Member, Departmental Council (JCM)
(from Ministerial Staff Association, Survey of India)

By Speed Post & also By Fax
 Dated 4th April, 2013
       Dr. T. Ramasami,
       Hon’ble Secretary to the Government of India,
       Ministry of Science & Technology,
       Department of Science & Technology,
       Technology Bhavan, New Meherauli Road,
       New Delhi:- 110016 (FAX Nos. 011-26863847/26862418 & 011-26515637)
       [Kind Attentions of the Hon’ble Addressee Himself & Respected Joint Secretary (Admn.) Dr. Inderjeet Singh]

Sub:-    Immediate Implementation from back date / due date i.e. retrospective effect of the quite unnecessarily long pending CADRE RESTRUCTURING .

Ref:-    Correspondence resting with your letter No. SM/11/03/2011 dt. 23-11-2012 since received by me on 08-12-2012 in reply to my letter for you vide No. J-MSA/Svy./29/2012 dt. 06/08-11-2012.

       It is not only unfortunate but very much astounding to note that despite a pretty long time having already been consumed as also despite time-to-time assurances given by the DST-Officials for implementation of long – overdue CADRE RESTRUCTURING no cognizable development / progress appears to have practically emerged as yet. With the passing of quite unnecessary time it has, gradually, become crystal clear to me as well as the COBs/Branches/Members that all of us have been made victims of vague/false assurances in that the Organization as a whole has so far been befooled by the Surveyor General of India on one hand and the DST Officials on the other under your knowledge, information and even leadership for years together the last or, say, latest edition of which is embedded and/or embellished through your letter under reference signed by the under Secretary Latha Gopakumar, the excerpt of which reads as under:-

Sub:-  Immediate implementation of unnecessarily long over-due Cadre Restructuring from back date/due date i.e. retrospective effect – Urge for.
                I am directed to refer to your letter no. J-MSA/Svy./29/2012 dated 06/08-11-2012 on the above subject and to say that the matter regarding cadre re-structuring is under process in this Department. The SOI has forwarded a single consolidated proposal for all the services/cadre in the SOI. Since there are complex issues involved particularly relating to various services/cadre, the same is to be examined in detail after getting all the points duly clarified by the SOI in a meeting proposed in this regard. The case will, therefore, be processed after taking into all the relevant facts in this regard.

2.         (i) It is not unknown to you and all others concerned in SOI & DST that Dr. I.D. Gaba, DRDS, Chief Human Resource Management, Ministry of Defence who was appointed as the Chairman of the Restructuring Committee, Survey of India had some round of discussions with us amongst other Organisations in SOI in 2002 & 2003 and ultimately submitted his report in 2003 which was learnt to have been satisfactory on the whole to our Organisation MSA. But instead of implementing Dr. Gaba’s (Labour Laws Specialist) Report in SOI Dr. P. Nag, the-then S.G, Shri S.P. Goel, DSG & Maj.Genl. M.V. Bhatt, Addl. S.G. had told with surprise and shock that Dr. Gaba’s Report was not needed to be implemented and, instead, they would not only plan but also effect/implement a far better Report of Restructuring/2nd Cadre Review than that of Dr. Gaba for Ministerial Cadres in particular very shortly, say, maximum within next two months. But nothing was done by that vested Group of Officers who had, in fact, knowingly murdered the on-going sweet dreams of Ministerial Cadres, albeit the benefits to be bestowed out of Dr. Gaba’s Report were assumed to be well within the limited resources considering various restraints of the Union Government. And, thereafter (in 2004), started the present issue of CADRE RESTRUCTURING  changing the Nomenclature of 2nd CADRE REVIEW for implementation of which we and our MSA have still been striving hard which is very much known to all concerned.

            (ii) Vide his letter No. J-13648/612-Class III dt. 06/07-12-2005 to the Secy. Genl, Class III SA , he had intimated that the  proposal was being finalised keeping in mind all aspects of discussion and points raised by Staff. When final draft would be prepared, may be by 15-12-2005, the information would be discussed.

             (iii) Vide his letter No. J-14325/612-Ministerial dt. 30-11-2006 to me and our Secy. General on the subject ‘ Implementation of Cadre Restructuring’ in the wake of MSA’s ‘Notice’ for agitational movements served upon the competent authorities the S.G. intimated  that the proposals had already been submitted to the Ministry of S & T and were still pending there.

              (iv) Vide your D.O Letter No. DST/Secy./522/2007 dt. 15-06-2007 under your own signature to me in acknowledging receipt of my letter for you under No. J-MSA/Svy./2007-09/02 dt. 31-05-2007 you had appreciated my sentiments expressed and told, interalia, the excerpt of which reads as “ Cadre Restructuring of any Government Department at this time would need to be in tune with the Pay Commission Report as you may know. I have requested my colleagues to deal with the matter as expeditiously as possible. Kindly coordinate with the Joint Secretary (Administration), Department of Science & Technology for further action. Best regards”.

