  All requests received during the month of December of the preceding year, shall be processed on merits and in accordance with well laid down transparent and objective criteria/ norms and proposals would be sent to Government for transfer of officers of and above the rank of Director/ DSG during the month of January.  The proposals of other Group A officers shall be processed at the level of Surveyor General.  All general transfers/ postings under this system shall be ordered during the month of March / April and officers concerned shall exchange charge  during April within a maximum period of 30 days, from 1st April / date of order, whichever is later, failing which they shall be deemed to have been relieved from their existing place of posting in accordance with transfer/ posting orders issued by the competent authority. 

6.2.While considering transfers under this category, including for request transfers, following factors will also be kept in mind: 

(a) Every Group A Officer, in particular the officers of and above Director/ DSG rank, are expected to serve atleast one tenure of 2 years in North-East/ Jammu & Kashmir/ such other difficult areas as notified by Govt. from time to time, in their entire career. 
(b) All Group A officers belonging to Defence stream are expected to serve the minimum prescribed  period  under  Recruitment Rules  in  Military  Survey /  its  field establishment, subject to a minimum of 5 years in SoI and Military Survey each, in their entire career.  Further, the tenure of Defence officers at any particular station will also be governed by instructions issued by Ministry of Defence / Army, from time to time. 
(c) To the extent possible, every Group A officer will be given a chance of atleast one posting of 3 years’ tenure in his home state/ zone during his entire service. 
(d) No officer should serve in any particular station, whether in a single posting or different postings, whether at same level or at different levels for a continuous period of more than 7 years. 
(e) No Group A officer should remain in a particular post for more than 5 years. 
(f) To the extent possible, every Group ‘A’ officer should have a  minimum tenure of three years in two different zones including specialized zones / Directorate. 

Note: Government would be competent to relax any of the above stated criteria in extraordinary cases for reasons to be recorded in writing. 

6.3.Request postings of Group A officers at a choice station, whether his home district/ state/ zone, or otherwise, during the last two years of his superannuation can be considered subject to availability of vacancies at that station, administrative reasons and his record of earlier postings at such station.  No officer can claim posting at choice station or home and District/ State/ Zone under this category as a matter of right. 

6.4.All Group A officers shall be given a minimum tenure of 3 years (2 years in case of North-East and Jammu & Kashmir) and maximum tenure of 5 years (4 years in case of North-East and Jammu & Kashmir) at any particular station, subject to condition that tenure of a particular post held by him should not exceed 4 year.  All such officers who have completed the tenure during the second half of the year or will complete their tenure during the first half of the year shall be considered for ‘transfer out’ at the time of general transfers during the March / April month. 

6.5.Transfer on compassionate grounds viz. posting of husband and wife at the same station, medical  reasons,  physically  challenged  employees,  employees  who  have  mentally retarded children etc will also be considered along with general transfers, except for cases of serious medical emergencies or such other extraordinary compassionate reasons requiring mid-term transfers, which shall be considered on case to case basis on merits, for reasons to be recorded in writing, subject to availability of vacancies and without creating large scale displacement of other officers. 

6.6.The competent authority (Government or Surveyor General, as the case may be) would also be free to order mid-term transfers at any time on other administrative exigencies like disciplinary proceedings, vigilance cases, serious complaint cases etc, in accordance with the guidelines/ instructions of Government/ CVC issued from time to time. 

6.7.Notwithstanding anything contained in this policy, in particular in this para, Government may, if considered necessary, order transfers at any time of the year in relaxation of the policy/ norms and criteria stated in this para. 

7.  Miscellaneous 

7.1 In accordance with the general terms and conditions of the appointments, Government servants are liable to be transferred and posted at any place within India as well as outside India.  Notwithstanding anything contained in this policy, transfer from any particular station/ to any particular station cannot be claimed as a matter of right.  Transfers/ postings are the prerogative of Government/ competent authority.  However, such decisions will be taken on merits in accordance with the laid down criteria/ norms mentioned in this policy.  Wherever transfers/ postings are ordered in relaxation of the policy and/ or norms and criteria enshrined in this policy, due reasons for doing so shall be recorded by the competent authority. 

7.2 Transfer/ postings to Military Survey/ Military Survey Units will be done by Govt. in consultation with the competent authority of the Ministry of Defence (MS Branch)/ Military Survey. 

7.3 Transfer of Group A officers to IISM will be based on well defined objective and transparent criteria as recommended by the concerned Placement Committee. 

7.4 Proposals for request transfer on compassionate grounds should be accompanied by complete details of the case and relevant documents. 

7.5 Request for transfers should be sent to Surveyor General through the Head of Office (Director in case of GDCs/ Special Directorate, Zonal Head in case of zones etc.), who shall forward all such requests with his comments within 10 days of receipt of such requests to Surveyor General.  While forwarding such request, the Head of Office, will, in addition to his recommendation, give relevant details with regard to pendency of any disciplinary/ vigilance cases pending against such officer, punishments imposed in the last 3 years, adverse entries, if any, in the last 3 years’ ACR/ APRs, warning/ advise issued in the last 3 years and such other relevant details, including verification of the facts/ grounds stated in the application for seeking transfer on request 

7.6 Other things remaining same, while considering transfers on request, preference would be given to those who have school-going children, especially those studying in classes 11 and 12, in particular daughters, and marriageable children, especially daughters, old  parents with chronic ailments, those who wish to construct their first own house at the station sought for posting on the plot already purchased and such other relevant factors. Proposals / requests for transfer at a station where an officer has worked earlier, generally will not be entertained before 3 years period from the date of relief at the earlier station. 

7.7 Transfer on compassionate grounds viz. posting of Husband & Wife at same station, physically challenged employees, posting of employees who have mentally retarded children and such other categories will be done, subject to availability of vacancies and other administrative exigencies, duly keeping in view the instructions issued by DoPT/ Govt. from time to time. 

7.8 Placement Committee(s) while giving its recommendation in any particular case(s), shall give   due   reasons/   justifications   for   the   same,   indicating   clearly   whether   the recommendations are fully in accordance with the norms/ criteria/ guidelines enshrined in the Transfer Policy and/ or instructions issued by Govt. from time to time.  Cases recommended in relaxation of the policy should be accompanied with justification. Each recommendation should be accompanied with complete past and present posting record of the officer concerned.  Request transfers/cases not recommended by the Placement Committee would also be sent to the competent authority (DST/SG as the case may be) along with reasons thereof.  It would be the joint and several responsibility of the Chairman and members to ensure that recommendations of the Committee are in accordance with the provisions of this policy. 

7.9 The officers to be posted as Head of Zones would be generally senior to the officers posted as Directors of various GDCs / Special Directorates in that Zone, who directly report to the Zonal Head. 

7.10 Mid-term transfers would be done by causing least displacement of existing officers.

Approved  by   Department  of  Science   &  Technology  vide  No.   SM/01/19/2012 dated 20.12.2012. 

(G. Vijayaraghavan) 
Deputy Secretary to the Govt.  of India 

Source: Click here


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