Amendment in retention period of residence in case of retirement or terminal leave

Nirman Bhawan. New Delhi — 110 108.
19th June, 2013.


G.S.R.    In pursuance of provisions of rule 45 of the Fundamental Rules, the President hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Allotment of Government Residences (General Pool in Delhi) Rules 1963. namely :-

I . Short Title & Commencement:

(1) These rules may be called the Allotment of Government Residences (General Pool in Delhi) Amendment Rules. 2013.

(2) They shall be deemed to have come into force on 23rd April, 2013.

2.In the Allotment of Government Residences (General Pool in Delhi) Rules, 1963,

(i)    in Supplementary Rule 317-B-11. in the table below sub-rule (2), the entry against item (ii) relating to retirement or terminal leave, occurring under column relating to permissible period of retention of the residence shall be substituted by the following entries:-
(a)    In cases of accommodation allotted prior to 01 07 2013: 2 months on normal licence fee, another 2 months on double of the normal licence fee, further 2 months on four times of the normal licence fee and subsequent 2 months on six times of the normal licence fee.
(b)    In cases of accommodation allotted on or after 1.7.2013: 2 months on normal licence fee, another 2 months on double of the normal licence fee and further 2 months on four times of the normal licence fee
(ii) for the first proviso to Supplementary Rule 317-B-22, the following proviso shall be substituted, namely:-
“Provided that an officer. in special eases except in case of death and retirement or terminal leave. may be allowed by Directorate of Estates to retain a residence for a period not exceeding 6 months beyond the period permitted under SR 317-B-11(2), on payment of twice the flat rate of licence fee or twice the licence fee he was paying, whichever is higher.
(iii) in Supplementary Rule 317-B-22. the second proviso shall be omitted.

[F.No.12035/28/96-PoIll (Vol.II)]

(S.K. Jain)
Deputy Director of Estates (Policy)

The Manager.
Government of India Press,
Mayapuri. Ring Road,
New Delhi — 110 064.

Foot Note:  The principal rules were published vide number S.0.1330 dated the 11th May 1963. The rules were re-printed in 1980 (Corrected up to October 1979) and subsequently amended vide number:

1    SD. 1607 dated 24.4.1982    12    G.S.R. 542 dated 30.11.1996
2    S.O. 4202 dated 18.12 1982    13    G.S.R. 58(E) dated 28.1.1998
3    G.S.R 159. dated 19.2 1983    14    G.S.R. 287(E) dated 1.6.1998
4    S.O. 2085 dated 11.5.1985    15    G.S.R. 225 dated the 12.11.1998
5    S.O. 666 dated 22.2.1986    16    G.S.R. 239 dated 21.7.1999
6    G.S.R. 538 dated 11.7.1987    17    G.S.R. 27 dated 13.1.2001
7    G.S.R. 796 dated 24.10.1987    18    G.S.R. 346 dated 23.6.2001
8    G.S.R. 265 dated 30.5.1992    19    G.S.R. 528(E) dated 13.7.2001
9    G.S.R. 150 dated 26.3.1994    20    G.S.R. 20 dated 3.2.2009
10    G.S.R. 447 dated 3.9.1994    21    G.S.R.128 dated 21 8.2009
11    G.S.R. 454 dated 14.10.1995    22    G.S.R. 262(E) dated 23.4.2013
Copy to:-
1.    PS to UDMIMOS(UD)
2.    Sr.PPS to Secretary, Ministry of Urban Development
3.    DG(W). CPWD, Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi.
4.    PPS to JS(UD), Ministry of Urban Development
5    PS to DE-1/DE-11. Directorate of Estates
6.    Sr. Technical Director, NIC. Nirman Bhavan. New Delhi with the request to upload this notification on the webstte of Directorate of Estates.
7.    All Deputy Directors and Assistant Directors of the Directorate of Estates.
8.    All Ministries and Departments of Government of India with the request to circulate it to
all the employees working in their Ministry/Department and its attached/subordinate
offices who are eligible for allotment of General Pool residential accommodation.

(S.K. Jain)
Deputy Director of Estates (Policy)



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