
Showing posts from 2012

Transfer Policy 2012 for Group 'A' Officers of Survey of India

As on 20.12.2012  Government of India  Ministry of Science & Technology  Department of Science & Technology  (SMP Division)  ........... Transfer Policy 2012 for Group ‘A’ Officers of Survey of India  1. Introduction At present transfer/ posting of Group A officers is governed by the Transfer/ Placement Policy 2009.  Subsequently, vide instructions of DST, the transfer/ posting of officers of Director/ DSG and above rank are ordered with the prior approval of DST.  With a view to develop a completely transparent and well reasoned transfer and posting policy which ensures fairness and neutrality, avoiding transfer and posting based on personal discretions, it has been decided to modify the existing transfer policy.  Accordingly, the committee was constituted by Surveyor General vide SG’s order no. E.I-5190/1466-Rules dated 8th June 2012.  The Committee submitted its reco...

C.E.C. Meeting - Information regarding and request for granting Special Casual Leave to the Delegates

MINISTERIAL STAFF ASSOCIATION SURVEY OF INDIA C/O Northern Printing Group, Hathibarkala, Dehra Dun  No.CHQ- 17/MSA/2012 Dated:- 17th December, 2012 To The Surveyor General of India Additional SGs EZ/ NEZ/ CZ/ WZ/ NZ/ SZ/ PZ/ Specialised Zone/ II&SM Additional SGs/ Directors NPG/ EPG/ SPG/ WPG/ EUPGDC/ MPGDC/ UK & WEST UP GDC/ RGDC/ APGDC/ M&GGDC/ P,H & CH GDC/ HPGDC/ J&K GDC/ A&N GDC/ M&AP GDC/ TMMz GDC/ BGDC/ WB&SIKKIM GDC/ OGDC/ JGDC/ CGGDC/ GDGDC/ KGDC/ T,P&AN GDC/ K&L GDC/ S(AIR)& DELHI GDC/ GIS&RSD/ MA&DC/ G&RB/ DMC/ NGDC SUB:- C.E.C. MEETING - INFORMATION REGARDING AND REQUEST FOR GRANTING SPECIAL CASUAL LEAVE TO THE DELEGATES. Sir, I have the pleasure to inform you that the Central Executive Committee Meeting of the Ministerial Staff Association, Survey of India , is going be held at Bhubaneshwar on 22nd and 23rd January, 2013 to discuss various important Organizational matters and also the ...

Forthcoming C.E.C. Meeting of Ministerial Staff Association and Organisational Affairs

FAX MINISTERIAL STAFF ASSOCIATION SURVEY OF INDIA C/o Northern Printing Group, Hathibarkala, Dehra Dun No.CHQ-15/MSA/2012 Dated:- 10th December. 2012  To Branch Secretaries & Presidents, Abu/Bangalore/Chandigarh/Chennai/Delhi/Dehra Dun/Gandhi Nagar/Guwahati/Hyderabad/Jabalpur/Jaipur/Jammu/Kolkata/Lucknow Mussoori/Patna/Pune/Raipur/Ranchi/Shillong/Silchar/Thiruvananthapuram/ Vishakhapatnam & All Central Office Bearers of M.S.A. SUB:- FORTHCOMING C.E.C. MEETING OF MINISTERIAL STAFF ASSOCIATION AND ORGANISATIONAL AFFAIRS Dear Comrades, Hope this finds all of you and the members hale & hearty. As you are well aware from the website of Ministerial Staff Association that our C.E.C. Meeting is going to be held at Bhubaneshwar on 22nd and 23rd January, 2013.  All branches irrespective big, mediocre or small ones are reasonably expected to attend this important meeting in the present situation. Branches will, please decide the names of the Delegate...

