Software (e-PPO utility) for processing pension cases


Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
Central Pension Accounting Office
Trikoot-II, Bhikaji Cama Place
New Delhi.
CPAO/Tech/e-PPO/2013-14/ 57
Office Memorandum
Sub: - Software (e-PPO utility) for processing pension cases.

1. Optimum utilization of manpower with speed and accuracy has been a thrust from the time immemorial. The revolution in Information Technology has made it possible to overcome it to a greater extent. So far, in Central Pension Accounting Office Special Seal Authorities authorizing the banks for making payments of pensions have been generated after feeding the relevant data manually based on special seal authorities received from different Pay & Accounts Officers. On the basis of this feeding data-base of pensioners is updated in Central Pension Accounting Office.

2. But the manual feeding of data involves engagement of lot of manpower which takes considerable time and leaves scope of clerical errors at the part of Central Pension Accounting Office leading to improper maintenance of Central Pension Accounting Office's data-base, wastage of manpower, over/under payment and delay in payment.

3. To obviate the above situation and to facilitate PAOs of Central Civil Ministries/ Departments to issue the PPOs electronically of all Govt. Servants retiring from June, 2013 onwards, the 0/o the CGA and Central Pension Accounting Office has developed a software for uploading the e-PPO. The facility for preparation/ generation of text file for Central Pension Accounting Office's databank is available in the Pension Module of COMPACT.

4. The Pay & Accounts Offices may upload the text file on Central Pension Accounting Office's website in the following manner:-
Login (using User ID & Password of Annexure-III) ---> e-PPO uploading ---> PPO upload --> PPO and nominee upload Form 1 A upload file --> submit. The PAOs have to upload both PPO and nominee details.

5. The Other procedure i.e. sending of PPO and hard copy of SSA etc. will remain unchanged. This issues with the approval of Addl. Controller General of Accounts.

(Dr. Dilip Kumar)
Controller of Accounts



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