Confederation Circular No. 2 about meeting with Secretary (Pension)

Conf/ 2 /2013                                                                                        
Dated: 22nd May,, 2013.

Dear Comrade,

The National Conference of Confederation held at Kolkata from 4th to 6th May, 2013 had directed he Secretariat to pursue the efforts to have a joint platform for struggles along with the Railways and Defence Federations. As a step towards that end, a meeting with the General Secretary of the All India Railway- men Federation has been arranged to take place on 28th inst.  We shall convey to you the outcome of the discussions on 28th.

The next meeting to discuss the pension related issues with the Secretary (Pension) will be held on 28th May, 2013. Com. S.K. Vyas, Advisor and Com. K.K.N. Kutty, President will attend the meting. A brief note on the outcome of the discussions will be placed on the website after 28th inst.

The Conference had also decided that the Confederation must pursue the 15 point charter of demands through independent endeavours.   Accordingly the Conference had called upon all affiliates and the State Committees to organize a massive dharna  programme on 20th June, 2013. The State Committees are requested to organize the programme in consultation with the respective units of the affiliates at all State Capitals as also other important towns and centres.  A report on the implementation of the programme may please be sent to the CHQ by 10TH July, 2013.

With greetings,

Yours fraternally,
Secretary General.

Source: Confederationhq


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