POINTS for C.E.C. Meeting of 22nd and 23rd January, 2013

MINISTERIAL STAFF ASSOCIATION SURVEY OF INDIA C/O Northern Printing Group, Hathibarkala, Dehra Dun No.CHQ- 16 /MSA/2011 Dated: 10th December, 2012 To  All Branch Secretaries & President, MSA & All COBs. MSA SUB:- POINTS FOR C.E.C. MEETING  Dear Comrades, As you are well aware from the website of MSA regarding holding of CEC Meeting at Bhubaneshwar on 22nd and 23rd January, 2013. The following points are being given from the CHQs for discussion in the Meeting. However. Branches may also send some points upto 4th January, 2013, direct to Com. D.C.R. Karki, Org. Secretary General:-


MINISTERIAL STAFF ASSOCIATION SURVEY OF INDIA C/o- Northern Printing Group, Hathibarkala, Dehradun No. CHQ-15/MSA/2012                                                      Dated:- 10-12-2012 To Branch Secrataries & Presidents, Abu/Bangalore/Chandigarh/Chennai/Delhi/Dhra Dun/GandhiNagar/Nagar/Guwahati/Hyderabad/Jabalpur/Jaipur/Jammu/Kolkata/Lucknow/Mussoorie/Patna/Pune/Raipur/Ranchi/Shillong/Shilchar/Thiruvananthapuram/vishakhapatnam & All Central Office Bearers of M.S.A. SUB:-          FORTHCOMING C.E.C. MEETING OF MINISTERIAL STAFF ASSOCIATION AND ORGANISATIONAL AFFAIRS. Dear Comrades,             Hope...


Circular From Confederation Report from State Committees & Affiliates Press Statement Statement of Com.Basudeb Acharya M.P in Lok Sabha on 12.12.12 Notice for Confederation National Secretariat. CONFEDERATION OF CENTRALGOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES AND WORKERS  Manihsinath Bhawan  A/2/95 Rajouri Garden  New Delhi. 110 027.  Website: confederationhq.  E No. Conf/20/2012 Dated: 14th December, 2012  GLORIOUS RESPONSE TO STRIKE CALL  Dear Comrades, The one day strike on 12.12.12 in pursuance of the 15 point charter of demands elicited magnificent response from the Central Government employees. As per the reports received at the Confederation Headquarters from the State Committees and Affiliates, near about 70% of the CGEs whom the Confederation represents is reported to have participated in the strike action On behalf of the Secretariat, we convey our sincere ...

Classes of Pension: Study Material for LDCE

1. Superannuation Pension This is granted to a Government servant who is retired on his attaining the age of superannuation i.e., 60 years in the case of all categories of employees. A Government servant retires on the afternoon of the last day of the month in which he attains the age of 60. In cases his date of birth falls on the 1st of the month, then he will retire on the last date of the previous month. [Rule 35] For Example, if there are 4 Government servants A, B, C & D whose dates of birth are 1st July, 1943, 2nd July, 1943, 23 rd July, 1943 & 31st July, 1943 respectively, then Shri A shall retire on superannuation on 30th June, 2003 while Shri B, Shri C & Shri D shall retire on 31st July, 2003 in case where the age of superannuation is 60 years. 2. Retiring Pension It is available to a government servant who retires or is retired in advance of the age of superannuation. Date of retirement is...

List of Forms - Prescribed under Receipt & Payment Rules

Helpful material for Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for the post of UDC List of Forms - Prescribed under Receipt & Payment Rules. Form Name Rules Description G.A.R. 1 rule 6 (1) PAY-IN-SLIP FORM G.A.R. 2 rules 11 (4) and 80 LAST PAY CERTIFICATE G.A.R. 3 rule 13 (i) CASH BOOK G.A.R. 4 Exception (b) below rule 13 (ii) REGISTER OF CHEQUES ISSUED G.A.R. 5 Exception (c) below rule 13 (ii) and Note 3 below rule 13 ) REGISTER OF VALUABLES G.A.R. 6 rule 22 (i) RECEIPT


GLORIOUS STRIKE BY CG EMPLOYEES - PRESS RELEASE BY CONFEDERATION HQ CONFEDERATION OF CENTRAL GOVERNMENT  EMPLOYEES AND WORKERS Manishinath Bhawan, A2/95 Rajourigarden New Delhi-10027 website: confederationhq.blogspot. com. e mail: P R E S S       S T A T E M E N T Dated: 12 th   December, 2012 Nearly Ten lakhs Central Government employees took part in the one day token strike today, the 12 th December, 2012 on the call of the Confederation of Central Government employees and workers, paralyzing the governmental functions in various departments throughout the country.    The strike was to protest against the continued efforts of the Government to enact the PFRDA Bill, whereby the existing defined benefit pension of Government employees is sought to be converted into a defined contributory pension scheme. Every reason, the Government advanced at the time of the ...

Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LCE) - UDC Examination portion

Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LCE) - UDC Examination portion Paper       -                I               Essay & Precise writing       -                2 Hours   - 50 mrks Paper       -                II             Noting & Drafting                -                2 Hours   - 50 mrks Paper       -              ...


With the government campaigning for FDI in retail, the question is, is it really going to help? If yes, then whom? Today, the ministry of commerce and industry took its campaign to promote FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) in retail to the literate population of India, with  full page  advertisements in newspapers. The advertisement claims that such direct investment will bring huge  benefits  not only to the farmers but to the society at large and that it will generate over 10 million new jobs and so on. Naturally, it does not give any time frame to achieve this end.  The ministry calls this as “another revolutionary leap” for the Indian economy. Reading such an ad makes it nice, but whether it will truly benefit the people in the long run remains to be seen. At least in US, it did not do so, according to the media. The first and foremost fear is that farmers will be exploited by the predatory pricing policy of the large retailers, a job that is pr...


CONFEDERATION RELEASES PRESS STATEMENT TODAY ON 12.12.12 STRIKE STATE COMMITTEES AND  ORGANISATIONS AT ALL LEVELS ARE REQUESTED TO ISSUE SIMILAR PRESS RELEASES TO LOCAL PRESS USE ALL MEDIA POWER TO HIGHLIGHT OUR DEMANDS AND STRIKE MOBILIZE IN FULL SWING FOR TOTAL SUCCESS OF TOMORROW'S STRIKE CONFEDERATION OF CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES AND WORKERS Manihsinath Bhawan A/2/95 Rajouri Garden New Delhi. 110 027 . Website: confederationhq. E . Dated: 11 th     December, 2012 D/14/2012(1) PRESS    STATEMENT               About a million Central Government employees will take part in the one day token strike tomorrow, the 12 th   December, 2012.    The employees organisations in the Postal, Income-tax, Audit and Accounts, Printing and Stationery, Geological Survey of India, Survey of India, Customs...


SURVEY OF INDIA SURVEYOR GENERAL'S OFFICE DEHRADUN:-248001 No. C-6880/718-A                                                                               Dated.:- 30-11-2012 Sl. No. Name Present Posting New Posting Remarks 1. Km. Namita Chakravorty Meghalaya and AP GDC, Shillong Meghalaya and AP GDC, Shillong Effected from 05-01-2013 2. Smt. S.R.K.S. Lakshmi Southern Printing Group, Hyderabad Southern Printing Group, Hyderabad Effected from 02-02-2013 3. Shri K.S. Rawat Western Pring Group, New Delhi East UP GDC, Lucknow -- 4. Shri K.M. Sharma Madhya Pradesh GDC, Jabalpur Andhra Pradesh GDC, Hyderabad -- 5. Shri L.S....

DA from January 2013 - 80% or 81% not 82%

Expectation of future Dearness Allowance from January, 2013 on the basis of 2 points jump in CPI-IW for the month of October, 2012 giving 50-50 expectation for DA  80% or 81%  means an increase of 8% or 9% as the Dearness Allowance has been announced 72% from July, 2013.  All India Consumer Price Index Number [ ] for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) on base 2001=100 for October, 2012 showing increase in 1 point and stood at  217 (Two hundred and seventeen) .  The different expectations of DA from January, 2013 are illustrated below:-  Expectation-1 If it is expected only 1 point increase in this index for coming two months the Dearness Allowance for Central Government Employee will confirm 80% in January, 2013: Dearness Allowance = (Avg of AICPI for the past 12 months - 115.76)*100/115.76 Month Base Year 2001 = 100 Total of 12 Months Twelve monthly Average % increase over 115.76 for  ...