Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LCE) - UDC Examination portion

Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LCE) - UDC Examination portion

Paper      -               I              Essay & Precise writing       -               2 Hours  - 50 mrks
Paper      -               II             Noting & Drafting                -               2 Hours  - 50 mrks
Paper      -               III           General Knowledge of
                                                Imp financial of service Rules – 3 Hours    - 100 mrks

(a)        Preparation Bills                                             -               25 mrks
(b)                 Fundamental Rules Part – 1 to  4
(c)                 Supp. Rules         Part 1 to 5 & S.R
(d)                 G.P.F Rules Volume –1, Excluding 11,12,14,15
(e)                 Revised Leave Rules, 1933
(f)                  Govt. Servant (Conduct Rules 1955)
(g)                 CCS (CCA) Rules
(h)                 Treasure Rules
(i)                   Delegation financial Power Rules
(j)                  SOI Pamphlet 

Q.            Circular Order No. 439 (Adm) ?
A.            Qualification and Trade for Group ‘C’ Technical.
Q.            Circular Order No. 435 ?   
A.            Rules relating to Recruitment and promotions of Topographical and Map production personnel in Div. II of class III service.
Q.            Circular Order No. 436 ?   
A.            Rules relating to Recruitment and promotions of Topographical and Map production personnel in Div. I of Class III service of SOI.
Q.            Circular Order No. 437 ?   
A.            Rules relating to Recruitment and promotions of Topographical and Map production personnel to Recruitment Pay and Promotion of Ministerial    Staff.
Q.            Circular Order No. 438 ?   
A.            Rules relating to Recruitment and promotions of Topographical and Map production personnel in class IV.


Act. :                As per F.R 9.1 the Act means Government of India Act.

Administrator : 
As per F.R 9.1(A) Administrator means an Administrator of a Union Territory appointed by the President under Article 239 of the constitution and includes the governor of Assam acting an Agent to the President in respect of North-East frontier Agency.
Allotment :     
As per F.R. 9.1(B) Allotment means grant of licence to a Government servant to occupy a house owned, leased or requisitioned by the Govt. or a portion there           of for use by him or residence.
Cadre :           
As per F.R. 9.4 Cadre means the strength of a service or a part of a service    sanctioned  or a separate unit.
Compensatory Allowance :
As per F.R 9.5 Compensatory Allowance means granted to meet personal expenditure necessitated by the special circumstances in which duty is            performed. It includes a traveling allowance but  does not include a sumptuary allowance            not the grant of passage by sea to or from any place of India.

Honorarium : 
As per F.R 9.9 Honorarium means a recurring or non-recurring payment granted to a Govt. Servant from the consolidated fund of India or the consolidated fund of a state or the consolidated fund of a Union territory as remuneration for special work of an occasional or intermittent character.
Fee :   
As per F.R. 9.6 (A) Fee means a recurring or non-recurring payment to a Govt. servant from a source.  Other then Consolidated Fund of India or the Consolidated Fund of State or the consolidated fund of a Union territory whether made directly to the govt. servant or indirectly through the intermediary of Govt, but does not include. Unearned income such as income from property, dividends and interest on securities, and Income from literary, cultural, artistic, scientific or technological efforts and income from participation in sports activities or amateur.

Special Pay :        As per F.R.9.25 Special Pay means an addition of the nature of pay, to the emoluments of a post or if a Govt. servant, granted in consideration of. The specially arduous nature of the duties     or A specific addition to the work or responsibility.

Subsistence Grant:  As per F.R.9.27 Subsistence grant means a monthly grant made to a Govt. servant who is not in receipt of pay or leave salary.

Substantive Pay :   As per F.R.9.28 Substantive Pay means the pay other than special pay, personal pay or emoluments classed as pay by the president under Rule 9 (21) (a) (iii),                  to which a Govt. servant is entitled an amount of a post to which he has been appointed substantively or by reason of the substantive position in a cadre.
Military Officer :          

As per F.R. 9.16( B) Means any officer falling with in the definition of   military commissioned officer or included in sub- clause (1)or (2) of the clause (a) above or any warrant officer.

Ministerial Servant :

As per F.R. 9.17 Ministerial servant means a govt servant of a subordinate service whose duties are entirely clerical and as such by general or special order of the central govt.

Month :
As per F.R. 9.18 Month means a calendar month. In calculating a period expressed in term of month and days complete calendar month irrespective of the number of days in each. Should first be calculated and the odd number of days calculated subsequently.  
Officiate :
As per F.R. 9.19 Officiate means a govt. servant officiate in a post when he resume the duties of a post on which another person holds a lien. The central govt. may if it thinks fit appoint govt. servant to officiate in avaiant post on which no other govt. servant holds alien.

Overseas pay :

As per F.R. 9.20 overseas pay means pay granted to a govt. servant in  consideration of the fact that he is serving in a country   other than  the country of the domicile

Joining Time :

As per F.R.. 9.10 Joining Time means the time allowed to a Govt. servant in which to join a new post or to travel to ot from a station to which he is posted.

Leave Salary :

As per F.R. 9.12 leave salary means the Monthly amount paid by the Govt. to a Govt. servant on leave.

Foreign Service :
As per F.R. 9.7 Foreign Service means service in which a Govt. servant received his pay in the sanction of Govt. from any source other than the consolidated fund of India or the Consolidated fund of a State or the consolidated Fund of a Union Territory.

Local fund :     

As per F.R. 9.14 Local Fund means. General or to specific matter, such as the sanctioning of their budgets, sanction to the creation or filling up of particular posts, or the enactment of leave, pension or similar rules, and
b)            The revenues of any body, which may be specially notified by the president as such.

Military Commissioned Officer :

As per F.R. 9.16(A) Military commissioned officer means a commissioned officer other than
b)            A departmental commissioned officer.
c)     A commissioned officer of the Indian medical     department.

Contributed by: GV Krishnamurthy, Jammu


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