              (v) In acknowledging receipt of letter dt. 17-03-2008 on the subject issue from Shri M.K. Pandhe, President, Centre of Indian Trade Unions, NewDelhi vide his D.O. Letter No. 5010/M/SC/ES dt. 16-05-2008 the Union Minister for Science & Technology and Earth Sciences Shri Kapil Sibal informed that as per intimation received from Ministry of Finance, GOI they were waiting for the 6th CPC Report which was under consideration of the Govt.

            (vi) Vide your DST’s letter to S.G. under No. SM/11/01/2008 dt. 03-06-2008 since handed over to our Secretary General in my presence through S.G’s letter No. J-7253/612-MSA of even date we were assured of vigorous persuasion of the Restructuring Proposals received at DST under SGO’s letter Nos. J-3198/612-Ministerial dt. 12-03-2008 and W-7009/709 – Strength dt. 15-05-2008 which were under examination & finalisation. The DST’s letter was signed by the Director Shri Navneet Verma.

            (vii) In reply to the Senior Leader & M.P.(Loksabha) Shri Vijay Bauguna’s D.O. Letter No. 241 dt. 09-05-2008 to him the Senior Union Minister of Sc. & Tech. and E.S. Shri Kapil Sibal vide his letter No. 853/VIP dt. 04-07-2008 replied to Shri Bahuguna that the Cadre Restructuring Proposals for Ministerial Staff had already been received from SOI and the same were under examination of the Ministry and, after finalization, the C.R. Proposals would be submitted to Min. of Finance.

       (viii) Vide his D.O. Letter No. 129/VIP/M/S&T&ES dt. 07-02-2009 to Shri M.K. Pandhe, President,Centre of Indian Trade Unions  our the-then Minister Shri Kapil Sibal while acknowledging receipt of  Shri Pandhe’s D.O. Letter dt. 05-01-2009 categorically told that the concerned Officer in the Ministry was being asked to expedite the C.R. matter.

            (ix) In quick succession, vide his letter dt. 27-02-2009, the Union Minister of Sc. & Tech . and E.S. Shri Kapil Sibal was pleased to inform Shri M.K. Pandhe, the CITU Leader that the C.R. Proposals had already been submitted to the Min. of Fin., Deptt. of Expenditure for their consideration as also that the outcome was still awaited therefrom.

              (x) Earlier, vide my detailed & important letter No. J-MSA/Svy/2007-09/41 dt. 30-06-2008 to the-then Hon’ble Cabinet secretary to GOI Dr. K.M. Chandrasekhar with copy endorsed to you & SG amongst others I had made the entire position explicitly clear and sought for his active intervention in the longpending vital issue aimed at earliest implementation.

            (xi) In the meeting between Officials & the Staff Side of MSA held at SGO on 13-11-2009  the Staff Side urged the Official Side for earliest implementation of C.R. as forwarded to DST by SG vide his No. J-3198/612-Ministerial dt. 12-03-2008 since approved by the Secretary, DST. In their reply the Official Side stated that the matter was still under consideration of the Administrative Ministry and efforts were being made for early approval. ( Minutes of the Meeting issued vide SG’s No. J-6247/612-Ministerial dt. 03-03-2010 refer ).

            (xii) In my detailed 3-paged letter to the – then Hon’ble Minister of State, MST&ES Shri Prithviraj Chauhan vide No. J-MSA/Svy/09/2010 dt. 06-07-2010 with copy to you, Hon’ble Cabinet secretary to GOI & SG amongst others and in our Secretary General, MSA’s detailed 4-paged letter( with enclosures ) to SG vide No. CHQ-117/MSA/2010 dt. 04-10-2010, in my letter to you vide No. J-MSA/Svy./13/2011 dt. 18-07-2011 with copy to Hon’ble Cabinet Secretary & S.G amongst others, in my letters to you with copies to others concerned vide Nos. J-S/Svy./25/2011 dt. 22-11-2011, J-MSA/Svy./02/2012 dt. 06-01-2012 & J-MSA/Svy./15/2012 dt. 14/16-06-2012 we had duly urged the competent authorities for implementation of the long-overdue C.R. in no time but in vain.

            (xiii) In reply to my letter No. J-MSA/Svy./09/2011 dt. 31-05-2011 on the subject issue the S.G. vide his No. W-12325/709-Cadre Rest. dt. 19-08-2011 informed me that the Restructuring Proposals of SOI were forwarded to DST vide his No. W-2260/709-Cadre Restructuring dt. 29-04-2011 as also that the DST had raised some observations vide their letter No. SM/11/03/2011 dt. 01-08-2011 and the revised proposals for Department’s n.a by rectifying the observations raised by the Deptt. were under progress.

(xiv) In reply to DST’s letter No. SM/11/03/2011 dt. 23-08-2011 it was informed to me by S.G that the C.R. Proposals of SOI had finally been submitted to the DST under SG’s No. W-14112/709-Cadre Rest. dt. 18-10-2011 and were under consideration of the Department.

