Immediate Implementation of unnecessarily long-overdue CADRE RESTRUCTURING from back date! due date i.e. retrospective effect — Urge for

Phone: Resi:-
Member, Departmental Council (JCM)
(from Ministerial Staff Association, Survey of India)


C/O-West Bengal & Sikkim GDC, 13, Wood Street, Kolkata:-700016 

No.J-MSA/Svy./29/2012 Dated : 05/08.11.2012

Most Important & Most Immediate 
By FAX / Speed Post 
Dr. T. Ramasami,
Hon'ble secretary to Govt. of India, Ministry of Science & Technology, 
Department of Science & Technology, Technology Bhavan, New Meherauli Road,
New Delhi — 110016.

( Kind Attentions of the Hontble Secretary,J.S.(A) & The Responsible U.S. of SMP Divn.,DST)
(Fax Nos.011-26863847/26862418/26515637) 

Sub: Immediate Implementation of unnecessarily long-overdue CADRE RESTRUCTURING from back date! due date i.e. retrospective effect — Urge for. 

Ref: My detailed & self-explanatory letter for your kindself sent by Fax iis also by Speed Post vide No..1- MSA/Syy./26/2012 of October 05th/8th, 2012 with copy to the Flonible Cabinet Secretary to GOI, the Surveyor General of India, All Addl. SGs & Directors of SOI amongst others.

Kindly refer to the contents of my above stated Fax & Speed Post Letter on the subject issue which was / is quite detailed, & self-explanatory one in all respects.

2. In the aforesaid letter of mine, it will be recalled, I had referred your letter for me vide No.SM/11/ 03/2011 ofiuly.12th, 2012 and requested / urged the DST's Administration in general and your kindself in particular for an immediate completion of the processing in hand, if any, and implementation of the unnecessarily as well as awfully / dubiously-delayed CADRE RESPRUCTURING ( which is, practically, our 2nd CADRE REVIEW) in no time from back date / due date i.e. retrospective effect (19.12.2003) at the DST- level itself imposing war-footing emergency on the entire things in order to help avoid further exasperation / unrest / frustration in the minds of our members, executives & COBs as also to avert the deal of reasonable precipitation of the situation in the days ahead coupled with other measures to be adopted by us for getting the immediate needful done.

3. But, in fact, neither the Hot-1'1)1e Secretary & it. Secy.(A) themselves nor any other responsible person / official in the SMP Division appear to have looked least serious in the long-overdue matter 'nor any positive reply stating / explaining the exact situation or development has since been intimated. Kindly, therefore, do the needful immediately and before it is too late. In this connection it is re-iterated that we had already demanded segregation of the Ministerial portion of the much-awaited CADRE RESTRUCTURING from the consolidated proposals to helf pacify the sentiment of the aggrieved Ministerial Cadre. Please, therefore, look into this matter seriously.


Yours faithfully,

(T.D. Banerjee)
Member, Departmental Council (JCM)
(from M.S.A., S.O.I.)

Copy (by Fax as also by Speed Post) submitted to: The Honible Cabinet Secretary to the Govt. of India, New Delhi for kind information with the request for his earliest necessary action.
Copy to: The S.G. / Addl. SGs / All Directors of S.O.I. for kind information & necessary action, please.
Copy to: All COBs & Branch Secretaries of MSA. SOI for information & wide circulation with the request to please hand over a copy of this letter to concerned Addl. SGs/Directors.


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