(xv) In his letter No. Confd./Survey/2011 dt. 04-09-2011 to the-then Minister of Sc. & Tech., GOI Shri Vilasrao Deshmukh on the captioned subject “Inordinate delay in implementation of Cadre Restructuring for Groups B, C. & D in Survey of India –regarding” Shri A.B. Sen, Secretary General, Confederation of Audit & Accounts Employees’ & Officers’ Organisations had drawn the kind attention of the Hon’ble Minister to unprecedented delay in implementation of C.R in SOI and urged immediate initiation of C.R. in SOI. Shri Sen had enclosed a bunch of letters, containing 17 pages, written by the MSA, SOI for immediate attention of the Minister.

(xvi) In our 12th All India Conference held in Kolkata on 10th, 11th & 12th January, 2012 the entire issue of implementation of C.R. was discussed threadbare by the attending Delegates and a suitably strong Resolution (No.1) urging immediate implementation of the C.R. was unanimously passed by the House and sent by Fax as also by Post to all concerned right from Kolkata itself and, afterwards, from Dehradun (HQs) also.

(xvii) Vide DST’s letter No. SM/11/03/2011 dt. 12-07-2012 to me, signed by Shri G. Vijayaraghavan, Under Secretary it was informed that the Proposals for the C.R. of SOI were under examination in the Department and the suggestions made by me would be considered in terms of the existing instructions on restructuring.

(xviii) DST’s last or the latest letter for me vide No. SM/11/03/2011 dt. 23-11-2012, signed by Shri Latha Gopakumar, Under Secretary ---- Mentioned under Reference.

            3. Over and above what has been stated/explained in details in sub-paras (i) to (xviii) of Para 2 we from CHQs have, from time to time, adopted many other democratic/persuasive/trade union efforts and moves during all these Nine (9) years one after the other aimed honestly and sincerely at getting the needful done from the reluctant hands of the Departmental & Governmental Administrations at Dehradun & New Delhi respectively. But , despite all such endeavours from our ends, practically no useful water appears to have entered into the all-along deaf ears of the Administrations. It will be recalled in this connection that with the socalled Re-organisation of S.O.I on and from 19-12-2003 after switching over from erstwhile Circles/Directorates to GDCs the 2nd Cadre Review for Sr. Group “A” Officials was done/ implemented right from that very date by enhancing the number of Directors from 20/22 to 65 i.e as many as 3 times more than the existing ones. Dr. P Nag, S.G’s proposals were submitted to DST on 04-07-2003 vide No. T-8635/644-Restructuring since approved in toto by Sciencetech/ Government within only 28 days vide their reply-letter No. SM/011/001/2003 dt. 01-08-2003 . Again, in February, 2008, as per the-then SG’s proposals, 27 superanumerary posts of Additional SG (SAG – Level ) (24 from Army while 3 from Civilian ) were created. This also was done within one month from date of submission of SG’s proposals upto the date of implementation.

            4. In the light of the foregoings, therefore, I am to state that as a Member of DC(JCM) I will not write to you any further on the subject issue. Kindly try to make it a point to complete the on-going process with due celerity instead of expressing lip sympathies and giving vague assurances and implement the abnormally long-pending CR from its due date by the shortest possible period at DST-level itself; as , otherwise , I may be left with no other alternative but to challenge your willful procrastination in the Court of Law anytime within 1st Week of May,2013 or so without making any further reference. Kindly bear in mind that our patience and endurance have limit.It is pertinent to mention here that this instant burning issue was discussed threadbare at the   Central Executive Committee Meeting of our Association M.S.A at Bhubaneswar on 22nd and 23rd January,2013 and the Resolution unanimously adopted thereat has already been sent from our CHQs, Dehradun to all concerned. However, a copy of the said Resolution is being enclosed for your kind ready reference.
The receipt of this very important factual letter of mine may kindly be acknowledged.      
Thanking you in anticipations,
Enclo:- Resolution Dated. 23-01-2013 of                                      Yours faithfully                                 
            MSA’s CEC Meeting held at Bhubaneshwar
            on 22nd & 23rd Jan. 2013.
                                                                                                          ( T.D. BANERJEE )
                                                                                                Member, Depttl. Council (JCM)
                                                                                                ( Ministerial Staff Association)

Copy to :-        Shri S. Jaipal Reddy, Hon’ble Minister in-Charge, Ministry of Science & Technology and Earth Sciences , Govt. of India for kind information with the prayer for immediate active intervention in the matter so as to help implement the Cadre Restructuring since quite unnecessarily pending over more than long nine (9) years with the D.S.T. (By Registered Post.)

The Hon’ble Cabinet Secretary to Govt. of India (by Fax & by Regd. Post) for kind information with the request for similar action in the way as deemed conducive. Dr. Ramasami’s third-cum- final extension at the DST has expired on 31st March,2013 and he has, altogether, been in this Secretariat for nearabout seven (7) years at a stretch. So he should have got the long-overdue C.R implemented from its due date right at DST  level itself before expiry of his extended term 

The Surveyor General of India, Dehradun for kind information with request for immediate necessary action. As Supreme Head of the Department of S.O.I the Surveyor General of India cannot deny his responsibility. (By Registered Post.)

All Additional SGs & Directors of S.O.I for kind information.

All COBs & Branches of M.S.A., S.O.I for information with request for wide circulation of this very important letter among the members. The Branch Secretaries will, please, hand over a copy of this letter to the respective Addl. S.G.s/ Directors.


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